Nathan and I have been talking about renting one of the enclosed shelters at the state park and taking the kids camping. So he looked the park up online and was telling me the cost and the included amenities.

Nathan: “Wow. They’re $22 a night and they come with Electric, Picnic Tables and Enclosed BBQ Grills”

Princess: “They have Electric Picnic Tables?? That’s AWESOME!! Can we go there?”

At that point, Nathan and I couldn’t even respond because we were laughing too hard



  1. That is so funny!
    Have to tell you that I just made your Easy Blueberry Muffins and they turned out pretty well. I didn’t have sour cream and my blueberries aren’t all that sweet. I’m going try again but there were easy peasy! Thanks.

    Pamela Kramer’s latest brilianceNumbers Game

  2. That is TOO FUNNY! you should do it! It is really fun, and for me to say that…you know how much i love (sarcastic) the outside. I love the pic!

  3. If they also have “auto cooking grills” then I want to know where that park is. I’m all for letting technology do the work for me. Or maybe I’ve seen the Jetsons one too many times 🙂

    AlyGatr’s latest brilianceHitting the Wall on Etsy

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