Monday keeps sneaking up on me.

It would be easy to blame it on the sunshine


10th at the beach


or diving boards


high dive


or pinterest



For today, we’re blaming it on Pinterest.

Because, I pinned this Strawberry, Coconut and Honey Freeze from SmithBites and I simply. cannot. get it OUT OF MY BRAIN.

SmithBites is one of the most visually appealing food blogs that I’ve come across.  The photographs are simple, yet stunning.  The couple, Debra and ‘The Professor’, who craft the blog are endearing, friendly and quite frankly… people I hope to one day share beers, wings, burgers and laughs with.

I’m quite enamored with them and I hope that y’all will be too.


A few mouthwatering tidbits from last week


  1. I am so afraid of Pinterest. I need another hobby like I need another baby (which wouldn’t be horrible, hehehe).

    Looks like your summer is looking brighter. Thanks for hosting this week.

  2. you sooooo caught me off guard this morning Rachel – if you were within driving distance, i’d be on your doorstep huggin’ you so hard you wouldn’t be able to breathe!! and that first photo??? i am dying over the freckles on those beautiful faces – what a fabulous way to start my week!! xo

    ps – looking forward to the day when we get to meet – burgers, beer, wings – i’m in; am really hoping you’ll make that drink – it’s killer . . . and goes down a bit too easy . . .

  3. Thank you for hosting. I’m a follower, and this hop is found on a page on my site that lists more than 250 hops, memes, and photo challenges… some for each day of the week. Check under the header for the link to that page. I’ve also just started a BlogFrog community that focuses on hops, carnivals, memes, and photo challenges. Go to to visit & participate.
    I hope you’ll visit me soon. I follow back!

  4. I’ve been tempted to play around with Pinterest but I know I’ll never want to stop! This is my first time visiting and I’ve linked up some tasty Tandoori Chicken. Lots of exciting recipes here!

  5. Rachel – you’re still pretty much the only foodie that I read. Your smile spreads clear across your family – the pool picture of the three of you is awesome – I don’t even drink, but that pink drink thing looks nice – and you even got me to look at pinterest for the first time. I heart coming here. You are sunshine. God bless you and your family.

  6. Oh! Lovely pictures! They’re very hi res!
    Anyway, it’s nice that you had a lovely weekend. I love your blog, your post and I would also like to congratulate you for being mentioned at the Williams-Sonoma blog. You actually deserve it. (:

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