Three years.
It’s but a mere blink in time and yet it seems like an eternity.
When weren’t you here?
From the moment I knew you, before even a test could say that you were real.. I knew you and I loved you.
How can you love another as much as the first? This question haunted me and then before I could even put words to the feelings, you were here.
Beaten, bloody, bruised and swollen. A mere moment on my chest, a hello… a brief glimpse of bruises and swelling… a few quick pictures by your Daddy and then rushed off to have the fluid removed from your lungs, your breathing and vital signs monitored. I felt as though a part of me was missing…. 2 hours later, in the special nursery.. IΒ  held you and our hearts beat again as one, finally.

Monkey, 2 hours old

Sept 20th, 2006 at 12:26 PM 19 1/2″ long Β  7 lbs (after fluid 6 lbs)

With family looking on and smiling and snapping pictures… we were reunited.

My darling boy, you certainly know how to make an entrance.. whether it’s into the world, the room or headfirst into a bbq pit… you always leave a mark.

The joy you bring to our lives is immeasurable.. I can’t believe that I once questioned whether I would be able to love you as much as your sister… Silly Mommy.Β  Why didn’t I realize that love has no end and no limits?Β  Nothing changed, my heart shifted, stretched, expanded, swelled (much like the Grinch’s) and you nestled right in as though you’d always been there, perhaps… you had.Β  The moment you were born, I was filled with a sense of completion.. NOW all was right.Β  NOW our family was complete.. You were the part of the puzzle that we were waiting on, without even realizing it.

You scare the living daylights out of me.

You make me laugh until I cry.

You steal the breath from my body with your compassion.

You make me shake my fists at the sky with your stubbornness

Monkey.Β  I love you.Β  I am proud of you.

I am honored to be your Mom.

I hope that ‘fwee’ is an amazing year for you.

Monkey in Pink

I love you so much.Β  Thank you for driving me crazy, bringing me joy, making me laugh and teaching me so much about myself.




  1. Happy Birthday you little party animal! I wish you a day of frog-catching, nap-taking, frosting smothered fun that ends with you passed out in front of The Muppet Movie. Not to get overly specific πŸ™‚

    1. Okay.. do you have a camera on my house?
      yesterday.. he chased a frog… in an hour we’re going to start making the ice cream cone cupcakes and frosting and last night.. my mom, dad and I were TALKING ABOUT THE MUPPET MOVIE!!!!!!!

  2. Awww…happy third to your little man. May the joy he’s brought into your life grow exponentially with every year πŸ™‚

  3. SO sweet.

    Also? Hot pink totally brings out the color of his eyes. πŸ˜›
    .-= Loralee´s last blog ..Four Months =-.

  4. Happy Happy Birthday Monkey! You’re a big boy now!

    Rachel–He is foxy. And he is very lucky to have you as his Momma. Kisses to you all.
    .-= Shauna´s last blog ..Where playing musical beds has become an art form. =-.

  5. So cute! I am a mix of adoration for you and your monkey and desperately wanting a little monkey of my own!
    Easily the sweetest post of my morning!
    .-= misty´s last blog ..It’s beginning to look a lot like a GIVEAWAY… =-.

  6. Happy Birthday Monkey!!!! From an admiring fan.

    (Rachel, this is why I’ve stopped reading kid posts in the airport. sniff.)
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..MM – Angst =-.

  7. Awww, sweet post! And happy birthday…they grow so darn fast!

    No Mona to help celebrate the big day?? I’m making my rounds through the states…I’ll be back later to see what you did with her!!
    .-= Mama Kat´s last blog ..Dear Manele Bay =-.

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