Just a little fun from my two favorite boys.
We’re on the road today headed towards my brother’s wedding!!!  He’s getting married at the Waco Zoo tomorrow.  I’m SO excited!


What Friday Fun do y’all have to share?  I’d love to hear it.

and don’t forget about Deanna’s Food Foto Friday


  1. Our weekend is actually pretty free so that makes me happy! We’re definitely going to a play group at a playground tomorrow morning, but other than that it’s up in the air. We might visit an airplane museum or visit one of the universities nearby for some sight seeing.

  2. I’ve always wanted to go to a wedding at a zoo, because I’m really curious to see how they set everything up in terms of decor and so forth. It seems like it would be a really cool experience. My weekend plans include baking and cleaning my blinds (not simultaneously, thankfully).

    I hope you have a blast tomorrow!

  3. I’m having lots of Friday fun and weekend fun with one of my grand-daughters here. Enjoy your brother’s wedding and best wishes to him and his bride!

  4. I LOVE the Waco zoo. We take our daughter there all the time. I grew up in Waco and moved back after college. It is a wonderful community and has all kinds of stuff fo families to do on the weekend. I hope you enjoyed your time here.

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