elf on the shelf 2

Dear Elf on The Shelf ,

I don’t think that I’ve thanked you for the magical air that you’ve brought to our house this Christmas season.

From catching my 3 year old standing in front of you with clasped hands, pink cheeks and twinkling eyes as he whispers what he wants for Christmas so that you can take it on a magical journey directly to Santa (I never would have known about the scooter, otherwise), or finding Princess’ Christmas list tucked into the back of the picture frame on which you are perched or the echoing giggles of delight as they tease each other and remind each other to be good or Elf on The Shelf will tell Santa.

But, I think my favorite part of the magic that you’ve brought to our house is the hunt.  The joy and wonder as they gasp when they realize that you’ve once again magically transported to the North Pole and back again, only to land in a different location.  One you’ve carefully chosen because of it’s view of the heart of our house.. the rooms where the stories are told, the plays enacted and homework carefully finished.   The wonder that fills their eyes, the laughter and squeals that fill both our house and my heart, they are priceless and I can’t thank you enough for adding another element of magic to my children’s lives.

That being said.

We need to talk about this morning.

There I was nestled all snug in my bed with visions of Canon Macro Lenses dancing in my head and all of a sudden I woke up with a FLASH!!!!

Because my 6 year old noticed that you had moved in the night and had to tell me.

By turning on my light and SCREAMING that you’ve moved, YOU’VE MOVED to the top of the Christmas Tree!!!

Thus scaring the ever lovin’ peace out of me at 5:15 this morning.


With lots of love, appreciation and yawns.



  1. That is the coolest new Christmas fun I’ve ever heard. Whoever invited the Elf onThe Shelf into your home is a GENIUS! She must love monkeys and princesses very, very much to go to all that trouble of tracking him down all the way at the North Pole. I think that Santa should give her exactly what she wants for Christmas. Yep. I do. Cuz she’s one smart Texas gal. ;o)

  2. I’ve heard so many great things about Elf on a Shelf and will definitely be starting that tradition when/if I ever have kids. Hope you and the Elf enjoy many more early mornings together! 🙂
    .-= AmazingGreis´s last blog ..From my family to yours… =-.

  3. Love it! Our dear Mispy recently put me on Santa’s naughty girl list because I had to make up a giant fib for why she landed in the same spot 2 days in a row. We have had loads of fun with our elf though. In fact tonight at bedtime my daughter told my son he better go to bed without whining because Mipsy was going to report to Santa and he was probably going to bring “cold stockings” (coal in his stockings???).
    .-= Katie´s last blog ..Gavin’s Song List =-.

  4. We love our little elves! But ours are sneaky elves who cause mischief, so the boys wake up each morning and can’t wait to discover what trouble they caused the night before. Last night, they played Daddy’s guitars. The night before, they climbed the Christmas tree. Before that, they tried to eat the gingerbread house. Tonight, they’ll wrap themselves up in the toilet paper. Instead of the elves telling Santa about the boys, the boys tattle on them!

  5. Oh, we have a “Freddie” the Elf, too and am always forgetting to move him. When my five year old asked why he didn’t move every night this year I told her that I thought he might be tired. She then replied, “Like you, Mama?” Exactly.

  6. Adorable. I thought of purchasing one but with the move and everything else going on, I forgot to. I may still purchase on for use next year.
    .-= Kel – rewritingkel´s last blog ..Finalization, and the anxiety of it =-.

  7. or if you are lik em – you remember in your dead to the world sleep at 4:18 am that you forgot to move dear elfie and you rip the covers off, tear down the stairs, scare the ever living crap out of the dog to move said elf!! And then you can’t fall back to sleep!
    .-= Tiaras & Tantrums´s last blog ..I’ve a Secret to Tell You =-.

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