A lightly seasoned, seared filet mignon with grilled veggies is a delicious treat for Father’s Day, or any day.  Thank you to The Kansas City Steak Company for partnering with A Southern Fairytale and sponsoring this post and giveaway.

I cooked and ate that bacon wrapped filet right there, and just looking at that picture of that gorgeous bacon wrapped filet searing on my grill makes my mouth water and I have an overwhelming desire to cook another one.

bacon wrapped kansas city signature bacon wrapped filet

Growing up, if my dad was grilling steaks, they were bacon wrapped filets which means that I have a long standing, deep rooted love for bacon wrapped filets.  Actually, I pretty much just love steaks:  strips, ribeyes, sirloins, filets, porterhouse.. I could wax poetic about steaks, y’all.  Whether it’s grilled steaks with cilantro lime butter,  Marinated Steak Sandwiches with Red Pepper Basil Mayo, or Tipsy Beef and Veggie Skewers.  I’m of the belief that you just can’t go wrong with a good steak.

The Kansas City Steak Company reached out to see if I wanted to partner with them to celebrate Father’s Day with a giveaway, and of course my answer was an immediate and enthusiastic yes! 

When it comes to cooking steaks around here there’s no ‘usual’ or routine; we like to mix it up. We cook our steaks over gas, charcoal, grated grills, flattop grills, open flames, in a cast iron skillet; you name it, we’ll try it. Our seasonings vary almost as much – sometimes we leave them naked, other times it’s with just a hint of garlic, salt, and pepper, occasionally there’s bourbon, sometimes there’s butter (let’s be honest,usually there’s butter), rosemary, and blue cheese; Nathan also likes to create wild and crazy seasoning combinations from my door of spices. 

However, when The Kansas City Steak Company sends you their steaks with their Original Seasoning packet – you use that, and then you fall in love with it and you give thanks that you seasoned your grilled veggies with it, too!

Kansas City Steaks Original Steak Seasoning

It was so good, y’all!  First off, the seasoning is simple, but delicious and the quality of the steaks – they melted in our mouths and we could have cut them with a butter knife.  I received The Big Daddy Combo (a $175 combo), which includes ribeyes, filets, and strips, but it came right before we were leaving town, so I immediately put the boxes of steaks in our freezer to save for later.  My parents came to visit and my dad went into the freezer to get some ice, he looked down, looked up, looked down, looked at me and asked who loved me enough to send me The Kansas City Steak Company steaks 🙂 🙂 <3  

Pictured below is Nathan’s Kansas City Strip with grilled veggies and a sweet potato with chipotle butter  – YUM, y’all!

seared kansas city new york strip

I followed the instructions on the back of the seasoning packet and seared the outside of the steaks on my flattop first, and then moved them to a lower heat to finish cooking, and they were absolute perfection, y’all.  The seasoning packet offers the times for cooking, but  I always use my favorite meat thermometer to temp meat; back in my restaurant days I used the finger test to check doneness, but I’m getting older and forgetful, so I’m all about temping over timing .

The Kansas City Steak Company seasoning packet instruction

The steaks were perfection y’all.  Nathan and I prefer our steaks medium-rare, so the steaks were ready in under 15 minutes, including rest time!  The steaks were waiting on the veggies to finish!

The Kansas City Steak Company Bacon Wrapped Filet cooked Medium Rare

We’re spending this Father’s Day celebrating my Dad and Nathan with my parents, brothers, and my sister-in-law.  We’ll be doing a lot of grilling, eating, and laughing; and in honor of Father’s Day and all the wonderful Father figures; The Kansas City Steak Company is offering a giveaway to readers of A Southern Fairytale.  One very lucky reader is going to win 4 (6-oz) filets Valued at $75!!  A huge thank you to The Kansas City Steak Company!

You can enter by using the easy rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Thank you to each of you, and to the sponsors, like The Kansas City Steak Company, who help make A Southern Fairytale possible.  This post may contain affiliate links and if you click on those links and make a purchase, I will receive a small percentage of your purchase price, and it doesn’t cost you any extra, but helps keep A Southern Fairytale running. 



