I’ve mentioned before that I’m a Child Hunger Ends Here Ambassador


 I’ve talked about my trip to the Los Angeles Area Regional Food Bank and meeting Jewel, I’ve talked about Feeding America and I’ve told y’all about the push pin codes on ConAgra products and how each code = 1 meal.

I’ve shared statistics with y’all about how many children go hungry every day, how many miss meals and also, how many children in America only get one solid meal a day … at school.

While I was looking at the Child Hunger Ends Here website today, I saw something pretty cool.

A feature about schools who hold fundraisers not to raise money for more updated equipment for their classrooms, or a new playground, but schools who held fundraisers to feed their community.

One school held a ‘Schools Fight Hunger Foods Collection” drive with a goal of 1200 lbs of food collected.

They blew their goal out of the water by collecting 2000 lbs of food!


Not only did the students earn a PJ Day at school, they learned about giving back to their community.  They learned to look outside of themselves and they learned that even one person can make a difference.

I love this idea.

I love the idea of a fundraiser that benefits the community by feeding the community.

I know how much fundraisers mean to schools, I know how much they can use the funds to purchase equipment and support the teachers and benefit the students.. but how amazing to take this opportunity to feed not only the student’s minds, but their bodies and those of their families, too.

If you want to learn more about these fundraisers, check out the Child Hunger Ends Here website



I’m a Child Hunger Ends Here Ambassador working with ConAgra Foods to spread the word about their Child Hunger Ends Here program.  I have been compensated for my participation as an Ambassador.



  1. My son’s elementary school had a food drive last year. Each grade was assigned a different type of food item. Breakfast foods, canned/boxed dinners, staples, meats/proteins, fruits & veggies, etc. One family put together packs of beans and rice along with a printed sheet with instructions for 10 different meals to make with them. I loved that idea!

    The kids had fun competing, and the winning grade had a pajama day to celebrate.

  2. Awesome!

    My school does a lot of work with the Houston Food Bank (I just went there recently with my staff). It’s so important to 1) teach students the value of service and 2) make sure (or do our best) that people do not go hungry.

    Although our recent trip reminded me of how sad it is that so much of the food that is donated (well, like the typical American diet) is so bad for people (which makes sense – packaged products). But I guess bad food is better than no food. Hmm, I wish there was a better way!


  3. You did a great job. Your idea could definitely help a lot of individuals. I hope you will successful in your feeding through fundraising. A lot of people will benefit on your fundraising.

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