“Mom, Can you believe I’m going to be Eight?”

Disco in CTown pre-game

“No, no my darling girl — I can’t”


Wasn’t this just yesterday?

Princess and Me 9 days old


nate and princess036

So much has changed, So much still the same.

The moment you saw the ocean,  it was true love. You were a water baby,
5 years ago princess on the beach

and now you’re a Boogie Boardin’ Diva.
5 yrs later beach

 Even from the first, you’ve been much more fashionable than I ever was.

nov 18 2005

I’m so glad that hasn’t changed, your fashion sense makes me so happy.


I love how you’ve always marched to the beat of your own drum

nov 18 2006


How from day one you have  been strong and confident in who you are.

Posing among the bluebonnets

You are independent and fearless.

kayak at sunrise

Fun loving and silly, you love life and all that it has to offer.


You are your brother’s favorite person

who me wm

Your Daddy’s little angel

naughty or nice

and my … my favorite playmate, the one who made me a Mama.   You are my heart and soul in a smart, funny, beautiful, wonderful, blue eyed, freckle faced package.

are we done yet

I am so blessed to be your mother.

There will be times that I will yell at you, there will be times when we won’t like each other very much, there will be times we both say things we don’t mean, but there will never be a time that you are not loved, a time you are not cherished, a time where I am anything but thankful for you.

I have always known and understood love. Your Daddy showed me a different kind of love, but you, you my amazing, wonderful daughter, you have taught me a love like no other.
You are borne of my body, my heart, my soul and my mind and you opened up a place in me that I didn’t know even existed.

You are smart, funny, strong, beautiful, compassionate, silly, confident, loving, temperamental, friendly, energetic, inquisitive, vibrant, frustrating, head strong, lively, independent, fearless and amazing.

I pray that at 18, 28, 38, 58, 78, .. you retain all of these qualities.

I will do my best to stand back and allow you to live, fall, experience, fail and triumph. I will try to never stand in your way, to allow you to stumble and fall because the biggest disservice I can do you would be to never let you fail. That being said, I promise that I will always and forever be there to pick you back up, kiss away the tears, whisper I love you and nudge you back towards the right path.

Happy 8th Birthday to the one who changed everything.

I love you.




  1. Happy Birthday, Sunshine. Hope your year is filled with joy, sunshine, brotherly fun and a super school experience.

  2. Happy Eighth Birthday!!!!! She is a cutie. Our son Shaun is eight soon to be nine in March and it is so hard to see them grow up so fast. To me it is harder to watch girls grow up and that I know from watching our 15 year old grow and mature. I haven’t known you and Nate very long at all but you two seem like you are awesome parents. Hope you and the family have a great birthday celebration!!!

  3. Oh happy birthday darling.

    I still want to pick every little freckle off your face and nibble your little nose to pieces.

    Creepy? Maybe, but you are that lovely.

    So is your mama.


  4. I shouldn’t be crying so hard because my precious, adorable, bubbly, funny, sweet granddaughter is having a birthday. Your tribute was beautiful! But, it was the pictures that got to me. Where has the time gone? I remember her so well at each stage of her life. While I have gotten 8 years older, my angel has been growing up. I adore this child. Happy Birthday to my angel.

  5. Happy Birthday, Young Lady. I do love your freckles – somehow, I think having three sons was a blessing, because I don’t think I could have stood up to an eight year old girl with freckles. As it is, Annie has always complained that my sons have me wrapped around their little fingers. I guess I’m lucky.

  6. I’m a bit saddened that you look way better than I do in a blue boa. Nonetheless, I am way happy that it is your eighth birthday! Enjoy your cupcakes, your friends and most of all, your awesome family! Happy Birthday!

  7. Happy♪♫.^* Birthday ♥♫♪To ♥♪You!…
    Happy♪♫.*Birthday ♥♫♪To ♥♫♪You…
    Happy♪♫.¸Birthday ♫♪♥♫♪ ♥♥♥DEAR PRINCESS! ♥♥♥

    I just want to make sure you know I’m thinking about you and singing to you in my head. I hate missing your birthday and party.

  8. Why are u making me CRY?!! Love it! Happy Birthday sweet girl!! You have the best bday present ever – two wonderful parents 🙂 xoxo

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