I derive great pleasure from the deliciousness that y’all link up every week, I bookmark, pin and print y’all’s recipes – I swoon and am inspired by the deliciousness that y’all bring every week.

I cannot currently cook in my kitchen – I have no dishes, I have no utensils, I have no ingredients.

We are in transition


Our lives are in cardboard boxes

We are in the between:  still here, not yet there…

I have yet to cook in the new house, because the state of the stove (GAS!!!) and the oven … oh my, y’all – they were atrocious.  Disgusting.  Greasy. Dirty. Nasty.

I’m so grateful for my sister-in-law, Donna, who spent about an hour this past weekend scrubbing the stove clean.
I’m grateful for Nathan and our friend Gino, who kept me calm when I put our new oven on self clean and nearly came unglued when the oven caught. on. fire. because it was so disgustingly dirty.

I’m grateful to each of you whose recipes inspire me each week and whose deliciousness I cannot wait to make in my new home.

Our new house is chock full of windows and space and inspiration, and I can’t wait to share all of that with y’all.

The first thing that I’ll make in our new house is the ultimate southern recipe – it’s the recipe every southerner makes to test their new oven:  Texas Sheet Cake

Chocolate Texas Sheet Cake


Not long after I make that: I’m going to break in my new oven with my pizza stone and make this ridiculously delicious looking Olive Garden {copycat} Grilled Chicken Flatbread Pizza that the sweet and darling girls of Six Sisters Stuff share this past week.


This might be the first time in history that an Olive Garden recipe has inspired me.

What are y’all cookin’ up this week?

What’s your must make recipe for testing out a new stove, or the recipe you want to make to win over your new neighbors??




  1. Oh boy!
    I know exactly HOW you feel – have been there and after my last move I swore we’d never move again!!
    Hang in there – I’m praying for you!

  2. I remember when we moved 5 years ago. We had bought our first house and I love my kitchen. I remember being so excited to actually have my own kitchen to cook in. I think we ordered pizza the first night because of all the unpacking we were doing, lol. I bake a lot and am planning on making a banana bread tomorrow.(My son’s favorite snack)

  3. Hi Rachel! Hope you are having a great day and thanks for your fun link party! And a big THANKS for featuring our Grilled Chicken Flatbread Pizza! We love linking up with you! 🙂 -The Six Sisters

  4. Hang in there! You’ll be cooking in no time. I usually make our new neighbors a mini-loaf of banana bread because I have all the ingredients on hand and they can eat as is or in a newly unpacked toaster oven. If they don’t like bananas, they don’t feel guilty about not eating it because it isn’t a huge loaf. 🙂

  5. I could not deal with having no kitchen. And that oven that caught fire? I’ve been ALMOST there although thankfully no fire. What do you do when your oven catches on fire? You can’t easily smother it like when I was a moron and caught my Le Creuset on fire (don’t ask). Good luck with the move!

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