There’s something so right about curling up on the couch with my 3 favorite people, a bowl of hot popcorn and a couple of great movies; so when I was given the opportunity to sample Orville Redenbacher’s new Flavors line of Popcorn – my family and I got out the popcorn bowls, blankets and movies.

Our family movie night included Transformers: Dark of the Moon (my kids are huge Transformers fans), Lemony Snicket’s a Series of Unfortunate Events, a bowl of Orville Redenbacher’s new White Cheddar popcorn and sliced apples.


more popcorn please

The cool thing about this popcorn – YOU control the flavor!  Each bag comes with a packet of flavor so you can choose how much or how little flavor your popcorn will have.  In my family, we go big or go home.  My kids shook the entire White Cheddar seasoning packet over the popcorn and I have to tell y’all – that was the right decision.   Monkey was licking his fingers and swirling them around the empty bowl to get every single bit of White Cheddar flavor left – to say this popcorn was a hit with my family is a bit of an understatement.

I think I’m torn as to whether my favorite part of this *assignment* was getting to eat the popcorn with my family, or shopping to create a Family Movie Night Gift Basket inspired by the White Cheddar flavor.  My gift basket is getting donated to my daughter’s elementary school to make one hard working teacher’s day, but stick around, because after I tell y’all what’s in my gift basket I have some news for y’all :-).

First things first:

The Popcorn

white cheddar

3 packages of delicious White Cheddar popcorn, you get to determine the level of White Cheddar Power that your popcorn will pack – from plain to oh-my-holy-white-cheddar-cheesy-awesome (our preferred level).

In our house, 4 people = 8 hands and 8 hands digging in a single bowl for popcorn can make for some finger fighting, so the first thing I did was go out and find the most adorable popcorn bowls possible. I got one large one and 4 individual.  What I loved most about these bowls is that when you get to the bottom of the bowl, it reads your mind…

SEE!  So cute!

more popcorn please

Savory, somewhat salty, cheesy popcorn pairs beautifully with sliced apples so my basket comes chock full of Granny Smith and HoneyCrisp apples and my favorite apple corer/slicer.  Red, of course!

apples in the basket

The more I shopped and the more I thought about Family, Movies, Popcorn and Togetherness – the more I knew this basket needed more comfort and cozy, so I found 4 delicious rich hot chocolate mixes (dark, sea salt, white chocolate and milk) – have you ever paired hot chocolate with movie night, a roaring fire and hot popcorn?  {swoon}

I don’t know about y’all, but to me, movies, popcorn and candy are just a natural fit – so I also added two of my favorite traditional movie candies – Whoppers and Milk Duds.

popcorn basket

To finish off this White Cheddar Family Movie Night Goodie Basket – I found the most decadent blanket that I could, because there’s just something wonderful about cuddling together on the couch, under a rich, soft, cozy blanket that brings a sense of happiness and rightness to your heart.  Finally,  to ensure that whoever wins this basket has everything they need for their best and most delicious family movie night – I’ve included a $25 gift card so they can rent or buy their family’s must see movie.

Now, I have some delicious news for y’all.

  • The wonderful people at Orville Redenbacher’s are going to give 25 of y’all samples of the new Orville Redenbacher’s Flavors!!


  • ONE of you is going to win your very own Family Movie Night Basket from them, inspired by my own!


Want to win?  It’s super easy:

Mandatory Entry: In a comment, answer this question – Do you think you’ll snack on Orville Redenbacher’s now that it comes in these new flavors? Which flavors are you most excited to try? ”  You can learn all about the 3 new flavors on the Orville Redenbacher’s Facebook Page

Bonus Entry: In a separate comment, answer this question: How does your family celebrate family movie night (or couples movie night, if you don’t have kids)
Bonus Entry: Subscribe to me via email or feed reader, and let me know in a separate comment

That’s a total of 3 entries per person and a total of 26 winners! Good luck, y’all!

My time and participation in this program is being compensated, however the opinions, reviews and ideas expressed are 100% my own

*** This giveaway ends Friday, October 14th at 10:oo PM CST.  Winners will be chosen via Comment Contest Plug-in


  1. I have an almost 3 yo and almost 6 yo so we are just getting into movie nights. I look forward to a winter of movies, popcorn, desserts, and a roaring fire.

  2. We have pizza and movie night every Friday. Our kids are now 4, 7, and 8. But, we tell them now that pizza and movie night is a tradition…one that will remain….so get ready to bring dates to pizza and movie night years and years and years from now.

  3. For Family Movie Night, we pop a bunch of popcorn, everybody grabs their favorite drink, then we either run out to the rental kiosk or see if there’s anything good on streaming. If nothing else, we’ll jump in and pull something from our library!

