PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and MamaGeek

I was planning a fabulous Photo Story Friday for today, but then reality came and biznatch slapped me in the face.
So you are getting the abbreviated version instead.

1. San Antonio rocked, see exhibit below.

The family at Tower of the Americas.

2. If you are in San Antonio, you must go eat at Mi Tierra

I personally recommend the Enchiladas Verdes de Pollo, they are superb and their red sauce rocks!!

3. Nathan is having Hernia Surgery at 7:00 AM Friday, today.
I have to have him at the hospital at 6:00 AM.
Please say a prayer, send up good karma or whatever it is you do.
I have the supreme blessing of good friends and one of them is keeping the kids for me all day so I can be at the hospital with him and concentrate on his needs instead of trying to split myself in three.

I will try to get around to say Hi and see all of you later.
Thank you for the blessings that each of you bring to my life.

Update 1:00 PM
We’re home. The surgery went well. He is in lots of pain and fairly miserable but he has a pain pump and codeine. Thanks for the prayers and love y’all. We both truly appreciate it.



  1. First, big, big prayers Nathan’s way . .. I hope all goes well.

    Secondly, your posts nearly always make me hungry.

    Enchiladas . . . yum.

  2. best wishes for a speedy recovery – I had 2 hernia surgery s and let me tell you – GOOD LUCK! They kicked my arse!

  3. 1. Wishing your hubby the best!

    2. oh man I MISS real Tex-Mex… I haven’t had anything close since moving to London this summer. (Sigh!)

    3. Have a great weekend, sweetie!

  4. Oh – you look so cute!!

    I LOVE me some Mi Tierra’s. We have been eating there on EVERY trip tp San Anotnio since I was a little girl. I love their food, I love the bakery – YUM!!!!

    I so need to talk Budman into a road trip! LOL!

  5. Definitely sending prayers your way. And hoping for an easy recovery.

    And, yes, you must eat there…I ate there the last time I was in SA. You also must eat at Chuy’s! Yum!!

  6. Sorry I didn’t get to this sooner! Glad you are home and that he has pain management as long as it works. All you pictures were absolutely wonderful.

  7. Interesting. I always heard you had to eat at La Fagada. Hmm. I’m really glad The Man is home and wearing his ice pack.

  8. Glad the surgery went well. My husband is cruising towards the need for hernia repair surgery as well. He’s just being a stubborn punk claiming there’s no way he can take time off work to recover. UGH

    My eldest had double inguinal hernia’s repaired when she was four. The wait was awful, so I sympathize. Glad he’s home and I hope the pain subsides quickly

  9. No kind of surgery is fun and that one is really not fun! I was glad to see the update that he came through well! I will have him on my prayer list that the next week of recovery goes well with little ones around.

  10. Hope he is well soon and the pain is dying down. Lots of hugs and prayers!

    Oh I love the Tex Mex in SA–I want to go back today; if I left now I could make dinner 😉

  11. LOVE Mi Tierra! We eat there every time we’re in San Antonio. I always order tortilla soup and a strawberry margarita! Mmmmm!

    Hope Nathan is recovering well!

  12. Love your family shot!! San Antonio is such a great town for a family getaway. Looks like you guys had a blast! And I hope the hubs is doing well!

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