For the past two years, I’ve shared the funny, adorable and endearing Mother’s Day ‘My Mom’ letters from my kids

First from Princess in 2010

for mother's day

and now, in 2011, Monkey.



I realized while getting ready for Father’s Day this Sunday that Nathan has never had one of these done for him.  He’s never had the joy of a child thinking you’re 4 ft tall, getting your eye color completely wrong or having your heart explode with love and sappiness over the way your child sees you.

I’m sure I’m not the first person to do this, nor will I be the last, but I sat down today found a fun and cheesy Tie Font and created one of these for Princess and Monkey to fill out for Nathan.

I *think* that I created a downloadable version of this.  Print on white paper and have the kids decorate with crayons or find a cute paper from your local craft store.  No matter how you present it, this will be something Dad will treasure forever.

If you’d like to print it for your own kids, you can  Download Here

What are you doing for Father’s Day?


  1. Yes, the fathers always got slighted because school was out before Father’s Day. Glad you thought of this for him.

  2. Really cute…I’m doing this with my daughter for my husband. Thanks so much for taking the time to share it!

  3. Oh gawd, Rachel, it’s too easy to do that for the 20 and 21 year old! But, you are right! I have gotten many of these through the years. John… not so much.

  4. How sweet of you to create a template for your readers to download! I can’t wait to see what your children write about their Daddy!

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