Haiku Friday

More haiku poetry can be found at the fabulous Mommystory’s blog or the wonderful Jennifer’s blog

Photoshop secrets
I want to learn everything
Cropping, Coloring

NapWarden learned them
Fussy, the photoshop queen
soon that will be me

Colors I will change
Pictures shall be my playground
Your tricks I will learn

What is a haiku you query? The answer can be found here

To play along, get the code here, write your ku and then go visit other ku’ers.


  1. I keep commenting in the wrong darn account. Drat!

    When you learn, pass your info along. I’m in the same boat.

    Oh, and I so DID NOT paint that mural. PBK did. I just purchased it!

  2. I’m still learning, but my favorite thing is adjusting the colors and contours of photos. You can make an ok picture just POP! Good luck, friend!


  3. another great “ku” for you. I can’t wait to see what wonders you work when you become the ol’ mighty master of photoshop!

  4. I think pretty much everybody got PhotoShop for Christmas but me. Oh well, I’ll just sit and play with my cheap knockoffs. It’s kind of sad, really.

    Happy learning!

  5. Hey, let me know if you need any help. It is a huge program. I have only scratched the surface of it. Next up for me…moveable text!

  6. I really should learn photoshop too. I have no idea and I’m afraid it will really slow up my computer.
    Good luck, and keep us posted!

  7. Have fun with Photoshop! I’m still only using Paint Shop Pro from about five years ago….and I *still* haven’t unlocked all of its secrets. I think I’ll be getting the latest photoshop when I get another laptop this spring.

  8. Dude, I’ve got PS CS2 and use the crap out of it for my photos… But I’m always the oddball in the crowd who still clings to Fireworks. 🙂

  9. Photoshop scares me I’ll wholeheartedly admit it! I tinker around with graphics, but I also wish I could do more. If I could have gone into something besides print journalism in college it would have been photography or graphic design.

    By the way, that Snowy Days button looks fabulous! 😉

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