Do you and your spouse have a date night?  Seriously, do you?

Nathan and I don’t have a set date night.   Between kickball, work, traveling, PTA, fundraisers, kickball, girl scouts, work etc… etc… etc…  it seems like we can hardly fit a night at home together, much less a date night.

A few weeks ago I was contacted about working with Bertolli and doing a “date night that would sweep us away to Italy” seriously y’all, my fingers tripped over themselves saying yes when she mentioned CANDLES, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, Wine Glasses, Silver and Andrea Bocelli.

Y’all know me, I’m not picky about food but, I’m also not a huge fan of frozen dinners but, I’m always up for trying new things and, she said pretty things to me about food and bowls and serving dishes and wine glasses; she knew my weaknesses.

The gigantic box arrived and while my kids burst our eardrums with the pop pop popping of the bubble wrap; I uncovered beautiful white dishes, two gorgeous red wine glasses, two napkins and sterling silver napkin rings, a wine aerator (had to google how to use it) a coupon for Bertolli, an Andrea Boccelli CD (I’ve mentioned him before, I love. love. love him) and a pretty orange candle.  I shoved the coupon in my pocket and took off to the store.. goodnight y’all, the choices! I ended up using the coupon for one and buying two more because I simply. couldn’t. choose.

Nathan and I fed the kids early, put them to bed and then we lit the candle


and poured the wine (through the aerator)

wine aerator

oooooh!  I forgot to mention! They sent me a wine pairing list! SWEET!

wine list

The first night we had a red wine because we made the Chianti Braised Beef and Rigatoni (I couldn’t find a chianti, so we had merlot.)  The verdict, surprisingly good and filling.  There could have been a bit more meat but really, for under $6 for the both of us and less than 20 minutes prep.. This will be showing up again.

Hands DOWN, mine and Nathan’s favorite dish was the Chicken Florentine and Farfalle.  It has chicken, a creamy sauce, farfalle and spinach.  Nathan kept trying to steal mine out of my dish.

chicken florentine

The Chicken Florentine paired with a rosemary bread and a glass of pinot grigio while curled up on the couch next to my husband watching Bones in our pajamas was quite possibly one of the nicest and most delicious “date nights” ever.

We’re simple people, y’all 😉   You have to remember; he proposed while we were in our pajamas, studying for finals and I had a green cast on my left arm.

It’s not so much about the setting, as the company.

Now, for the good stuff:

Tell me your ideal date night: (the food, the location, the wine) and you’ll be entered to win the exact same “Date Night” Package from Bertolli that I received.

I’ll use Random Generator to choose the winner:

This contest is open from 10:47PM CST April 22nd, 2010 to 10:00 PM CST April 25th, 2010

  • First entry (mandatory)  Tell me your ideal date night
  • Bonus:  Tweet this giveaway and leave a comment with the tweet url
  • Bonus:  Watch the embedded episode of “Into The Heart of Italy” and tell me something you liked about it. (worth 2 entries)

each entry must be a separate comment.  only open to the US.  valid email address must be provided for contact purposes


  1. Date night….Perfect date for me would have to be a picnic dinner on the tailgate of the truck at the beach watching the sunset and listening to the waves crash, looking into the eyes of the man that still takes my breathe away.
    .-= Texasfrogphotography´s most recent blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

  2. My ideal date night would be spent with my husband at one of the many new restaurants in San Antonio. We have two little ones so we don’t get out much (once every 3-4 months if that) and so many new, interesting restaurants have opened. I’d have pasta or fish and my husband would have steak (probably a New York Strip if I know my guy…). We’re big chardonnay fans so that would be our wine of choice. Although we may kick off date night with a glass of champagne to celebrate an evening alone together.

    Ah, it sounds like bliss. Now I need to find a babysitter!

    Very excited about this contest. That aerator looks like big fun. 😉
    .-= Colleen Pence´s most recent blog ..Why she’s A Southern Fairytale (and I’m a kitchen nightmare) =-.

  3. Twitted contest. With our everyday busy lives we should always take the time to cherish those that make our lives complete.
    .-= Texasfrogphotography´s most recent blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

  4. my favorite part about the clip was that they went and hunted to mushrooms that they cooked instead of purchasing them from a store.
    .-= Texasfrogphotography´s most recent blog ..Wordless Wednesday =-.

  5. my ideal date night would be with a man. i have no reason to be picky these days. food would be good too.. 😉
    .-= linney´s most recent blog ..Moments Of You – Empire State of Mind =-.

