I don’t know about y’all, but where I’m from Summer means bare feet


Sidewalk chalk


and dripping frozen goodness


Frozen treats just epitomize happy summer days, childhood and joy, don’t they?

The sticky fingers from melted popsicles, brain freezes and colored tongues – now, I’m sharing those same treats and memories with my own kids.

One of the coolest (heh) memories from this summer was Monkey reading the jokes from his Super-Hero Popsicle sticks.

There’s a slight possibility that Princess may have aided him a little in his reading, but the pride and joy and sparkling eyes that I saw when my sticky faced, happy little boy came running up to me to tell me his riddles with his rounded r’s — just melted my heart <3

(kinda like the popsicles in our 100+ Texas heat)

I don’t know what your favorite frozen treats are, but I can tell you my family’s:

Nathan – The original Fudgsicle

Princess – Oreo ice cream

Monkey – SuperHero Pops

For Me – well, I’ve recently discovered Magnum Dark and Magnum Mochaccino and um…  I don’t share.

I will tell y’all that the kids and I had an absolute blast freezing ourselves in the grocery store’s ice cream section with our coupons while desperately trying to decide which yummy treats from Breyer’s, Popsicle, Magnum, Good Humor and Klondike to try!

We bought Oreo ice cream for Princess – MOUNDS ice cream bars for Monkey and me, Magnum Dark Chocolate bars (ahem), Fudgesicles for Nathan and traditional Klondike bars for everyone…

come on.. sing it with me now.. “What would you do-oo-oo for a Klondike bar”

I had no idea there were so many yummy and new tantalizing treats from some of our old favorites!  If y’all haven’t visited your frozen treats section in your grocery store lately… you’re seriously missing out!

For the next few hours (ends Wednesday, Sept 19) You can enter to win daily coupons and a year’s worth of ice cream! from One2One Network’s Frozen Treat Social

This giveaway now closed.  Congratulations to Christina from Small Kitchen Chronicles for winning!

Now, I may not be giving away a year’s worth of ice cream, but I do have 5 Coupons from these marvelous frozen treats masters valued at $25 to give away to one of y’all!  Seriously, don’t let go of summer yet!!!  There’s always time for ice cream!

Want to win?  It’s easy!

Mandatory: Tell me your favorite Frozen Treats Memory(ies)

Bonus: What new (or new to you) flavor from one of those fabulous brands do you want to try most?

Bonus:Share this on any or all of your social networks and leave the url to your share in a comment

EACH entry must be left in a separate comment!

This giveaway open until 11:59 PM CST Sunday, September 23rd

This is a sponsored post from One2One Network. Product and additional incentives were provided to me. All opinions stated are my own.


  1. Every summer the ice cream truck would come in our neighborhood and we’d hear the song blaring. I can remember my heart start to race as we went to go beg mom for some cash to go get a popsicle. Then, we’d race our hearts out to try and catch it before it left our street. On the times when we caught it we were some happy sisters! All 4 of us! 😀

  2. I have a couple favorite memories…first, the memory of seeing my kids’ (I have four) delight the first time they tried a frozen treat. Their smile/reaction caused so much joy for everyone in the room.
    My second great memory is of the time I made an ice cream cake (using Dulce de Leche and Reese’s peanut butter cups) that everyone loved!
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. My favorite memory was making homemade ice cream on the back porch. As the churn got harder to turn, the more ecited we would get!

  4. Your post arrived after 6 pm on September 20th.

    My favorite ice cream treat as a kid was from the Good Humor Man … Toasted Almond Bars. But when I was a bit older I had several favorites – all from Gifford’s Ice Cream [a regional ice cream chain] Swiss Chocolate Sundae with Swiss Chocolate Ice Cream; Alpine Split – a banana split with swiss chocolate topping; and lemon custard ice cream. Yum!

  5. I remember meeting a new girl on the block from Ireland and my friends and I taking her to the drug store for ice cream. She had never had a Fudgsicle before and fell in love with them. Before she finished it, she had it all over her face and declared it was too lovely to wash off! What a funny memory looking back on it! My favorite was a Creamsicle or a malted milk cup, still love that orange and cream combo even if I haven’t had one in years,lol!

  6. Funny thing is I’m talking to two friends right now about Ice cream [butter pecan] and it’s hard for us to come up with one we don’t like. We’re thinking about taking our own poll and finding out which ones are the favorites for a ‘girl’s afternoon” we are planning. Should be fun.

  7. My favorite from childhood and now is the Nestle Drumstick. I only want the one with caramel in the middle! I would love to try Magnum’s ice cream. Yum!

  8. I always wanted the choco crunch bars!! They were the best! We would chase the ice cream truck down the street trying to jump onto the back bumper to hold on!!! When you buy them in the store it is just not the same!! I would always try to eat the chocolate crunchies on the outside first before the middle started to melt!!! Nothing taste sweeter, cooler and creamier then ice cream from the ice cream man!!!!

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