I can’t believe it’s here; your last day of kindergarten.
It seems like just yesterday that I wrote this post about your first day of kindergarten.

You have grown and changed so much this year, experienced so many milestones:

  • learned to read (and holy cow do you read! I think you read better than your Daddy)
  • lost your first two teeth
  • made new friends
  • learned to ride a bike without training wheels
  • learned addition and subtraction
  • navigated a confusing elementary school all by yourself

There are so many more things that you’ve accomplished this year and I foresee so many more in your future.

My love, my daughter, my first born… we could not be more proud of you.

Kindergarten from Rachel – A Southern Fairytale on Vimeo.


  1. Great … now I’m crying at work. I have a daughter in kindergarten as well. It’s the sweetest age. I’ve loved every minute of her year.

    Congratulations to your daughter! She’s beautiful 🙂
    .-= Stephanie Click´s most recent blog ..Fashion Haul Gymboree =-.

  2. What a lucky daughter you have.
    .-= Hollee Temple´s most recent blog ..TGIFive-Bite Friday: “Final Stretch” Edition =-.

  3. Wow, our first year is almost up too.

    Simply amazing how much those teachers change in just one year!
    .-= Hockeymandad´s most recent blog ..Ouch! =-.

    1. Awe.. it’s exciting and a little sad all at the same time.
      She LOVED kinder and her teacher was (is) the most amazing woman. I would be in Heaven if she could move up with her.
      I don’t think she changed that much.. I think it’s more she colored her hair darker and the lighting was really bad. I didn’t have my external flash with me.

  4. I really love the video, you did a great job with a great subject. I also loved the call from the graduate. Sorry we couldn’t be there for the big event.

    1. Thank you, Dad 😉 She is SO proud and excited!
      I wish y’all could have been, too. But, y’all will be there for other things 🙂 xoxo <3

  5. Wow, her TEACHER sure did change a lot in one school year! I don’t remember that happening when I was in school. As much as your daughter changed and grew, aren’t you glad she didn’t change as drastically as her teacher? 😉
    .-= Chick Hatchers´s most recent blog ..Things kids say and hear =-.

    1. I don’t think her teacher changed that much 😉 I think it was more a new haircolor and really bad lighting 😉

      I wish her teacher could go with her to First Grade. She’s SUCH an amazing lady 😉

      1. Really? It’s the same person in both pictures? The second one looked shorter, too. I guess it was just the angle and the lighting. I’m glad she had such a great teacher that you wish she could bring her to 1st grade! I hope her first grade teacher is just as good or better! Teachers are amazing people and they have such a huge responsibility. You’re a good mom to notice the differences in your daughter and the influence her teacher has. (Not to mention the role you played in all that growth!)
        .-= Chick Hatchers´s most recent blog ..Things kids say and hear =-.

        1. I think it’s just how much my daughter grew this year 😉 I think she sprouted 4 inches!!!

          Teachers are amazing people! I love to hear others say that, too.

          Thank you! (hugs)

  6. I found your site because my blog is about fairy tales (like “Cinderella”).
    Our sites may be very different, but we both love family and food — and my mom is a great Charleston cook.
    I’m adding you to my blog list and will keep coming back for your awesome recipes.
    PS: My daughter is 25. But I remember her in kindergarten, and in college, and walking down the aisle. You have wonderful times ahead of you!
    .-= Katew´s most recent blog ..We’ve Got A Giveaway At Diamonds and Toads! =-.

  7. Hi sweetie! I got the tea for your donughts in my linked article. Thanks again for sharing your space!
    .-= Oystergirl@A Moderate Life´s most recent blog ..Two for Tuesday! Short but sweet water recipes for good health! =-.

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