  4. I know we’ll love the white cheddar, and I can’t wait to try the salt and vinegar (we love salt and vinegar chips, so I bet this is yummy)!

  5. My daughter is convinced we do movie night every Friday, but it seems like other commitments always interfere. When we do get a chance, it’s a long drawn out discussion over what’s available on Netflix streaming followed by popcorn and the movie. Usually ends with the little one asleep on the couch!

  6. Movie night at our house includes a lot of popcorn, juice and sometimes soda. A lot of cozy time on the bed (the girls and us).

  7. I am anxious to try the sea salt and vinegar!! When I lived in England, I alway ate the salt and vinegar chips.. I’ll bet the popcorn is delicious!!!

  8. We just celebrated movie night this weekend.. we also watched Transformers- Dark of the moon and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. with of course Orville Redenbacher’s popcorn, in the Pop up bowl! A total win for our family.. we have 3 kids.

  9. I looove popcorn, it’s my all time fav snack. I really want to try the sea salt and vinegar flavor!

  10. In my household when we do movie night, we always put m&m’s in the bowl with the hot popcorn so it gets slightly melted!

  11. we usually just do half-hour-show-night..haha our 2 year old doesnt sit still long enough to enjoy a whole movie!
    Its usually the simpsons, and we all just curl up and laugh together. its good 🙂

  12. I’d definitely love to try the white cheddar, salt and vinegar sound a little weird although I like salt and vinegar chips! Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Our family does movie night at least twice a month, sometime more in the winter. We have popcorn and sometimes ice cream sundaes! My husband always falls asleep on the couch though!

  14. We will try Salt & Vinegar for sure! One of our favorite chip flavors now in popcorn?? Yummy! Of course, white cheddar is a given. Looks like we’ve got some sampling to do 🙂

  15. Our usual movie night celebration involves make-your-own nacho bar, sodas (a treat for the kids), and chocolate mug cakes. All make-it-yourself stuff, and all easy microwave things that are quick so movie pauses don’t last too long 😉

  16. When we do movie night, I usually go & pick up the latest new release {recently it’s been Thor & Transformers 3} , and then we head to the front room & have a picnic on the floor & eat pizza. My boys love it, and I love it too!

  17. Family Movie Night – We just had one last weekend. We get a kid friendly movie, spread out blankets and we had a picnic on the blankets. Treats are a must! My girls have so much fun snuggling and being together as a Fam!

  18. We rarely make an event out of family movie night. It generally just happens when there is nothing we want to watch on tv or I’ve picked up a new movie at the library and we have snacks.

  19. I would like to try the new flavors sometime. The white cheddar or extra cheese flavors sound best as we love cheese in my home 🙂

  20. The first flavor I have to try is the sea salt and vinegar — I love that flavor on chips, so why not on popcorn…..

  21. We like to watch movies on the weekend, especially Friday nights, and usually have a bowl of popcorn (me) and kid’s cereal (him) with coffee (has to be flavored for me). So nothing special, but we enjoy it.

  22. I love popcorn!! Since we just got a new microwave this weekend, this is perfect timing. I love trying new flavors and can’t wait to try th salt and vinegar one! I loved the Cinnibon flavor they used to make. Miss it!!

  23. Movie night equates to snuggling, laughing, popcorn and red licorice!! Love a good family movie. Hard to find, but we treasure the ones we find.

  24. I would love to try the White Cheddar – the Salt & Vinegar sounds interesting but I am not sure if I would like it!

  25. We don’t have kids yet but we love to have movie night. I like to make a “bed” on the floor and snuggle up with some GOOD popcorn!

  26. Movie night for us used to be spreading a blanket on the family room floor and all 6 of us gathering around for pizza or popcorn and rootbeer floats. The blanket was to catch the spills. 🙂 Now movie night is me on one couch, my husband on the other, and one or both of us on laptops while we watch. My how times have changed.

  27. On movie nights, which are generally always Fridays, we either download Netflix movies, or rent from Blockbuster Express. Then I make a huge bowl of popcorn in a Whirlypop, put butter, salt, cheddar cheese, or some other variety of cheese, then lightly sprinkle with chipotle powder. That is all washed down with a or several cold beverages, then off to the waterpik.

  28. Balnkets, pillows, pj’s, popcorn with candy, (sno caps, and m&m’s in the bottom of the bowl) and no lights.

  29. We usually do movie night by making stove-top popcorn- either kettle corn or with lots of butter. Then lounging on the couch and scarfing the popcorn with m&m’s and raisins. (I’m weird). Sometimes I share the popcorn with my cat Winston Ziggy-Stardust. He prefers the nights when I’m feeling lazy and just pull out the bag of Goldfish Crackers though.

