birthdaybutton give back
I feel like I should start each of the Birthday Give Back Posts with the song:

“These are a few of my favorite things….”

I am so excited,Β  giddy excited about today’s giveaway!

One of my favorite people in this world, Maile (MY-lee), is not only an amazing person and friend and photographer, she is the creator of the most delicious camera bags, the Epiphanie Bags

epiphanie bags at blissdomA few Belles, Lolas and a Clover met up at BlissDom 2011 for a photo-op

Every single one of those beauties is an Epiphanie Bag.Β  See, delicious, I told you.

From their website:

“Epiphanie bags are a stylish and functional way to transport your camera every where you go. No need to lug around an extra bulky geeky camera bag; Or better yet, wrap your camera in a hand towel, sweatshirt, or diaper and shove it in your purse. That is clearly not the safest way to transport expensive equipment.There are many of us that have been on the hunt for a TRULY HOT camera handbag.”

Your search is over, truly.
These bags are 27 shades of awesome and amazing!Β  Deanna and I, by the grace and generosity of Maile, are giving one away as the kick-off to our Birthday Give Back Party!!!!

Say Hello, to ParisParis Turquoise Ext LR

Paris is gorgeous, I’ve seen her in person, I know.

She is made for traveling, for the photographer on the go.

“Exterior is water-resistant, high quality synthetic leather. Interior crafted with extra padding for maximum equipment protection.Β  Velcro panels can be adjusted and moved to any position for maximum customization and flexibility. Removable cross-body strap with padding for extra support.Β  One exterior pocket. One interior pocket with zipper.Β  BAG CAN HOLD: 1 15″ macbook pro with battery cord, 1 camera body with lens attached, 1 long lens, 2 extra lenses, wallet, keys, cell phone, and other miscellaneous personal items.”

Paris is perfect for taking to conferences, on trips, anywhere that you want to take your laptop, your camera (and lenses), and still have room for your wallet, extra batteries, CF cards etc…

What? are you done with my gushing and ready to find out how you can win this gorgeous, luxurious, delicious camera bag? πŸ™‚

Okay, here’s how you enter:

MANDATORY ENTRY: Visit the Epiphanie Website and then come back and leave a comment telling me which bag is your favorite (in which color)


  • Tweet this giveaway and leave the tweet URL in the comments
  • Facebook this giveaway and leave the FB URL in the comments

Extra awesomeness –Β  you can enter on both my blog and Chicky’s <<< that is a TOTAL of 6 entries per person!!!

Giveaway valued at $185.00 plus tax and shipping.Β 

Giveaway open from August 2nd, 2011 until 11:59PM CST August 7th, 2011 — Winner announced on August 8th, 2011.. winner has 24 hours to respond, if no response, another winner will be chosen.

Make sure to come back every day for more giveaways!!!


  1. Oh my goodness, I am in love with LOLA and her beautiful red color!

  2. If i had to pick just one, cause they all are just gorgeous, i would have to say Clover in Turquoise.

  3. Uh, isn’t it fate? The turquoise Paris bag you posted is my absolute favorite. Can it be mine, please?!

    And happy birthday!!!!

  4. Wow! They are all gorgeous but I love LOLA in black. I love the pink inside of the bag. These bags are perfect. My current Nikon bag, while practical, is not much to look at. Thanks for the chance!!

  5. Oh, I have love for the Epiphanie bags. I want the Belle in PINK! So lovely. So so lovely!

  6. I have a mad crush on the Lola bag in red, but I could be talked into cheating on it with the Clover bag in blue. Or maybe the Ginger bag in classic brown. No, definitely the Lola bag in red. She’s gorgeous!

  7. I covet these bags. I’m torn between the bag you are showing (Paris in aqua) or the Clover in hot pink. I think maybe the Clover in hot pink might have a slight edge but they are all swoon worthy!

  8. LOVE that photo of the Epiphanies all hanging out together. πŸ™‚

    I’ve been drooling over the Paris in black for ages. *slurp*

  9. Happy Birthday ladies! What a wonderful – thoughtful and creative idea to give US the gifts!

    I loved the Epiphanie website and was so excited to see all the pretty bags. I too am an August Birthday and actually just ordered my own present! I ordered a great digital camera and would love to put it in the Belle bag in Red.

    I am very new to twitter and actually just opened an account to get the bonus entry – I sure hope my links work:!/renee.mihld!/ReneelovesRyan

  10. I am completely in love with Epiphanie bags and I am in need of a larger camera bag now,too! I think the Lola or Paris is my favorite in either pink or turqouise, thanks for the chance!!

