Fourth of July is just around the corner and because I love y’all, and I needed a place for all my Fourth of July Menu Ideas…

I give y’all…



In the ‘Good ol’ US of A’  the 4th of July is a day for beverages, barbecues, fireworks and celebration.

Here’s a bit of 4th of July menu inspiration for y’all.  Courtesy of Pinterest and a few of my favorite blogs.










burgers on the grill


The Real Deal

aka… the main attraction…





confetti salad








Need Even More Recipe Ideas?

and for my Keto friends

20+ recipes for eating keto at cookouts

20 Recipes for Staying Keto at Summer Cookouts and BBQs


Hope y’all are staying safe and healthy this 4th of July!!  Are you trying new recipes, breaking out tried and true family recipes or have you been inspired by something you’ve seen today?


  1. So many great ideas! I think I see those margaritas in my future for sure 🙂 and the marshmallow pops… My kid will LOVE those. Will definitely be adding some of these to our menu.

  2. Planning the food is always the best part of a holiday isn’t it? Love this lineup, especially that corn salad, I am obsessed with corn right now! And those marshmallow pops are adorable!

    Thanks so much for including my slaw and sangria!! Happy Fourth of July to you my friend! xo

  3. Love to know your plans in this month of July. I love your menu ideas and all the foods are tasty and looks delicious. The chicken wings barbecue is my favorite. Love it.

  4. Cooking new recipes are really one of my past time and I think your July recipes are very great choice to make. I will try some of your recipes.

  5. You make me hungry on your new list of perfect foods. Everything is available here already. It is very nice to make these all. I would love to make it these for my family.

  6. I love these recipes and I barely want to eat this sweet and spicy grilled chicken. It looks so yummy by just looking on the photos. I can eat many of this recipe.

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