For many, summer is a time for swimming pools, family vacations, relaxed habits and decadence…


It’s a time to experiment with recipes and treats

But for many children across the country, it’s the time of year when they have the least to eat.

For many children across America, the only time they eat more than once a day is during school.

Now that it’s summer, thousands of kids across the ‘richest nation in the world’ are going without.

I bet you’re thinking that this doesn’t apply to kids that you know, or kids that your children know.

You’re wrong.

A new study released today by Feeding America® shows that children continue to struggle with hunger in every county in the nation. More than 1,000 counties have more than one in four children who are at risk of hunger.


  • Zavala, Texas has the highest rate of food insecurity in the nation with nearly half of the children there at risk of hunger.
  • Child food insecurity is more pervasive in rural counties; 61 percent of high child food insecurity counties are considered rural.
  • There are more than 640,000 food insecure children in Los Angeles County.

As a parent, I can’t imagine not being able to provide for my children… but for many, that is a daily reality…

You can make a difference.
I can make a difference through small actions.

Find and donate to your local food bank.

Purchase ConAgra products that have the Child Hunger Ends Here logo and code.

Go through your pantry.

I bet you have 5 cans or boxes of food that you could donate and never miss…

The next time your daughter/son invites a friend over, look into their eyes… it could be them, just as easily as it could be your own child.

I’m a Child Hunger Ends Here ambassador, As an ambassador, I have been compensated for time and participation in certain programs and actions.. This post has been compensated, however my passion for this project cannot be bought or paid for. DO SOMETHING by clicking the links provided. Visit your local food bank. DONATE at your local store. EDUCATE your family. NEVER make assumptions.


  1. The news is true. Kids in some parts of the countries are suffering hunger since their parents couldn’t support their daily foods. This is very drastic to the kids experiencing this one; however, how could a government solve this issue.

  2. Thanks for sharing the news. Government need to find solution on this problem. These kids are experiencing hunger which not good for them to take. I feel pity on these kids that couldn’t eat exactly 3 times a day.

  3. Thanks for the news. Nowadays, there are already a lot of young people experiencing hunger for such reason that their parents don’t have the skill to find right living and to provide foods for their kids. This is very terrible condition and the government must need to seek solution to this issue.

  4. We must feel pity to children who can’t eat complete three meals a day so we must make campaign for this so that we can be able to solve this sort of problem. In addition, the government should look for the possible solution on this scarcity of foods.

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