  11. I LOVE the Clover bag in grey and the Belle bag in grey. I have been lusting over these bags for years.

  12. My fave is the red Lola! I’ve been in love with that bag & just haven’t had the money for it! My anniversary is this weekend & it’d be the perfect present! πŸ˜‰

  13. i own the red lola and love love love it but i want the turquoise paris so i can carry my macbook with me too!!

  14. I would be so excited to win a Black Lola bag! I have been looking at her for weeks and would definitely put her to good use!

  15. Paris is lovely and the hot pink insides on the black one make me smile. But Clover is beautiful too with the braiding on the outside and the bright green insides on that red one. I’m torn as to which one I like best.

  16. The ginger in black is my favourite. Always has been and always will. I so much would like to win. I keep all my fingers crossed. These bags are great all of them anyways.

  17. Ooh, great giveaway but tough call! I’d have to say that the Belle and the Clover in gray are my favorites!

  18. I love love love love Lola in red. I would look so sexy with my Lola in red!!! πŸ˜‰

  19. I love the ginger in either brown or black! These bags are so great…I’d love to have any of them! <3

  20. I need Belle in Grey realllllllllly bad! B ut I would take any bag any color – they are allll beautiful πŸ™‚

  21. I absolutely love the lola in Blue! I would love to have this bag for my camera gear!!!

  22. I love them all! But, if I had to choose, it would be a tie between Lola and Belle. Both of them are so cute in turquoise!

  23. I adore the Ginger in black and Clover in turquoise. But since my name is Ginger, I feel I have to pick that one. πŸ™‚ The Paris may take over as my favorite though!

  24. I have to admit, I’m digging the Belle. I am having a very difficult time deciding between Red and Pink, however, because they’re both just gorgeous!

  25. I love the clover bag! The color is a hard decision because I love both the turquoise and gray, but I think my favorite is the gray.

  26. Ginger in Brown! I have been dreaming up a portrait photography business… specializing in boudoir type photos of women, but doesn’t have to be lingerie… would like to do a lot of outside natural lighting. In a way, make this something to help women build up their self confidence and show the beauty in us all! This would be an excellent way to get me even more motivated in starting this venture! Life is beautiful, our experiences and tragedies make us the strong and beautiful women we were made to be.

  27. LOVE the Paris in any color, What a stylish way to carry my camera and laptop.
    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE these bags!

  28. Oooh! It’s hard to choose a favorite. But I’d have to say that it would be either Clover in Turquoise or Paris in Purple. Those are gorgeous bags!!

  29. I used to have a ginger in brown, but it was stolen! I need a new one please! This time i would love a clover in grey!

  30. My favorite would have to be the clover in turquoise or gray! But seriously love them all!

  31. I bought Lola before Clover came out. I love the added feature of the laptop slot in Clover (gray). Lola is a little difficult to quickly take my camera out of the bag.

  32. Oh my goodness!! I want one of her bags sooo badly! I’ve been eyeballing them for some time now. They are just stunningly beautiful! MY favorite (if I’m forced to pick because they are all soooo fabulous) is the Lola bag in red. It is just so darn hot!

  33. My favorite bag is Belle in red πŸ™‚ I struggled with which one I wanted first but finally settled on the Belle! They’re all so beautiful πŸ™‚

  34. I love all of the bags but the grey clover has my heart, followed by the black paris. πŸ™‚

  35. I seriously can’t decide between Lola in red and Clover in grey. Honestly all of them are really stylish and functional and would be amazing to own – thanks for the chance to win one!

  36. weeeeeeeelllll…. I was gonna say the Ginger… it has been on my wish list for a while, but the Paris is bigger… and I live in Texas where bigger is always better… and i would need it in black. I love the look of the turquoise, but i think the black might be a better choice (versatile!)

  37. I Love them all but the one that I really love is the Ginger and the color I like is black!!

  38. I love love love love the Lola bag in red or black. THEY ARE ALL SO AMAZING!

  39. Good grief. I SO want one of these. I think I would pick Ginger in the brown color. I love turquoise interior of it.

  40. I love them all!!!! but I would love the Paris in Purple… then the ginger in brown…I just couldnt just list one…

  41. I have been drooling over the Turquoise “Belle” for quite some time. LOVE Epiphanie bags!

  42. My favorite Epiphanie is the turquoise Lola. I love the style and it’s perfect for a purse/camera bag. I love them all really. The Paris Epiphanie is really nice because you can fit your macbook in it! πŸ™‚

  43. I can’t decide between LOLA and BELLE, both in the teal shade. I love them both for different reasons – the LoLa because it’s more cutesy and the Belle because it seems more functional for what I usually like in a bag.

