Lent has begun and I’ve had a few (read several) requests for quick and easy seafood dishes.

I haven’t had time to cook up anything new and photograph it — however, I have several delicious recipes ready to share with y’all today.

Easy Crab Stuffed Mushrooms — A Southern Fairytale_1300072688429

For snack time —

Main Dish

Honey Chipotle Glazed Salmon — A Southern Fairytale_1300073404276

Okay, I don’t have any desserts 😉

I’d love for y’all to share your favorite seafood dishes with me.

Happy Lent – Spring Break – Monday 🙂 Whatever it is that you’re celebrating



Thanks for linking up to Mouthwatering Monday. I can’t wait to see what y’all are cookin’ up!
Make sure that you visit others, link up your recipe and share the linky love so that others can join in the recipe sharin’ deliciousness!


  1. I’m not a fan of seafood but some of these recipes don’t look too bad.

    I finally had the chance to try the pot roast recipe I’ve wanted to try for a few weeks now.

  2. That is a lovely selection of seafood dishes – yum! I particularly like the sound of the Lemon Butter Pasta with Steamed Shrimp and Broccoli – I just love Old Bay Seasoning. Thank you so much for hosting Mouthwatering Mondays.

  3. Wow, what a great selection of seafood recipes. I can’t eat shellfish, but there are even recipes for me to try. Thanks for the inspiration. Thanks for hosting the blog hop.

  4. I finally remembered your Monday Linky. Yay!!! Love the old pictures. 🙂 Salmon is our go-to seafood. My favorite dish is easy: 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1/2 cup soy sauce, 1 clove minced garlic. Marinade salmon for at least 30 minutes and bake until done. Delish.

  5. Thanks for hosting! Lots of great recipes are being shared here! I’m all linked up with a link back to your site on my post. Please do stop by and share one of your posts too on my Fri-Sun get-together. I’d love to have you! Roz

  6. Participating for the first time today via Mary at Giving Up On Perfect. Oh my goodness, these look delicious. My mouth is watering! Too bad my family doesn’t like seafood. :o(

  7. I am a huge fan if seafood! 🙂 This Monday I am sharing with you an Indian dish called Rajma, which probably could also be called vegetarian chili !

  8. Happy Monday! I am sharing my recipe for Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies. Since there is no flour they are naturally gluten free. I also reduced the sugar from the original recipe, so they are a little healthier!
    Thanks for hosting!

  9. Somehow I managed to get the wrong pic linked to my submission. I posted about making homemade crackers and a pic for one of my soups is what shows. I am sorry for the oops. However, the crackers happen to go really well with the soup, so I made sure its my commentluv link

  10. Yum! Those are some great options! The potato skins with Salmon sounds wonderful! Can’t wait to try it. Thanks for sharing all these recipes, and for hosting this linkup party.

  11. Hi Rachel! Sorry I am a bit late linking up but monday was my birthday! I am sharing some great Amish Beef Gravy which just like your beloved sausage gravy goes great over biscuits! P.s. that jenga is awesome! All the best! Alex

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