  6. In the episode, I loved how Marissa Tomei says it’s like she and Dan are in a Little Rascals episode when cooking. I can SO identify with that!
    .-= Colleen Pence´s most recent blog ..Why she’s A Southern Fairytale (and I’m a kitchen nightmare) =-.

  7. I’d have to say my favorite part of that video? ITALY! Oh how I’d love to go there. Sigh. And the open market. I just LOVE the idea of buying fresh fruits, veggies, and flowers at an open market.
    .-= Miss´s most recent blog ..Indeed =-.

  8. Oh duh, the date night. Well, any night with my honey, given our situation, would be blissful at this point. But I’m sure we would be ok with a nice dinner, a walk on the beach, and plenty of couch time splitting a bottle of wine we’ve never tried while catching up on our favorite shows. THAT is just about perfect for us. 😉
    .-= Miss´s most recent blog ..Indeed =-.

  9. I’m fairly simple girl. I like beer and jeans & t-shirts and flip flops. I like PB&J and Snickers bars. Chilling on the couch with a bowl of ice cream, are the dates we mostly get. And, I like dates that are, like you said, more about the company that what goes into them.

    That being said…my ideal/perfect date night is one that has been thought out, planned and is f.a.n.c.y. A restaurant where reservations are needed. An event where tickets were purchased in advance. A need to breakout the shapewear, panyhose and heels. A presentation of flowers or chocolates or, you know, jewelry is also a nice touch.
    .-= Malia´s most recent blog ..French Fried Memories =-.

  10. Perfect date night: Italian joint down the street from our house with exposed brick walls & an open kitchen and an eggplant appetizer to DIE for. Of course we’d have a bottle of Napa Valley cab (that is where went on our honeymooon!) and I’d eat my weight in spinach and ricotta tortellini!

  11. My perfect date night…..hmmmm, it’s been awhile! I love to go to concerts at small venues so I would love to go out to a nice dinner, have some wine, and hear some live music! 🙂

  12. I’m not really fussy about details for date night (or in our case date day, we both have Mondays off and get to spend the day together while the kids are in school!). Its all about spending time together! Our Mondays consist of a meal and just doing stuff together whether its errands, renting a movie, working in the yard or whatever. Its all about together 🙂

  13. I’m not so picky actually- though I can pretend to be a lot of the time.

    I agree with you- it’s not so much the setting but the company.

    But a nice dinner just the 2 of us (could be home cooked by the both of us or out somewhere) followed by a night in of playing games (mexican train dominoes is a favorite of ours) maybe a movie and just quality talk time.

    We’ve had a few of those but I’d love to have more of them. I figure we should take advantage now while we don’t have kids!

  14. My ideal date night would start w/ an already clean kitchen where we will make dinner together while having a glass of wine, laughing and listening to music in our bare feet. After we eat our dinner together we take our dogs for a walk up to Blockbuster to rent a movie. Before we watch the movie we take a shower together. Then after that the rest is up in the air ;-]

  15. Oh, what a sweet date night! At home, or otherwise. I need to do more at home date nights!

    Perfect night, is typically an night out to a restaurant…and then maybe popping over to another one for a coffee and dessert.
    .-= Krystyn´s most recent blog ..Sisters, sisters…PSF =-.

  16. My perfect date night with my hubby would be away from the house. Leave my little boy and 3 dogs safety behind with my mom. We would go to this hole in the wall Italian restaurant, bring our own pinot, and munch on delicious food in the dimly lit restaurant!

  17. The best part of the video was the truly fresh food they used. I love making everything I can from scratch. Finding new ingredients and learning how to use them is something I love doing as well…oh and the bread in the video looked AWESOME!

  18. I know it sounds lame, but I just really love being alone with my husband. That said, my perfect date night is going to happen soon, we are going on a trip to Mexico (to the town we honeymooned in), and we plan on having dinner on the beach at sunset. I really can not think of anything better.
    .-= elz´s most recent blog ..Friday Favorite-Cards =-.

    1. I need you to email me your mailing address!!!!! With the video comments counting twice, YOURS is #31 and that’s what picked!!! CONGRATS!

  19. Perfect date night for us is spending all day on the boat. When it finally starts to get dark and cooler we go to the entrance of the Marina and have crab cake sandwiches on the deck overlooking the marina. Of course with a nice glass of wine. Boy am I looking forward to the good weather!!! It doesn’t get any better!!!

  20. My ideal date night is making or going out to dinner with my boyfriend, followed by a walk outside during the summer. Simple, but that’s what I love. Maybe ending with ice cream, because ice cream is delicious.

