Quick Friday Haiku
Leaving now for a wedding
No internet there

Will post pics later
of my dress and sexy heels
She would be so proud

Monkey and Princess
staying at their godmother’s
Just us two tonight!

A lovely morning
A mani/pedi surprise
Love my husband so.

Don’t forget about
The Pop and Snack Giveaway
Enter to win here

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  1. My heels of decay and I are very jealous and wish you and the hubster nothing but romantical thoughts. Enjoy thyself, mamasita.

  2. Oh I’m so jealous. We’re going to a wedding tomorrow, but with the kids! And during naptime! My precious afternoon naptime!

  3. I am so not supposed to be reading blogs here at my parents house… but had to stop by.

    Have a great time and you have to take pictures. Can’t wait to see them.

  4. Oh, can’t wait to see those pics, honey!

    Ya know, I didn’t go to Houston after all. Next year, the conference is in Corpus. Oh yeah!

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