I have not abandoned or forgotten about you or my little blog.
But something that I believe looks like this
has taken hold in my stomach and is causing me lots of problems.
I shall return soon, hopefully.
Until then, check out some of my past writings or go visit some of my friends in my blogroll.

Best Wishes!! Miss y’all.



  1. Well, at least the evil reindeer is not the one giving you the stomach problems…hee hee…hope you get to feeling better soon, doll! Hey, if you feel up to it, check out my post from today…I have some bloggy buddy bling for ya…it’s for everyone on my blog roll, you are on there….top of my list…so, come over, claim your bling….wear it with pride!

  2. feel better!!! those little gremlin like stomach flus…they are awful!!! i had one, over the summer. the only good part was, i lost 10 pounds or so. but, feel better quickly!!

  3. Feel better soon, been under the weather myself lately.
    You have been added to the Magnificent Mamas blogroll, and tagged.


  4. What an adorable blog you have!

    Came over from Dixie Chick’s to say “hi”. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you feel better soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. poor thing! (you, not him…) in fact, his cousin was at our house last week and I wanted to kill him, but he wouldn’t leave me long enough for me to try! (and I don’t mean the cute furry cousin either…)

  6. Did you feed it after midnight? Wasn’t that one of the rules? It’s been so long since I’ve seen that movie. . . Anyway, hope you feel better soon!

  7. sorry about your nasties….i’ve been feeling a tab off since Monday afternoon myself….hope you feel better!!!

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