I simply can’t believe that I just typed that title.

That means it’s April — would someone please tell me where February and March went!

I’m thinking about buying a ham this week with the excuse that I want to play with and perfect a new marinade but, truthfully — it’s just that I love ham and we’ve  been so busy with kickball and out of town traveling that I haven’t cooked an actual meal in nearly a week and a half and I’m seriously jonesin’ to get back in my kitchen and dirty it up.

Last year, we had a ‘trial run’ Easter and invited friends and family over to try some new recipes and just spend a fun day together — I highly suggest doing that, it was SO fun and everyone went home with new recipes!

glazed ham table of food

Both of the hams that I made last year were packed full of flavor, easy and delicious (and really, isn’t that what we all want?)

bourbon sugar ham

I am wholeheartedly NOT a sticky sweet glazed ham person — you know those packets that come with store bought hams?  No Thank you.  This however, was delicious, a bit savory with just a little crispy sweetness.

Brown Sugar Bourbon Glazed Ham

A simple, delicious, slightly savory Easter Ham recipe with Bourbon and Brown Sugar
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Total Time:10 minutes


  • 3/4 to 1 1/2 C Bourbon
  • 1 Tbsp ground mustard
  • 2 C dark brown sugar


  • Your oven temp. will depend on your ham, boneless, bone-in etc.. follow the directions on your ham package.
  • Place your ham fat side up on a rack in a roasting pan. Lightly score the fat about 1 inch apart.. pour 3/4 C bourbon whiskey over ham and pour 1 C water in the bottom of the roasting pan.
  • Cover tightly with foil or a roasting pan lid and bake ham as directed.
  • Mix brown sugar, mustard and remaining bourbon in a bowl to create a paste, set aside.
  • When you have 40 minutes left for your ham, pull the ham out of the oven and remove the foil/lid. Slather the paste onto the ham, use a spoon or basting tool and drizzle the juices from the roasting pan over the ham.
  • Cover the ham and place it back into the oven for the remaining amount of time.
  • Pull the ham out of the oven, allow it to cool and then slice.
Servings: 1 ham
Author: Rachel - A Southern Fairytale


I think that this week, I’m going to twist up my Pork Orange Chipotle Marinade and try it for ham!

Do you have a favorite Easter Ham Recipe?  A favorite side dish?  Do you do trial runs of your recipes?  I’d love to hear y’all’s ideas and favorites!

I’ll share some side dishes later this week, too!



  1. Mmmh! Those both sound really delicious…and absolutely simple! Nothing gets made from a packet in my house. Made bourbon spareribs last night…marinade and sauce completely homemade. It’s so easy and tastes so much better!!

    That’s a really neat idea about a trial run Easter to try out recipes! I will have to file that away in my brain for when we’re living closer to friends and family…

  2. Both of those look really good. I am with you on the ham glaze, a homemade one is so much better than the stuff in the packages.

  3. I think I would be happier with either of those glazes. Although that bourbon one is really calling my name!!
    I cant believe Easter is almost here. You have reminded me to start thinking about Easter meals as well. Sounds like you’ve been enjoying yourself – yay! It’s good to take time away and have a breather and not cook for a while. Makes you happy to get back in the kitchen again.
    Thanks again for hosting the link party. I get so many great ideas! Have a great week!

  4. Wow! These both look so good. I just might have to have two hams this year! Thanks for the little kick in the butt about getting Easter planned. My mom will be here for 10 days, so I really need to be organized. Looking forward to the side dishes later this week too!

  5. Ooh, the pineapple chipotle ham sounds good. We generally have regular plain ham and jezebel sauce on the side. I’d forgotten all about Easter meaning ham time, I’m looking forward more to Easter now. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Hi Rachel! I too am a lover of all things ham and your two recipes for glazes look divine! I especially like the jim beam one! ๐Ÿ™‚ hehehe….Linking up a great and easy bittman recipe for chicken noodle soup that I made when my husband was under the weather and I didn’t have time to be fussing in the kitchen! Hugs! Alex

  7. I’m with you on the ginger! I love it. Both glazes sound amazingly delicious….and I can’t believe it’s time to think about Easter ham either!

  8. Both these recipes sound just wonderful! I love the idea of the bourbon and brown sugar, and pineapple, honey and ginger – oh my! Thank you for sharing these great recipes for ham, and also for hosting!

  9. Mmm I love fresh ginger, too! It’s such a refreshing scent!

    I am really digging on the bourbon glaze recipe – looks like I’ll be using that one this year!

  10. Both of these glazes sound wonderful. I made one at the holidays and vowed it as “must always make” ham recipe but these both are sure tempting!

  11. That bourbon one may be our experiment this Easter. I always try to have one new recipe at the table, maybe this year I’ll be risky and do a new ham?! It really sounds yummy, thanks for the recipe!

  12. Here are a couple of ham glaze recipes from Cooks’ Illustrated. You just combine the ingredients and cook over medium heat until syrupy. I have only tried the maple orange one, and it is excellent:

    # Maple-Orange Glaze
    # 3/4cup maple syrup
    # 1/2cup orange marmalade
    # 2tablespoons unsalted butter
    # 1tablespoon Dijon mustard
    # 1teaspoon ground black pepper
    # 1/4teaspoon ground cinnamon

    # Cherry-Port Glaze
    # 1/2cup ruby port
    # 1/2cup cherry preserves
    # 1cup packed dark brown sugar
    # 1teaspoon ground black pepper

    I just found your site and joined your linky party. Thanks!

  13. I love your blog!

    And, just to stay, I WILL be making ham on Easter Sunday now because of this post! The Bourbon Brown Sugar Ham sounds amazing!

  14. Mmmm… we LOVE a good Easter ham in our family but always buy the ones with a packaged glaze ready to go. This inspires me to try making one myself!

    I’d love for you to stop by my blog today and link this up to So Sweet Sundays, going on unhtil tonight! ๐Ÿ™‚


  15. Hi Rachael,
    Your Pineapple Chipotle Glaze is out of this world good! I am sharing my Roja Pork Tenderloin this week. Thank you for hosting and have a great week!

  16. Love this recipe! If youโ€™re looking for an AMAZING ham source, our family gets all of our meat from Pasture Prime Family Farm. They ship nationwide I believe. Humanely raised, heritage breeds, and fed all-natural feed. It truly makes a difference in the flavor, and of course, itโ€™s much healthier for you ๏Š

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