  30. No kids so we crawl in bed (with kitties in tow) and snack and watch and make crazy comments.

  31. I love Salt and Vinegar anything, so I can’t wait to try it! I know my family will want extra cheesy, though!

    anabidia @ yahoo dot com

  32. Our family movie nights always involve popcorn, and in the summer root beer floats and winter is hot chocolate. We cram onto the couch and pass the popcorn bowl!

  33. I can not wait to try the salt and vinegar flavor – I had to give up my favorite salt and vinegar chips so I was sooo excited to see this on their face book page!!!!!!

  34. Family Movie Night – starts by finding a night that everyone can be at home at the same time! Next finding a movie that is appropriate for my 8 yr old daughter and something my 2 teenage boys do not complain about! The we add the popcorn ( M&M’s added) and drinks – dim the lights and the fun begins!

  35. For family movie night, we do pizza, popcorn and chocolate-except for he boy-he likes chewy candies like Mike and Ike

  36. Family movie night for us means popcorn mixed with a sweet cereal. A big pile of blankets and pillows and fuzzy socks. We try to do movie night as often as possible and just enjoy hanging out together with nowhere we have to be.

  37. Oh, I love White Cheddar popcorn. I’ll definitely try Orville Redenbacher. Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. My family loves watching movies together. We use Redbox because its a good deal at $1 a night. We love to create a theater feel by turning off all the lights and turning up the volume.

  39. Our family movie night is popcorn, twizzlers (if I remember to pick some up), and a movie on the couch with the puppy dog. She loves popcorn!

  40. I think we WOULD try the new flavors! Especially the white cheddar and extra cheese ones. 🙂

  41. My daughter & I would love the white cheddar, my husband and son would enjoy the salt and vinegar flavor!! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Aimee @ justkiddingaroundatlanta

  42. Our family movie night includes pizza for dinner, then we dim the lights and enjoy popcorn, boxes of movie candy from Walgreens, and a family-friendly movie or two!!

    Aimee @

  43. My kids are 4, 3 & 2 so we all put on our jammies & snuggle up on the couch. Which ever kid gets dressed first gets to pick the movie. We might have s’mores if it isn’t too late. Don’t want the kids to have all that sugar right before bed. 🙂

  44. Since I already eat an awful lot of Orville Redenbacher I’m a little scared of the new flavors, the extra cheesy looks so good. My husband would love to try the salt & vinegar.

  45. Out movie nights always include popcorn, usually home made with butter and cheese. And slushies to balance it out.

  46. Yum! We would definitely snack on those! My kids love popcorn, both as an after school snack and watching movies. I’m most excited to try the sea salt and malt vinegar, but I know my kids would go for the cheesy ones!

  47. We celebrate family movie night usually with pizza(so it’s dinner), because my kids are little and need to go to bed early. But my husband and I frequently rent Redbox movies on Saturday nights, and will eat popcorn then.

  48. Our favorite movie night tradition is curling up as a couple (now family!) to watch White Christmas after Thanksgiving dinner.

  49. My mom does movie nights/days with all of her grandkids. She will put a “now featuring” sign on the door with admission price (can be hugs, good manners, items to donate to local shelters, etc.) and the menu. She uses Red Box or the library, so it’s a good inexpensive and fun treat!

  50. I think we will try the white cheddar. Orville Redenbacher’s is the only brand I buy. Love them forever.

  51. We love to watch movies together. My husband doesn’t usually eat popcorn, but my boys and I love it. If we are at home we douse it with Parmesan cheese and end up eating 2 bags between the 3 of us. We usually end up with a capive audience watching us eat popcorn, our dogs love it too so they sit and watch each piece as it goes into our mouths.

  52. Hubby and I snuggle up in our recliner, made for 2. I’m eating popcorn and Red Vines, he’s eating chocolate covered peanuts.

  53. I have a son in college, a daughter in high school, a son in kindergarten, and a son in preschool. (Hello, can you say, EXHAUSTION). On the few occasions we do all get it together, all 4 kids, my husband and I, all end up on one sofa, all cuddled up in a big ball of love and watch a movie. It’s FANTASTIC and I absolutely love it!!
    The favorite snack of choice is popcorn for most of us. However, my 4 year old prefers Cheerios and raisins.

  54. I think my entire family, including the dog, would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the white cheddar flavor. I do love my cheese!

  55. My husband and I love to rent a romantic comedy – we sit together on the couch and eat popcorn and theater box candies just like at the movies!

