Yes, You! and You! and oh yes, YOU!

I see you back there, hiding in your reader, scrolling via phone, reading on Facebook .. well, today, I’m talking to you!

Do you know what today is?

It is National Delurker Day.

See, it even has it’s own graphic and everything.


Thanks to RudeCactus for the graphic and idea and Sarah for reminding me πŸ˜‰

I’d love it if you’d come out of the proverbial woodwork today and tell me “Hi” or “Howdy” or anything… just de lurk yourself here on the blog!

What do you think of the new look? Do you have any recipes you’d like me to feature? Any requests for types of recipes? Specific Foods?

Are you going to Blissdom and this is your first time here?

Can’t wait for y’all to come out of the Lurking Closet!

(ps — I’ll reciprocate)


  1. I would love to see some low fat low calorie dinner ideas! We are working on making healthy choices and dinner is not always easy. Happy Delurking day!

  2. Hi Rachel,
    I’m a pretty recent reader (I guess that can be taken two ways!!) and do check in every Monday to see what’s cooking! Your food photo make me want to get cooking!! I did make twice baked potato dip and the blooming onion dip. Have a great day!!

    1. Hi Lise!
      It’s nice to *meet* you! Those are two of my favorite appetizers, I’m glad y’all enjoyed them, I hope that you continue to enjoy my blog and my recipes and that you’ll stop in and say Hi, every now and then

  3. I don’t have as much time as I used to get here, which stinks because you are lovely. I do love the recipes and I look forward to trying many of them. I recently got a great deal on boneless skinless chicken breasts (40# for $41) so if you want to suggest somethings so I don’t bore my family with the same thing over and over I would appreciate it.

    See you in Nashville!

    1. ‘forced’ mmmhmmmmm — you’re going to have to peel me off πŸ˜‰
      SO happy to hang with you again.
      Miss you and adore you, my friend xoxoxo

  4. Hello there! Love your blog/recipes. I made the mistake of showing my husband the post about the twice-bakeds you had earlier. . .now he won’t leave me alone about making them! I’m relenting on Saturday. Because its supposed to snow where I am and snow and carbs go hand in hand, no?

    1. hee hee hee πŸ˜‰


      Yes, snow and carbs TOTALLY go hand in hand πŸ˜‰

      Thank you so much, Meredith! I really appreciate you reading and sharing!

  5. Okay — Okay — De-lurking. I’m Kat and I try to stop by and check for updates every day, or at least week days. I love to bake, and I’m trying to get better with piping and making my own frosting instead of just buying everything because I love mixing up the flavors. Keep up the great posts!

      1. I have looked at her but don’t check back as often as I should. I mostly read “Confessions of a Cookbook Queen,” “Sprinkle Bakes,” and “Bakingdom.” Love baking blogs.

  6. Hi. I have to say I’ve been following you on Twitter for months, but have somehow missed your blog. I”m a big fan of food though, so I’ll be back.

    1. Hello there! πŸ˜‰
      (is there a british greeting?)

      Howdy πŸ˜‰ from Texas.

      Thank you so much, I’m honored to be an inspiration πŸ˜‰


  7. Hi Rachel! I am a lurker!!! I love reading your blog, but I rarely comment, and I feel like I’m in the minority because I don’t have a blog of my own. But I’m okay with that! Love your recipes and pictures. Have a great day!

    1. Hi Fabs!

      You definitely don’t need a blog of your own!

      Just a desire and passion and love πŸ˜‰
      Thank you for reading and for coming out to say hello xoxoo

  8. I love reading your blog…from reading about your yummy recipes, to looking at your beautiful photos, to laughing at your creative word choices {like tonguegasmic}. Thanks for keeping me entertained πŸ™‚

  9. Hi there! I’m new here and boy oh boy do I love your blog already! All of your recipes look super-awesome…I’ve already added a few items to the weekend grocery shopping list to try some things!

      1. Those homemade donut holes have my hubby’s mouthwatering for starters ;-), the sausage and egg breakfast casserole, the mini pizzas and your grilled steak and asparagus to start.

        I can’t wait!

