Hard to believe that Six Weeks have come and gone and the Meal Maker Challenge is over!

Over the past 6 weeks I’ve shared some recipes to make back to school lunches, snacks and meals easier, I’ve given some HEB/ConAgra goodie packs away and I’ve challenged myself and y’all to use more coupons.

Let’s re-cap:

meal maker challenge

Week One: Roasted Honey Garlic Lime Chicken

Week Two: Hot Dog KaBobs

Week Three: CrockPot Ro*Tel Shredded Chicken

Week Four:  Diced Tomato and Fresh Basil Pasta Sauce

Week Five: Back To School Snack Ideas

I thought I’d show y’all what a couple of the other participants made with their Combo Loco Deals:

  • One of the other bloggers, who is also one of my favorite people in the world shared a pretty spectacular recipe as part of her meal maker challenge and I have to tell y’all, these Fancy Barbecue Sandwiches from DamnTexasHolly are pretty tonguegasmic looking.
  • The adorable Rachel, from Following In My Shoes (who won one of the $500 shopping sprees to HEB {CONGRATS!!}) posted this delicious roasted tomato and artichoke pasta.

The Challenge may be officially over but my kids and I are completely head over flip-flops and cowboy boots for those little yellow coupons sprinkling the aisles of our local HEB.  So, I’ll continue my coupon games and fixing healthy, fun, REAL food that my family will enjoy and hopefully y’all will, too!

So, here it is.. the LAST giveaway!

HEB Prize Pack Photos 005

TWO of y’all will win ONE of these HEB/ConAgra goodie bags!

$25 HEB gift card and $25 worth of ConAgra products!  $50 VALUE!

  • Leave a comment on this post: favorite coupon tips, favorite quick go to snack, meal, best back to school tips.  Any of the above will garner you an entry.
  • Open from NOW until 11 PM CST TODAY, Sept 1st, 2010

CONGRATULATIONS to Nichole and Jennifer for winning!


  1. This one’s obvious, but it really does make a big difference around here. Don’t rush your kids. I think my kids should be able to get ready in 45 minutes. They can’t. It doesn’t matter that I think they should be able to, what matters is them being able to get ready without feeling rushed or nagged at or yelling or whatever. So, if you see that happening, or if they’re forgetting things, set that alarm 5 minutes earlier, if that doesn’t work, 5 minutes earlier still. It doesn’t matter how long it takes for everything to come together in the morning, what matters is what the atmosphere’s like. The living is what counts.

  2. RACHEL…I cut coupons the other day for the first time ever in my 11 year marriage. I didn’t even know people still used coupons! Anyways, I’ve cut ’em out, organized ’em and I’m ready to go shopping! I’m just nervous I might get DENIED! LOL!

  3. My favorite meal right now is breakfast. Since I’m pregnant, I can’t seem to get enough of it. In the mornings, my husband makes me a breakfast sandwich and sometimes pancakes too. He’s the best!

  4. My favorite go-to easy dinner is shrimp sauteed in olive oil with some garlic, salt, pepper, and paprika. Serve it with rice. I think the rice sometimes takes longer than cooking the shrimp! (BTW, I buy both the pre-cooked and cooked versions of shelled, deveined shrimp; both are easy to thaw under cold water and cook/warm-up fast!)

  5. One of my favorite quick snacks is a tortilla covered in pizza sauce and shredded cheese. Pop that sucker in the microwave for about 30 seconds, or just long enough to melt the cheese. Yum.

  6. My coupon tip, is to actually look at the product -and price of the product- that you are buying. Many times people look at a coupon – for example, something that is $1 off – and automatically think it is a better deal than anything else. Compare prices, compare products, and make sure you are still getting what you really wanted, and will actually use. Just becuase you are using a coupon doesn’t make it the best deal.

  7. My best advice is to check your local Sunday paper for coupons then try to shop that week. It never fails, at least at my HEB, that if a coupon goes out in the paper the store will ALSO be running a sale on the item. Which means greater savings. If it’s a non perishable item or something you can freeze it’s better to go ahead and buy it right away instead of holding on to the coupon till you need it. Just make sure you don’t fall into the “I have a coupon so I’m going to buy something I don’t need” trap. Then you end up with a pound of watermelon flavored cheese, or something just as weird, sitting and rotting in your fridge. 😉

  8. we love for a quick snack, cheese in a tortilla put it in the microwave for 15-25 sec. and let cool then eat yummy!!

  9. My favorite go-to meal is quesadillas. I put whatever meat I have left over in the fridge, cheese, sometimes BBQ sauce, and we’re good to go. And if I don’t have any meat? Just cheese is fine, too!

  10. Quick Zesty Summer salad:
    Shrimp,avocado,red onion,cucumber,tomatoes,Lemon,Zesty cocktail sauce, Zesty Italian dressing. Easy and delicious.

  11. My couponing tip is to find a BJ’s wholesale club and use your coupons there! Many people don’t know that they accept coupons for each item that is individually packaged and has a UPC label on each package. For instance, if a package of paper towels has 12 rolls and they are individually wrapped with a UPC, I can use 12 coupons. Or a pack of toilet paper that has 5 6-roll packs inside, I can use 5 coupons. Although I have to drive 45 minutes to get there, it is worth it to go every 6 weeks and get toilet paper, paper towels, toilet cleaner, and laundry detergant.

  12. My favorite couponing tip is to meal plan around your weekly grocery ads & high-value coupons before you shop so that you actually USE whatever you think is such a great deal. My favorite site for doing this is Allrecipes.com — the search by ingredient is something I use regularly.

  13. Let the kids know the expectations in getting ready for school in the morning. I made a “Morning Routine” and a “Night Routine” chart for our fridge this summer, with the 8 things they need to do before school or bed. We were always getting upset last year for forgetting to grab lunch, brushing teeth, etc. BUT, having a routine and a list of what is expected has helped. Bonus: Once they get the morning routine done, they get free time until it’s time to leave and at night, we play a family game for those who finish.

    It’s made mornings so much nicer!

  14. The tip that’s helped us the most with getting mom ready for back to school and having more time with the family is to double-up my dinner recipes and save half of it for the freezer. When we have an especially busy day, I pop the extra meatloaf or casserole, etc., that I froze a week or two beforehand to use for supper that night. We still have a wholesome, home-cooked meal, less dishes, and more time for things like homework and just plain, good ‘ole family time!

    Angela Fox

  15. My favorite quick meal are quesadillas. Seems to be a popular one, but you can throw pretty much anything in a tortilla and they’re so good! 🙂

  16. I have to laugh at the comment about not cutting coupons.. that was me until a month ago.. I cannot believe how much money I save now.. LOL I use thegrocerygame.com it is great in pointing me where to go… because i need all the help I can get.. lol


  17. 6 can chicken soup is our go to meal. Just combine and heat
    1 can cream of chicken
    1 can chicken broth
    1 can black beans, don’t drain
    1 can corn, drain
    1 can diced tomatoes (drain and puree so my kids don’t know tomatoes are in it 🙂
    1 can diced chicken

    Top with cheese and tortilla chips.

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