“We’re gonna go back, BACK, back, BACK to school.. yeah, yeah” ~ oh yes, I’m singing that song.  Bonus cool points to the first person to tell me what movie that’s from πŸ˜‰

I don’t know about your kids, but my kids-  they LOVE finger food and my kids are a wee bit obsessed with hot dogs, however, every time I send a hot dog “traditional style” to school with my daughter, she comes home with mustard on her uniform and that… sorry, I digress.

These hot dog kabobs are super simple to make and kids LOVE them! They’re fun to eat, they look delicious and they’re absolutely perfect for school lunches or even an after-school snack.

Kid Friendly Hot Dog Kabobs

I use the little coffee stirrers because “traditional” skewers are considered weapons (at least in my house they are) and not really a smart thing to send to school with your little ones.

These are SO easy to put together and oh my word the endless combinations you could come up with! For these, I used three of my kids’ favorite foods: hot dogs, cheese and grapes.

Hot Dog Kabobs

  • cook 1 hot dog per kid and cut into manageable, bite-sized pieces (please make sure you cut these into bite sized pieces)
  • red and green grapes (I use both because it really makes the kabobs that much prettier to look at!)
  • block of your favorite cheese cut into decent sized cubes (I use sharp cheddar but colby jack would look and taste yummy, too!

Now, the fun part!  You could even get the kids to help you with this part.  Carefully stick the coffee stirrer through the center of your kabob ingredients in whatever order/pattern (my 6 year old is obsessed with patterns) you like and then place them on a plate for immediate devouring or wrap in a paper towel and put into a baggie or container to send with them for lunch!  I can usually get 2 – 3 kabobs per hot dog depending on what other ingredients we add.

I hope that y’all enjoy this quick little idea as much as my family does!



  1. How exciting! I LOVE HEB! And the truly funny thing is that my husband works for the “competition” around here and, yet, he loves it too!
    I am off to click on your coupon links! Thanks for the neat snack ideas!

  2. I feel so silly asking, but how do you put these in kids lunches? Don’t hot dogs have to be hot? I don’t know… my son would LOVE these! He got so bored of having a PB&J every day. I’m just not sure how to pack… cold packs? Heat the hot dogs? I’m so excited for more fun lunches!!!

    1. πŸ˜‰ NEVER feel silly asking a question!!!
      MOST (check labels, please) are pre-cooked, smoked or cured meats. Although I would never eat one that I had not previously cooked, I know SEVERAL people and children who eat them straight from the fridge (shudders)

      I cook these, slice them, allow them to cool a bit and then build the kabobs, wrap them in a paper towel and then put them in a baggie or tupperware container. This is how I send them to school with my kids and they love them!
      This also works with fruits and lunchmeats! Roll the lunchmeat into a “tube” slice and put the “skewer” through it to hold it in shape and add whatever cheeses, fruit etc…

      (i hope this makes sense)

  3. Oh I am SO making these for the boys lunches! Dang, I guess that means I have to make them in a few weeks πŸ™ Oh, and my boys eat them right out of the fridge ALL the time. Bleck!

  4. I knew when I saw this recipe idea, I thought of my daughter in an instant. And I am so glad I tried it. We actually used wooden skewers since I only have one kid. My daughter ate a lot of food, and she enjoyed making it her own way. Thanks for posting the idea. I would never have thought of doing it myself.

    1. That makes me SO happy to hear! YAY! I allow my kids to have the wooden skewers when we’re out on the beach and they’re soaked (the skewers) and my kids are too preoccupied with the beautiful surroundings and food to think about using them as weapons πŸ˜‰

      I’m so happy that y’all enjoyed this!
      Thank you SO much for coming back and letting me know!

  5. Love, Love, Love the Hot Dog Kabobs! Will be adding this to my son’s lunch box menu rotation!! Can’t wait to read some more of your ideas. My son is a kindergartner this year and I have to send a snack (in one bag) and lunch (in another). I could pay $4/day for his lunch but I really don’t want to do that since I know he won’t eat half of what they serve. Thanks for the great idea!

  6. Oh, Wow!!
    These kabobs are so easy to put up. Add to it the fact they look so yummy and tempting- that’s like a cherry on the cake, or should I say….like a grape on this kabob?
    Am gonna try it in the evening- I guess even a bad cook like me can manage it! πŸ™‚
    Thanks for sharing.

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