  44. My favourite has always been the Paris. Ridiculously functional and fashionable. In Purple or Turquoise would be a great birthday present to me this month! πŸ™‚

  45. I LOVE LOVE Belle in Pink!!!!
    shared the giveaway on FB!/rockinmamatofour

  46. I appreciate the chance to win one of these bags! After much admiring, I think I like the Ginger in black best. Thanks!

  47. I have loved (and coveted) Epiphanie bags since I found out about them last year!!

    My favorite is the Lola in red, followed closely by the Ginger in brown, but I love them ALL!

    Thanks so much for the chance to enter!

  48. LOVE!! I do love Belle but Paris is my fave! I am looking to add a little teal into my life too so it would work out perfectly!!

  49. The Belle in pink is my absolute favorite!!! Although all of them are absolutely amazing!

  50. Oooh I want the Clover in Pink so bad. I’ve been drooling over it for a while now. But I would totally make friends with a new Paris. She and I could go places.

  51. Happy birthday!! I love that you are sharing!!
    My question is which Epiphanie bag do I not love?!?! My faves are red Lola, Turquoise Clover, Purple and turquoise Paris!!
    Thanks again for the Epiphanie giveaway!! Fingers crossed!!

  52. Can I have them all please? LOL! If I had to pick just one it would be Clover in turquoise. Thank you for the great giveaway!

  53. I love all the Epiphanie bags and would be thrilled with any one of them! If I had to prioritize I’d start with Paris in purple – and downsize to Lola in tourquoise!

  54. I’ve been dreaming about Lola since forever! but honestly, who can not love all of them?

  55. I have always loved the Paris bag the best due to it’s size. It’s perfect for my gear. I hope the fact that I am not a ‘traveling’ photographer will keep me from being selected as the winner. It’s just such a perfect bag and I’m a tall gal so love the fact that it would suit my body size too!

  56. I love the Belle in the pink!

  57. I am in love with Lola in black or red… but they are all wonderful and I would love to own one!!

  58. The clover in turquoise is beautiful, but arent they all?? It’s hard to pick a fav πŸ™‚

  59. I love the Paris in turquoise (although the Lola in turquoise would be my second choice, both are lovely and functional).

  60. I absolutely LOVE the Clover bag in Turquoise or Gray and Lola in Red. I’m an art educator for grades K-8 and have just started my second job as a portrait photographer. One of these bags would be a delightful way for me to carry all my new equipment around! πŸ™‚

  61. My daughter Katie Scarlett has ‘Belle’ in turquoise I guess I should pick another style, right? Oh my gravy — the choices! I guess if I had to chose only one, it would have to be “Lola” in black with her scrumptious hot pink lining. Love love love it!

  62. They are all stunning!! My favorite has to be Lola in black, followed by Paris in turquoise!! LOVE!

    Thanks for the chance to win ~

  63. Ginger in brown was my favorite!! A shoulder strap is a MUST HAVE for me. I love the turquoise inside– but I’d love pink even better!

  64. I have had Ginger on backorder in black (but I also love brown!) for what seems like forever. They tell me September and I wait by sitting on my hands πŸ™‚

  65. So I have already left my wants & desires over at Chicky’s now it’s your turn! I have two favorites…..The Paris in Black & the Clover in grey!!!

  66. Oh, how I have loved Paris since the first day I layed eyes on her! I always stare and can’t ever decide which color I’d like.

  67. Oh and btw…how awesome is it to actually know the creator of these bags????? πŸ™‚

  68. Oh for me it would have to be the Ginger in brown. I’d love it in another color, but that one’s only in two πŸ™ BUT…I’ve wanted one of these forever…so fingers crossed!!

  69. Oh the Paris in purple for sure. Just ordered my first DSLR camera and almost ordered a geeky black camera bag. Didn’t know there was anything so cute and functional out there!

  70. My favorite (it was hard to choose) would be Lola in turquoise. They are all beautiful and the interioirs really set them off. What a teriffic giveaway.

  71. I really like the Lola in black and the Belle in the blue. Hard decision. They are all fabulous!!

  72. Oh my goodness! How in the world am I supposed to pick one favorite?? Think it would be between the clover or the ginger in the turquoise or the grey or any color actually!!