  1. One of my favorite memories of my Dad was when he would take us camping. Still to this day some of the best food I’ve eaten was the steaks and tri-tip he would cook on our camping trips.

    My favorite memory is when my Dad used to take me to the creek near us so I could catch pollywogs and other critters.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  3. One of my favorite memories of my Dad is tossing the football after dinner. My Dad and I share the love of football, he taught me to appreciate the game. 🙂

  4. My favorite memory of my Dad is fishing together off my grandparent’s dock. He would get so excited when I would catch a fish!

  5. When my father was diagnosed with terminal cancer, my daughter, husband and I took him on an 8 day bucket list trip to see the states that he hadn’t been to. It was a wonderful time and many precious memories. We lost him 2 months later.

  6. Most favored memory was when he stayed with me from beginning to end in the birth of my first son. He was my stepdad. He took in Mom and us 3 children loved us as his own and loved our Mother

  7. Yum! They look so delicious!
    My fave memory of my Dad is when he’d take me & my brother fishing when we were kids! Fun times!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Joey J.

  8. Camping with the whole family at Yellowstone National Park is one of my favorite memories of my Dad. We got to spend a lot of time with him where he taught us a ton of cool stuff that gave us all a life long love of camping and the outdoors.

  9. Growing up, my dad took us on adventures every Sunday – he called it a ‘Ride in the Woods’ and we’d always end up someplace yummy. I just got back from visiting him today. Times have changed and he hasn’t been able to drive for years, but the memories we all have are priceless.

  10. My favorite of my Dad was Christmas morning as a kid. Dad made sure we had wonderful presents, went to church as a family and wonderful sit down dinner with laughter and fun.

  11. All the memories of my Daddy are precious but I think my favorite is our trip to The Smokey Mountains. He was so proud to introduce us girls to the REAL U.S. he acted like a kid himself by rolling up his pant legs and wading in a rapid running stream. (We were fortunate enough to even see a wild black bear!)

  12. Loved Dad talking about when he was a boy — great stories about growing up during the Depression & serving as a young officer during WWII

  13. One of my favorite memories is my Dad teaching my brothers and I about repairing cars. He included anyone who wanted to learn – boys, girls and even the neighbors.

  14. One of my favorite memories is when I was 10 and Dad came into my bedroom to tell me we were moving to Venezuela for 2 years. My response was immediate. I was not living in a thatched room hut, lol!! We had been studying that in school. Still so funny.

  15. My Dad took my brother, me and a friend fishing at the river. We were fishing off the bank, when she slipped and fell in. She was pretty panicked. My Dad started laughing and said, “just stand up, the water is only about 2 foot deep”. We laughed so hard, we cried.

  16. My Dad died when I was real young, but I do have a few memories. One is, I call the hot dog memory. He asked if I wanted another hot dog and I said no, he asked if I was sure and I said no again. He explained to me what I was saying wrong.

  17. I have so many good memories of my Dad.I guess the one
    that stands out most is him teaching me to drive a stick shift in
    his prized Willy’s Jeep.I can still see his face as I would grind the
    gears.I loved my Dad so very much and Miss hime everyday.

  18. One of my strongest memories is Dad waiting at the school bus stop to pick up my siblings and me at the end of the day when the weather turned frigid. When we entered the door, Mom would have a pot of soup and an iron skillet of cornbread straight out of the oven ready for our cold hungry tummies.

  19. My dad took us camping every summer and always was so much fun. He loved his kids and never failed to be there when we needed him. He has been gone nearly 20 years, and I miss him every single day.

  20. I remember for a while he was raising sheep and we used to get to help bottle feed the babies, and one day a lamb needed to go to the vet so I held her in my lap in the front of my dad’s pickup while we drove into town.

  21. Camping with just my dad and I! One time we found the old tied together log raft that him and his brothers made to be used on a lake; then I found it again when I was 5 yrs. old and floated on it by myself 😀

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