I think this is the very first picture ever taken of us together, December 31, 1998.Β  That was Fourteen years ago.Β  FOURTEEN YEARS.


Eleven Years ago, we stood side by side smiling and laughing, ready to make it official in the eyes of God (PaPa’s words)

The First Kiss 2

Eleven years later – I sit at the computer looking through pictures, and knowing without a doubt that saying yes to you was the best decision that I’ve ever made.

You are my best friend.



You have given me the most precious gifts in the world

Blue eyed beauty

Cool in Daddy's Glasses

I can’t believe it’s been Eleven Years already.

Nathan, I love you for so many reasons and I’ve said it all before at Seven Years, Eight Years, Nine Years, and Ten Years.Β  Each one of those posts says everything, and yet each year I love you and respect you more.

Thank you for making me a better person, thank you for showing our son what a gentleman really is, thank you for showing our daughter that she is someone to be cherished, thank you for being my rock, my supporter, my partner, my love.

Happy Anniversary, Nathan.Β  I love you.

Nate and Me




  1. You two are rock stars! Happy Anniversary! I love you both so much. You compliment each other perfectly.

  2. I love how you guys always have your faces smooshed together. Possibly one of the cutest couples in the world, right here! Congratulations on 11 years. πŸ™‚

  3. Wishing you decades more, knowing your heart will never be too full to hold all the love that continues to grow. Happy Anniversary!

  4. Happy anniversary and congratulations! What a sweet and lovely post. You two look perfect together. Wish you many many more years of happiness and celebrations!

  5. getting to spend every single day with your best friend is heaven on earth as far as i’m concerned; i did it wrong as a teenager but thank God did it right later in life . . . this makes my eyes teary and my heart happy . . . congrats to you both – and seriously, could those two children be ANY CUTER??? i think not!

  6. Hope you have a great anniversary! It’s wonderful to see your pictures 14 years ago and compare it to today! You’re both very lucky.

  7. Happy Anniversary and sincere best wishes for many, many, more. To have your best friend and the love of your life be one in the same is a wonderful blessing and the best way to travel life’s road.

  8. Wow, happy anniversary. It is so touching knowing to have a long lasting relationship. I love your family and wish you have even more happiness.

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