  73. i love, love, love the belle in teal. this bag has been on my wish list since last Christmas…but since i buy for myself last…it’s still a wish item. oh…the joys of mommyhood!

  74. I think the red lola will forever be my favorite, but I could easily have a love affair with Paris…

  75. I have wanted one of these bags so bad!! I love the red lola, pink clover and purple paris! I am really in desperate need of a camera bag. I have been using my purse and my camera is getting beat up. I was at our hometown parade this past weekend and, in a hurry to get my nephews in my car, put my camera on TOP of my car…and forgot about it! I drove about 10 miles at 65 mph with it ON TOP OF MY CAR!! I remembered it about 10 minutes after getting back to my brother’s house and out of the grace of God, it was still on top of my jeep against the luggage rack. I just had a vision of my $1000 camera shattering on the pavement and almost had a heart attack and wanted to vomit. So you can see my need for a bag to put it in to protect it and myself from my husband!:) Thanks for the giveaway and Happy Birthday!

  76. I have been stalking these bags for some time now, constantly revisiting the website and drooling. It is so hard to choose which bag should be mine because I really want them all. But if I really had to pick just one it would be the brown ginger, yes the brown ginger, sweet brown ginger, lovely brown ginger….mmm

  77. I would LOOOOVE a lola in any color – if I had to pick, probably black. They all look amazing!

  78. While I love my Lola (pictured above) I so need the extra space that Ms. Paris offers.

    Happy birthday!!

  79. I love the Belle in turquoise!! LOVE IT!! I would faint if I got one of these bags!!

  80. I adore the Lola in Black and of course the Paris! Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway.

  81. I have watched the popularity of these bags explode with bloggers. They are beautifully made. I don’t have a big wonkin’ camera to put in it so would use it as a purse. I’m torn between the Clover in teal and the Lola in pink. The Paris is lovely but would be too big for me. So if I won, I’d want it to go to you, Rachel! Since we share the same birthday, I have always felt like I’m a poorer imitation of you. Someday I want to meet you at BlogHer but I think we have the same problem and don’t want to be away from family for our birthday! Maybe next year it’ll be a different weekend? Anyway, this giveaway is a great idea and I thank you for showcasing the Epihanie bags. Someday I’ll see one in person! πŸ™‚ Have an awesome birthday week, lady! I’ll be thinking of you as I start my own birthday celebration.

  82. It’s a tie between Lola in Red and Belle in Pink for my absolute favorites!! But they are all gorgeous!

  83. I love the ‘Lola’ bag in red. Thanks for a great giveaway!
    nafairbank (at) gmail (dot) com

  84. Gorgeous photography bags…I could totally use one of these…but I really like Lola in RED. Thanks for the giveaway!

  85. I really like Belle in green.

    Thanks for the chance to win!


    ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com

  86. How awesome would Clover look in Black! I can see it now on my shoulder…

  87. I am loving the Belle in the fuchsia (or hot pink, not sure what they call it)


  88. I have been coveting epiphanie bags for what seems like forever… I think I like Paris best, in blue. Although the purple is nice too…

  89. I love the Belle in Turquoise. There’s something about the green lining that just gets to me.

  90. OMG OMG OMG! I just got a new DSLR and I have been looking for a beautiful but well made camera bag, and let me tell you, slim pickings! But these… these are gorgeous!

    The Paris in black or purple is basically heaven in handbag form.

  91. I love the Lola! Beautiful and functional? Sounds sweet! I need a pretty bag because my lowpro backpack just isn’t rocking it for sessions! πŸ™‚

  92. Oh I have drooled over these since Type A Mom last year when I tried to steal Alli’s! πŸ™‚ LOOOVE them!!!

  93. I absolutely love the LOLA in Teal… not least cos it has a great name… and shares its name with my very cute Puppy!!

  94. These are camera bags?! They’re gorgeous! My 7D would love to sit in one of these. My favorite is the Belle in pink.

  95. I LLLlllllloooooooove the Lola in red. She’s a real beauty. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  96. I have ordered myself the Clover in turquoise and am so excited about receiving it and using it…It’s currently reached customs in GB and so should turn up this week!! πŸ™‚ There are ALL great looking practical bags, and it was toss up between the Clover (which was in stock) and my other favourite was the Belle in the Red .

    Someone’s going to be really lucky getting a new bag in your giveaway!

    Like shoes – One can never have too many bags!!!! πŸ˜‰

    I’ve shared your link…

  97. I really can’t decide, but Paris in purple is darn fine. Or Lola in black…Or Paris in turquoise. Or maybe Clover in turquoise.

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