I We have a friend.  A woman whose fiery hair is a mere hint of the fire that lies within her heart.

The passion and strength of her love for her friends and family is awe inspiring.

The sound of her laughter draws people in.

The smile on her lips enchants you and the wicked twinkle in her eyes intrigues.

This special, beautiful woman has recently been devastated

What follows is a collaboration of love from across the country the world.  A compilation of love from friends far and near.

A reminder for Piper, that she is loved.  She is THE Piper of Love

Piper, you inspire us and we want to remind you that YOU are LOVED in return.

If you are posting the video on your blog, are in the video or have written a post of love for our girl, Piper of Love, please leave your name and url in the linky. This linky will update on multiple sites and spread the love for Piper even further.

I am so blessed to among this amazing group, thank you!!


  1. Rachel, I hope your friend finds her way through whatever pain she is in. You are a great friend to support her when she needs it most. : )
    .-= Kim´s most recent blog ..Wondering…. =-.

  2. You both were some of my very first friends in blog. And now in real life. Much love. This is a crazy awesome thing we ALL got. Together.
    .-= BusyDad´s most recent blog ..To Rock =-.

  3. Thank you soooo much for putting this together Rachel; you did a great job!

    Piper, I love you! HUGS!!!!

  4. Rachel!!

    I’m speechless… I can’t believe you did this for me. I can’t believe EVERYONE did this for me. This video is so fantastic. I feel so special!

    You’ve blessed me beyond measure. Thank you <33
    .-= Piper of Love´s most recent blog ..Summing it up =-.

    1. You ARE so special.
      The response to this was huge. You are sooo loved by soo many, Piper.
      Our hope was that this would be a daily reminder of that. It’s yours to watch whenever you want, as many times as you want.

      The heart of our community is beating for you, honey.

  5. I am just in love with this video. My gosh, she is just beautiful as are all of you.
    .-= mel´s most recent blog ..Stuck =-.

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