One Year ago, April 7th, 2009 one family’s life was changed forever by the loss of their beautiful, giggling daughter, Maddie.

One year ago, the internet showed itself in a way that left many speechless, more in tears and thousands upon thousands of dollars donated in honor and memory of this one little girl.  The internet turned purple, thousands of people walked and millions of eyes were opened to The March of Dimes and the fight of Premature Babies.

One small girl left one very large legacy.

Today, in honor of Maddie’s laughing eyes and infectious giggle purple flowers are being planted all around the country, possibly the world.

Today, I’ll plant these in my garden purple flowers

Today, I’ll paint my toenails purple.

Today, I‘ll sponsor sponsored a NICU pack, you should too.

Today, I’ll hug a little longer and I’ll take a moment to say a prayer for one of the most amazing Angels I never met, and I’ll say a prayer for her parents, two of the most amazing people I have met and for her baby sister Annie, whom I hope to meet.


Maddie, you are so loved.

Heather, Mike, Annie and Rigby;  My heart, my love, my prayers

You can sign up for a walk here

You can watch Heather and Mike’s speech at last year’s walk here

You can read more tributes to Maddie over at Aiming Low


  1. Your heart is so big… I admire you for that. I am going purple today too. Thanks for the reminder. BTW, I made your bourbon ham… Oh my!!!! Delicious.

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