It seems like Princess is growing by leaps and bounds.

A phrase that I didn’t quite *get* until I went from buying size 6 to size 8 in the span of two weeks.

It seems as if every time that I turn around — a pair of shorts is too short, a shirt is too tight or a tooth is loose.

Last night she walked up to me with a strange expression on her face.

“Mom, my tooth feels funny”

I touch the tooth.Β  I wedge it slightly to the right.

All of a sudden — I have a tooth in my hand.

Another bit of childhood slipping away.



A proud little girl and an iPhone snapped photo to show her Daddy.

Nathan’s texted reply — “All she needs now is one of Grandpa’s banjos and her Hillbilly look will be complete”




  1. Your little princess is so cute! She’s at the similar life stage that my grand-daughter is, in fact, their smiles are pretty similar πŸ™‚

    Your husband is pretty funny!

    1. Tracy, stop it (sob)!!!!!!!!

      Her face has already become so much a shimmer more of a who she’ll become instead of a sweet baby.
      NOW — with the missing teeth and the big ones coming in… GASP (((sniffle)))

    1. LOL —- well as a girl whose roots are firmly soaked in moonshine and southern soil (KY and TX)
      just yes πŸ˜‰

      xoxoxo I bet your 6 yo is ADORABLE

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