I’m going to EVO…. I’m going to EVO….I’m going to EVO’

Go ahead and imagine those words accompanied by sing songing and skipping and a great big goofy smile because all 3 of those things have happened when I say those words!

I'm Attending Evo 12

I am ridiculously giddy and super excited to be attending my first EVO conference.

I remember meeting Jyl at BlissDom in 2009 and attending the first GNO and being so inspired by her joy and passion and energy and her truly infectious laugh.  (there’s even a rumor of some ButterCup video somewhere….)


Together Counts, one of EVO’s sponsors,  also happens to be one of my partnerships this year and I’m really thrilled to meet the team in person!



As part of their sponsorship at EVO, they have some pretty fun events planned (and some goodies in the swag bags!) and I thought I’d share those with y’all, so if you’re heading to EVO… check them out! 


  • On Thursday,  Together Counts will have photo opportunities with Picture Marketing between 9-5 in the pre-conference area.   Picture Marketing is a service that creates a personal branded photo and allows users to access it online and share it on their various social channels.  You can learn more about their services on the Picture Marketing website – if you’re around Thursday between 9 AM and 5 PM, I urge you to go check out their booth!



    • On Friday, they will host a morning Zumba workout from 6:30 to 7:30 AM in the Pavillion Tent.  So, if you’re one of those workout at the crack of dawn type people, it should be a lot of fun and a great way to start off the day!

If you’re bringing your family and have kids

Together Counts is partnering with OrganWise Guys, and sponsoring a day camp for kids on Friday in the Summer Camp Room.

  • Kids between ages 6-12 will be from 9 – 10:30 AM
  • Kids between ages 3-6 will be from 2:30 -4 PM



  • On Saturday they are hosting and yummy meet and treat from 7:30 – 9:00 AM, this is a great opportunity to meet the team, learn more about Together Counts and get some yummy food!



This post is written as a part of my partnership with Together Counts



  1. I have to confess. I started reading your post and thought you were super excited you were changing phones! 😮 Have fun in Utah!

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