Do you plan your Easter Menu?

Easter Menus can be daunting, the planning.. down right frightening.  Do you serve Ham or Lamb?  How many side dishes do you make?  Do you serve appetizers?

For my family, it’s always been Ham on Easter, Turkey at Thanksgiving and Chili on Christmas Eve.

If this is the first Easter meal that you’ve cooked it can feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders.  Seriously y’all.. don’t let it.

I’m going to be playing with some Ham recipes this week and I’ll share them very soon, promise.

For today.. here are two side dishes that will be appearing on OUR Easter table:

Sun-dried Tomato and Basil Potato Casserole

sundried tomato basil casserole

I made this potato chip topped, creamy, flavor packed, cream cheese enhanced casserole last Easter and it was one of the first things to FLY off our table.  Seriously, you add potatoes, green onions, sour cream, potato chips, sun dried tomato and basil cream cheese, cheese and more… how can you go wrong?  Plus, it’s EASY to make!!!!

You can find the recipe here.

Chilled Green Bean and Potato Salad

green bean and potato salad

Fresh, crisp green beans, baby red potatoes, salt, pepper, dijon mustard, red wine vinaigrette and more blend together in a dressing that adds a special zing and unique flavor to this refreshing twist on a green bean side dish.  If you’re tired of the same green bean or potato salad dish, this is the side dish to add to your table.  When I serve it, it gets thumbs up from everyone and requests for it to show up again sooner rather than later.

Recipe here

What’s going to be on your table this Easter?  Do y’all do Ham, Lamb or something else for a main dish?

I’d love y’all to share your Easter Menus and Ideas!


  1. These look great! While we don’t usually do much for Easter, I solved the problem this year. We’re spending the entire day on airplanes.

    Looking forward to ham recipes. My son, after celebrating Dr Seuss’ birthday with green eggs (ewwww) and ham, he’s decided he likes ham.
    .-= ClumberKim´s most recent blog ..All The Better To See You With =-.

    1. LOL, Kim! I’m glad your son loves Ham now, that was a turning point for my kids with real thick sliced ham, too 😉

      Well, I haven’t steered you wrong yet 😉 These are EASY and delicious recipes.

      Y’all enjoy that airplane time, K? 🙂

  2. These look so good! We do ham. My MIL used to (when she used to have Easter at her house) do lamb. I’m not a big lamb fan. And when she would do a ham she glazed it with peanut butter which gagged me a little – UGH.

    My Menu this year: A pineapple or cranberry glaze on my ham (no peanut butter unless it’s inside a chocolate egg!), green beans almondine, deviled eggs, cheese grits, mimosas or mint juleps, and bunny cake for dessert. (It’s not made of bunnies. It’s in the shape of a bunny.)
    .-= amy2boys´s most recent blog ..Weekly Winners March 7 – 13 =-.

    1. PB on HAM? as a GLAZE? Pardon me while my tastebuds die a little. That’s awful, Amy.

      I’m trying a pinapple chipotle glaze today 😉 on a ham! (great minds!)

  3. We do ham for Easter. I am seriously thinking I need to gain a few well placed pounds and I bet that sun-dried tomato and basil casserole would do the trick! It looks super yummy!
    Now if I could only get it all to go to my boobs…. 😉
    .-= Krissa´s most recent blog ..HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME! ok, and john, too. =-.

  4. Those both look DELCIOUS!!… family wouldn’t eat them because they’re SOOO picky…but I sure would!!……not sure what we are having for Easter yet, and I have two breakfast casseroles I want to post, but didn’t do it this week – I will next week!!

    Thanks for hosting!
    .-= TidyMom´s most recent blog ..Chicken Bacon Ranch Calzones =-.

  5. I realize you like to torture me with your yumminess. We will be en route back home from a vaca in Florida – so unfortunately, it will probably be something gross like mcD’s.
    .-= designHer Momma´s most recent blog ..I need more Cow Belle =-.

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