        (I’m also eyeing that Lemon Butter Shrimp & Broccoli…seriously woman, you have made my month of Feb dinners something to look forward to!)

    1. Howdy, Sabriena!

      Rss feed is so awesome – but, I do feel like we miss a lot just reading in feeds πŸ˜‰
      Glad you came out of the feed today!

  10. Well, I’m not sure I count, I’ve posted once. πŸ™‚ I just found your blog a few weeks ago and have really enjoyed it. I love your dessert recipes, the oreo truffles that my kids and I made for Christmas got tons of compliments!!!

  11. Hi!
    I hadn’t seen your site in awhile since I follow in a reader.
    Looks good, but I’m not a fan of sites that are wider than my screen. : (

    1. sent your suggestions to my designer.. hope we can get it figured out! Had no idea that it wasn’t fitting on some screens! So frustrating!!! Thank you for the heads up!

  12. Rachel, I read all the time, mostly just look at the pictures though. But I know how to make a world class hot chocolate – and now have a whisk πŸ™‚ – and have used it.

    Your heart comes through the recipes – and I use NOM in real life conversations now.

    Even though I’m culinarily impaired – I still read.

    If I didn’t have this impairment I’d comment more.

    God Bless.

    1. YAY! Thank you, Gina! That’s one of my main goals!

      I want easy approachable recipes. real food and real recipes for REAL people! ::happy dance::

  13. LOL! I’m just tickled by how many people have done this today! I don’t think I’ve seen it on this many blogs in my reader ever…but then again, my blogging circle is getting bigger, that might have something to do with it πŸ˜‰

  14. Hi! I comment from time to time on your Weekly Winners posts. Thanks for tweeting about delurker day this afternoon. It reminded me to post a delurker day post on my blog.

  15. OK, OK, you caught me! I found you last fall, and although I don’t follow very many food blogs, your Sugar and Spice Candied Nuts really got my attention! BTW, they are delicious!! Keep doing what you do best!

  16. no Delurking here, I am sure to be one of your best-est fans!!! MWAAAA! Have a wonderful day Rachel, you rock and I appreciate you as a blogger, and internet/twitter friend!

  17. I love your blog! I love the food, the personal glances into your life, and especially love your beautiful photos πŸ™‚

  18. I am delurking! thanks! I totally love your blog and have many commonalities with you. I have several blogs/webpages/emails etc that cover a large variety of subjust that need to be “designed and integrated.” When I have time I love to “get lost” reading your blog as you are a kindred spirit in some respects. <> from a lurker

    1. AWWW Anjie, I love the spelling of your name — it’s beautiful and lyrical.
      Thank you so much for reading, for compliment and for getting me.
      <3 a kindred spriit

  19. I read every post, and usually cook something of yours 1/week. I used to comment a lot, then I left the internet, and now I just kinda started again. But no matter what, I’m always reading!

  20. I first stumbled upon your site several months ago when I googled easy granola recipe. I’ve used several of your other recipies as well, with much success. I’ve been a lurker since then (love the de-lurker guy by the way).

    1. YAY YAY YAY!!!
      Nothing makes me happier (okay, well few things) than hearing that you’ve made and enjoyed my recipes!
      The granola is one of my FAVORITES!

  21. I don’t post too often(umm, usually just on giveaways? yeah, how nice of me…). But we are vegetarians, and it seems like you have lots of meaty recipes(which is totally fine, just why I don’t usually comment! BUT, I did use some of your Christmas cookie recipes, and they were SO loved! The homemade pb cups you featured in the Christmas in July were SO GOOD, and will be a new holiday tradition. I also made at least 5 batches of your candy cane kiss cookies, and everyone loved them.

    1. I know, we’re meat eaters ::grins:::
      BUT, we do love veggies — I just don’t ever post the recipes…
      keep kickin’ me in the tush

      I SO will!
      Thanks for reading — even though I’m a total carnivore πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

  22. Hi I’m delurking lol. I’m a Google reader and have the slowest connection on earth which is why I don’t comment as often as I’d like to. But I follow your every word lol. I love your recipes but offhand don’t have any to share.

  23. Just saw this and thought I would delurk. I have only been reading your blog since about Christmas. Love it so far!

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