Every year, Nathan and I put the kids in the car, grab a pizza and drinks, put on Christmas music and drive around looking at Christmas lights for hours.  We’ve done this since Princess was 1 year old – it’s something we all look forward to.  It’s as much a part of our Christmas as decorating the tree, Elf on The Shelf, Baking, Tamales, Chili and Country Ham.

Here are 3 of the kids’ favorite shots things from this year.

“Oh Holy Night”

life size Nativity

“I Killed It”



What are some of your favorite family holiday traditions?




  1. We do Christmas movies, hot chocolate, and tons of Italian food. It’s just a tradition for us to watch Christmas movies as a family, no games and no phones.

  2. I love the kid’s favourite pics this year and I love your tradition. When my kids were little that used to be one of ours. Now that it’s just me and my husband and our dog….we now walk around the block with the dog looking at the decorations in our neighbourhood. No pizza, no drinks….just a Denta Bone treat waiting for our four-legged buddy at the end of the walk. LOL

  3. Those are some fun traditions. My favorite tradition is making Tamales with my mom. Unfortunately, she’s sick this year so that tradition took the backburner this year 🙁

  4. We’re new to Texas. Wondering where some of the best places to look at lights are. We love Grapevine’s Main Street!!!

  5. I love this! 🙂 We love to drive around looking at lights…it’s probably one of my most favorite things to do. My kids are still young (but growing up fast) so I feel like our traditions are growing each year. We are having fun with our first year with our “Elf”…and of course lots of hot chocolate, eggnog, and food!!

  6. We do the same thing. My husband and I started the tradition before we were even married. We would have an amazing Christmas Eve dinner with the best Maryland style crabs cakes, then we would make peppermint hot chocolate and drive around looking at Christmas lights. Now that we have a 2 year old, it just makes it that much more magical.

    Merry Christmas to your family!

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