Did you do that in the proper Newsies voice?

In case you: A) Don’t live in Chicago B) Don’t follow me on Twitter or C) couldn’t hear my screams from here

Then you might have missed this on Friday


Don’t see it? Let’s take a closer look shall we.


Feel free to scream. I did.

Why yes, that is a snapshot of MY BLOG on the front page of the Chicago Sun Times Business Section on Friday! They wrote an article about the Quaker Start with Substance program and the inauguration parties that they are sponsoring with 11 fabulous and influential bloggers around the nation.

The captcha is of the post that I wrote about the Quaker Start with Substance Program.

“I” (well the hawt Rachel version of me that she illustrated) am featured (albeit not by name, but hey you know what they say about beggars) in a major Newspaper!

{faints again}

Pardon me while I still my beating heart and quaking hands.
While I’m doing that, check out the links below to find out how you can help feed your family and fuel it forward.

You can find out more about the Quaker Start with Substance Program here, follow Quaker on Twitter and learn more about what you can do to help here


  1. Until you cash in on the big bucks that can actually BUY you a bowl of oatmeal, this, my dear, is what I call a paycheck :)…and a GREAT one at that!! So thrilled for you (and I was wondering what that squealing sound was 😉 ).



  2. I am SO freaking proud of you Rachel!!!!! That is so awesome! You need to frame that and put it in your office/kitchen. That is big time.

    When you release your first cookbook I will be first in line for an autograph. 🙂

    Jamie’s latest brilianceReal Girls, Real Pressure

  3. Very cool! When my blog made the papers it then got picked up by every publication owned by that paper across the US. Keep looking later next week and I’m sure you will find it everywhere!

    Noble Pig’s latest brilianceBaby Steps

  4. WOW – YOU’RE MY FAMOUS BLOGGING FRIEND!!! Congrats, Rachel – that is SO COOL!!! I love too that it featured your new blog that Nap Warden helped design – very cool!! Now I need to go read the article.

    Have a great weekend – Kellan

    Kellan’s latest brilianceLet’s Talk A Bit About Blogging

  5. OMG!!!


    can I have your autograph and say I read you before you were a super star!!


    Danielle’s latest brilianceYet, So Grateful… Really

  6. O M FRIGGIN’ G Rachel!!!! That is awesome!

    Congratulations!!!!!! <~~I just can’t use enough of those to express how happy and proud I am of you. That is just absolutely fantastic.

    ps: I haven’t opened my reader all weekend or else I would of seen this earlier

    Lisa’s latest brilianceIt’s Friday Time! Happy Ku’ing

  7. This is awesome news! I think I would have fainted if I’d been you. I was just published in a magazine last week also and it was the coolest thing to see my photo and story in there! Congratulations. What a great thing to participate in.


    Corinna Lyons-Revello’s latest brilianceI am in Creating Keepsakes February 2009 issue!

  8. YOU ROCK! Well deserved, 100%. I just ask that when you become world famous that you still send me spice mixes. Because I’m kinda hooked and it’s your fault.

    BusyDad’s latest brilianceUrrrgh…

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