  56. The white cheddar sounds awesome! I think I might have to buy some and cross my fingers I win this too! Those bowls are too cute! 🙂

  57. We do have kids and my husband and I watch a lot of kids’ movies at home! But when we’re alone we like to make pocorn and sit on the couch and our favorite movie to watch is Lord of the Rings!

  58. I already love Orville Redenbacher’s but I have to say I’m super excited to try out these new flavors! I think I’m most excited to try the white cheddar although extra cheese also sounds delicious.

  59. To celebrate “family” movie night we break out the popcorn and candy and cuddle on the couch.

  60. My hubby and I celebrate movie night in our pajamas in the bed with a big bowl of popcorn with chocolate candies mixed in. Yum!

  61. We love our cheese here so I see both the white cheddar and extra cheesy popcorns in our future.

  62. I love snuggling up with the family on the couch for movie night. We have to have individual bowls of popcorn for each of the kiddos.

  63. We eat a lot a bag just about everyday for lunch but can’t wait to try the salt & vinegar! It makes me mouth curl just thinking about it!

  64. My husband and I love get very few movie nights together due to his hectic work schedule. We like to blow up the air mattress, pile on blankets, grab our popcorn, candy, beverages of choice and make a whole night of it! I usually end of falling asleep after a few movies but can resist??

  65. We are a family of five and try to do family movie night once a week, to cut down on discussions over movies we each take turns picking and everyone else has to not complain about what movie we are watching. We usually have pizza or popcorn with our movie.

  66. the white cheddar sounds delicious. I think I’ll be trying it. the salt and vinegar also sounds interesting.

    we eat popcorn on sunday nights. And popcorn with apples is a great combo.
    Thanks for a chance to win some. janita

  67. Movie nights at our house always includes popcorn! It is fun to huddle on the couch with our kids and get totally absorbed into a movie. Movie nights would be even better with the fantastic bundle you are giving away. I hate to admit, but we use a plain stainless steel bowl for popcorn. I definitely need this!

  68. I think of the three flavors, the white cheddar would be the one we would try. I love salt and vinegar chips, but know the kids would never go for that!

  69. We try to have a Friday night movie night each week which works well except during the boys baseball season. I totally love your basket Rachel- I”m right with you on hot chocolate and a cozy blanket to go with the movie and popcorn!

  70. I think the White Cheddar would be delicious – all the cheesey flavor without the orange fingers!

  71. We love movie night – my daughter gets to choose the movie and we all gather around after dinner to watch. They are usually choices we’ve seen a time or two before :), but it’s still lots of fun!

  72. I love their new flavors and would love to snack on their white cheddar flavor. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  73. We have a movie night by making popcorn and renting a little kid friendly movie. Thanks for the chance to enter.

  74. I love White Cheddar. Sea Salt and Vinegar sounds interesting. I’ll definitely look for it next time I’m in the grocery store!

  75. For family movie night, we usually go out to see a movie and I grab a large bucket of popcorn. Of course we do the same thing at home!

  76. We don’t really have a family movie night – as the youngest WILL NOT SIT STILL for a movie. Maybe as she gets older. You would think she would, though – she’s 6!!

  77. I would love to try the Salt & Vinegar and the White Cheddar. Yum! Salt and Vinegar chips are my favorite so I’m sure this would be too.

  78. movie night at my house usually consists of popcorn and some red vines. The movie has to be appropriate for my 8 year old so it’s usually rated G but it’s so fun to just be together cozied up on the couch!

  79. We usually have pizza for dinner. When it’s time for movie time we break out the popcorn and candy. For my kids the best part is staying up past the usual bedtime!

  80. I would love to try the white cheddar….sounds so good, perfect to enjoy while watching any good movie..we are watching Grease right now! I love the old songs from it 🙂

  81. Movie nights at my house involve everyone in our big bed hunkered down, cuddled together watching a movie we have probably already seen like the Incredibles or Despicable Me or one of the Shrek’s…my kids end up talking/giggling through whatever movie we watch!

  82. Friday nights tend to be movie night at our house. It’s also pizza night, so we bake a few frozen pizzas and then settle in the family room for a good movie!

  83. Family movie time for us is usually a Sunday afternoon once or twice a month
    We – five kids and hubby and me love all kinds of popcorn and with 7 of us might do both the white cheddar and the salt & vinegar

  84. We might give the new flavors a try, but we are pretty partial to Redenbacher’s Kettle Korn!

  85. Our family movie nights always include popcorn & usually a Disney flick most likely to entertain our preschoolers.

  86. White Cheddar….YUM! I think a family movie night may be coming to the house in the near future!

  87. I love getting the kids baths and showers done. Everyone put on their favorite PJ’s and curl up on the couch and watch a great movie! The thing I love most about it is spending time together!

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