Dear 31,

The last few minutes of 30 here.  Can we chat?

I had big expectations for 30.  It was no big deal to hit a new decade… and yet, I had ideas.  I thought, this would be it!  That something! That BIG THING!  It would happen this year.

Well, it didn’t.

I had heartache, I had loss, I had pain.  I had joy and laughter and new friends.

As 30, I’ve  laughed until I’ve cried.  I’ve cried until I couldn’t breathe and I’ve screamed until there was nothing left.

Let’s just say it.  30 was a year which will never be forgotten.

So 31… here you come, you’re approaching.. I see you.  With your new gray hairs and your wrinkles, your trials and tribulations, your memories, your laughter, your shocks, your joys.

You’re going to kick my ass, you’re going to make me cry, you’re going to bring me to my knees and cause me to scream to the skies with joy.

You’re going to be nothing like I’ve ever seen before.

But now it’s my turn.  I have a few minutes before I, the 30 yr old Rachel am no longer in existence and I’m going to tell you now.. what I expect of you. And you, 31, you’re going to take note.

I expect you to be a better mother, a more patient mother, listen to them, hold them more, kiss them more, touch them more, play with them more…  Laugh with them more.  Remember what it was to be nearly 3 and nearly 6.  There are a multitude of firsts just beyond your grasp.. hold them dear and place them upon your heart because, 31, you’ll never see them again.

Love your husband more.  Find a reason or excuse to kiss him daily, and I’m not talking a Hi Mr Lady or Tanis peck on the lips kiss.  A REAL KISS.   Bring him to his knees more often.  Remind him and yourself why 11 years ago.. you couldn’t keep your hands off each other.

Take more pictures woman! BE in more pictures.  I don’t care how much you hate yourself at this weight or that angle.  This isn’t for you.  Quit being so selfish and insecure.  Your children need to know that you were there.  They need to see your laughter as you sweep their hair out of their face.  The awe in your eyes as you watch them blow out their candles… the tears on their first day of school.  Get over yourself, girl.

Write more.  It’s what you love, it’s your passion.  Do it.

Quit being your own worst enemy.

Dear 31.. walk, laugh, love, enjoy, immerse yourself… do it all.  There are no regrets in life except not trying.

Quit getting in your own way and live.  Lose the weight. or don’t.

Write the cookbook. or don’t.

Jump out of a plane. or don’t.

Just do, just live.

Above all.  Be there. experience.  Remember.  Make sure that your children, your family know that you lived, that you tried, that you were there and most of all, that you loved them.

If you do these things.  Then 31, I will be proud of you.


what is left of 30


  1. Happy birthday, Rachel! Hope 31 is a fabulous year 🙂
    .-= IzzyMom´s last blog ..She Got the Scary Asscam Baby Denial Blues =-.

  2. Happy birthday Rachel!

    May 31 be all you wish it to be and for your advice to take root. I’m embarrassed to say that of the hundreds of photos I have of my 2 1/2 y/o son, I’m in but a handful. It was even a stretch to find a pic of me for my Twitter avatar. I’m going to work on that…real hard.
    .-= Rick´s last blog ..Play Date Cards & Calling Cards =-.

  3. Happy Birthday Rach! This is such an amazing post. I actually teared up a little bit! Hope you have a great birthday Rach!
    .-= Cassie´s last blog ..Sponsoring Bloggers: Part Two =-.

  4. Happy Birthday- and you’ve done amazing with the first 30- for the record! But if it makes you feel better- lie about your age or your accomplishments!

  5. Happy birthday Rachel! I’ll be joining you at 31 in just a few weeks. 🙂

    This was a touching post – I hope this year is all you want it to be and more!

  6. 31 will be good. In fact, if I might give some sage advice from my older and wiser self, each year makes it easier to “get over yourself”. By 40 there is not even a thought of what other people might think…which is pretty cool.

    Happy birthday girl! You are still just a baby.
    .-= Texasholly´s last blog ..Going to the carwash =-.

  7. I love you for who you are and, more importantly, who you aspire to be. Happy birthday!
    .-= Burgh Baby´s last blog ..The Yippy Triplets Deserve Better than Lazy and Idiot =-.

  8. I LOVE THIS POST! well said! I hope that 31 is an AWESOME year for you! I hope you get everything you hope for and more! Happy Birthday hon! LOVE YA!

  9. Happy Birthday!

    Coming from an almost 33-yo, 31 is SO the new 30, and 32 is even better.
    .-= Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing]´s last blog ..It’s no wonder, or maybe it is, I’m an Aiming Low writer =-.

  10. Happy Birthday sweet, dear one. And many, many happy returns.
    .-= Ree´s last blog ..Haiku Friday – The dog is asleep on my feet. =-.

  11. Happy Birthday to you! Make it a good one.
    .-= Pamela Kramer´s last blog – Back To School Giveaway =-.

  12. Rach, this is beautiful!!!

    Happy Birthday!!! I’ll be following this list this month too (when that number hits me). You are such a beautiful person and I know 31 can only look even more gawgeous!!!

    HUGS 🙂

  13. Dear 31, I love you and I can see that you love yourself. Sincerely, My 35
    .-= Secret Agent Mishi´s last blog ..Meet Rachel =-.

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