The Scene: Saturday Morning (Today) 7:30 AM.  I had just finished my workout and sat down on the couch to check email and twitter.

Monkey comes stumbling out of his room with that sleepy tousled hair and rosy cheeks that comes from the deep, deep sleep of a contented child.

He crawls up on the couch next to me, lays his warm cheek on my arm, looks up at me from under those lush, dark lashes and says:

“Mommy, when are you going to get dressed?”

I say

” I have clothes on, Monkey”

Monkey, plucking at my shirt sleeve

“But, But Mommy, I want you to look pwetty”

Me with raised eyebrows

“I don’t look pretty now?”

Monkey with a wrinkled nose

“No ma’am”


It’s a damn good thing he’s cute


  1. Kids: they need a little flick to the forehead every now and then.

    (you know i’m totally kidding… i’ll do it for you.)
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..This post is annoying. Only read it if you like annoying posts. Or if you’re extra Awesome. =-.

  2. Oh no he didn’t! Hey he expects mama to be in her pearls and Sunday best even when she is sweatin’! He’s just Southern, bless his heart. 😉

  3. You just need to be sure and include the strand of pearls with the workout clothes and then you can gesture to them and say, “Oh, I am, honey! I AM!”
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..Henritta is dragging me down, man… =-.

  4. awesome.
    my daughter told me i look like a super spy with my sunglasses on.

    i told her she looked like an old man with that old man cardigan on.

    i might have stuck out my tongue too…yeah, i’m a grown up.

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