Tackle It Tuesday Meme

It’s time for another Tackle It Tuesday hosted by the fabulously talented women at 5 Minutes For Mom.

My tackle this week was my pantry. The state of my pantry was truly petrifying, it had me crawling up walls and clawing at my own eyes thoroughly frustrated and unable to find things.

The Petrifying Pantry

I chunked carefully placed all of the food items on the floor well above my toddler’s level and proceeded to scrub the heck out of the floors and shelves.
I then pulled my ever growing collection of cookbooks out of hiding and put them on the shelf at eye level: But Rachel, Why? Ah, good question dear reader. Because this way they are stored with the food and I’m constantly reminded that variety and garlic is the spice of life. I crack open a cookbook, get some inspiration and get to cooking tonguegasmically tantalizing and healthy(ish) meals for my family!
Then, I organized everything by ‘family’ and put my ‘tools’ on the top shelf out of monkey’s ever growing reach and placed kid approved snacks and cereal on the bottom shelf. The floor is reserved for large griddles, woks and cake carriers.

The Pretty Pantry

This whole project only took me about 3 hours, and that’s with Monkey’s really enthusiastic help.

My next project on the pantry is to add a knob to the other side of the door and then use a sliding lock to keep the heathens Monkey and Princess out of the goodies.

Do you have a home improvement or cleaning project around the house that you’ve been putting off? Pop over to 5 Minutes for Mom and get some inspiration. Then Tackle your own project and join in the fun!


  1. It looks awesome! Love the before and after pics. Every pantry deserves a pimpin’. πŸ™‚

  2. Good Job!! One of these days, I’ll get around to cleaning mine. Here’s an idea- Why don’t you come to Nashville, and show me how it’s done.

  3. totally a great idea to put your cookbooks in the pantry. btw, you have lots of cookbooks. πŸ™‚

    great job!

  4. WTG! What a pretty pantry. I am envious..,. perhaps that means I need to clean out mine. πŸ˜‰

  5. WOW.

    If, um, you ae on a roll, you are more than welcome to come and tackle MY pantry πŸ˜‰

  6. Can I take some of your organization skills? I’m totally lacking! Looks great – and smart idea having other items out of the little one’s reach πŸ˜‰

  7. It ate my comment. Sigh.

    Your pantry is HUGE. And, looks divine.

    No wonder you own a bunt pan. Check out that collection of cookbooks!

  8. Can you come over and make my kitchen pantry look nice too? My Tackle It Tuesday chore was to complete the weeding in the front yard. Had three little helpers that made the job alot harder…but it looks alot better.

    Hope you had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

  9. Dude.

    First the yard and now this?!

    I cannot keep up with you. In fact, just thinking of my pantry and its current state sort of makes me want to curl up in my bed with a vat of cookie dough.

  10. Whoa! You did a fabulous job πŸ™‚ My pantry is also in need of an overhaul. I’m a bit afraid to see what I have lurking back in there…

  11. Okaaaay…but I just don’t see how anyone can inspire be enough to clean the basement.

    I am jealous of your pretty pantry, though. Almost makes me want to rearrange my cabinets. Almost. πŸ˜‰

  12. That before picture is a picture of my own pantry. Yikes. Now I’ve been shamed and need to do some cleaning.

  13. Wow! That’s quite a feat! You don’t even want to see my pantry! You’ve inspired me, though. You might just see me at next week’s Tackle it Tuesday.

  14. My pantry and I aren’t speaking.

    I keep organizing it and my kids keep ripping it apart.

    I have now given up.

  15. I painted three outdoor benches today when I should have been inside straightening/organizing my pantry – which is always a mess. Yours looks GREAT!

    Have a good evening – see you – Kellan

  16. Okay, I took a break from blogging this week. I just caught up. All I can say is this,

    could you please come to my house and clean my pantry, cook for me, paint my nails, and write me haikus. Seriously, I’ll pay for gas.

    You are such a rockstar!

Talk to me!

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