  21. My perfect date night with my husband would be dinner, bowling and a movie – sans our kid. Or we could just stay home, cuddle up, and watch horror movies all night. Either one would be ideal to me!

  22. Ideal date night: my husband and I found a lovely little Italian restaurant on a remote island here in WA state. I love all italian food but their Chicken Marsala is divine. A nice Chardonnay (yes I know you’re supposed to pair it with red wine but I’m not a huge fan) , a table near the fireplace and great conversation.

    That would be heavenly.

  23. OK then – I think my “dream” date night would be on the beach in Hawaii. I actually love a good, sweet, red wine. Not too strong. A local winery here makes a delicious apple and peach wine that is really nice for the summer as well. As for food? Well I’m an Italian girl so bring on the fettuccine! 🙂

    Realistic date night? Olive Garden with the house sweet wine. 😀

    Angela <
    .-= Angela England´s most recent blog ..Fun and Funky Bags Great for Getting Organized and for Travel: Sappies Product Review =-.

  24. My ideal date night would be at home. I’d much rather be comfy and in my pj’s than have to dress up. For food, I’d be having the Pollo Limon from Macaroni Grill. I’m not sure about wine since I can’t have wine. I’d probably go with a sparkling grape juice or some Mountain Dew 😉

  25. A perfect date night would probably be staying at home in our PJ’s as well. A great DVD, maybe a romantic comedy..or an action movie (we both love us some big explosions). I don’t know about a meal, but some nice cheese and crackers. Maybe some fresh fruit. Chocolate covered

    And our favorite wines are from a Texas Vineyard. Llano Blush and Llano Sweet Red.
    .-= Just Jinny´s most recent blog ..I’m Homeless! =-.

  26. Oh man! Sharing small plates, a big kick-in-the-face red wine, and coming home early to snuggle and watch TV. 🙂
    .-= Maria´s most recent blog things =-.

  27. My ideal date night is one we had a few months ago: dinner at our favorite Japanese restaurant with plenty of sushi and sake and then walk over to the museum for one of their late night events. Perfect.
    .-= Ashley´s most recent blog ..YA Authors Tweet About ‘Gimme A Call’: What Would You Tell Your High School Self? =-.

  28. These days date night is different than it was 5 years ago. With 2 small children and no family near us, we don’t get out much. So Friday night is usually take out/order in night. We get the kids to bed, eat on the couch in front of a movie. It is enough – it allows us to reconnect and decompress.
    .-= Michelle Smiles´s most recent blog ..Brown thumb be damned =-.

  29. My IDEAL date night is: dressing up fancy, going out somewhere special, and eating delicious food (and dessert – this is an occasion after all), but a close second is making chicken tacos and watching a marathon of a beloved tv show whilst in pajamas. Really I’d take either 😉

  30. My favorite date night is a new restaurant, actually. I love trying new places, with a great steak and a glass of champagne. Something chocolate for dessert.

    I really love when our date nights happen when my mom or MIL has my kiddo, so the date includes sleeping in together the next day.

  31. Date night, what’s that?

    When we actually get to go out, we like to have dinner and a movie. I have two favorite locations. The first is a local creperie where I order a crepe with creamed spinach and sauteed mushrooms.

    The second is actually a local wine shop that serves food. I LOVE the grilled cheese. It’s made with Challah bread, gooey cheese, apple slices, and fig jam.

    The wine?

    I almost always drink Merlot. It’s my favorite red wine.
    .-= Leighann of D-Mom Blog´s most recent blog ..Be Out There Challenge Day 5: Not So “Out There” =-.

  32. My ideal date night: my sweet Hunky Hubby at Hot and Hot Fish Club, bottle of Chardonney, dancing at some hole in the wall. It’s been way too long! Thanks for reminding me how important these nights are!

  33. I love staying in for a date, like this. special menu, cuddles in the jammies, turning phones and computers off for two hours. so so nice!
    .-= Kat´s most recent blog ..Women I love =-.

  34. Like so many of you busy women, I just love any one on one time with my hubby! Ideally, it involves the kids sleeping at grannie’s house, take out, a movie and hopefully I’ll “get lucky” and he’ll give me a foot rub!

  35. I love making dinner together and then sitting down to enjoy it with a candlelit dinner. We then put on music and dance in the living room. Cheesy I know, but it is so much fun.
    psychopathicpixie @ yahoo

  36. The part about yelling out “Sauro” cracked me up. I would be so embarrassed to do that.
    psychopathicpixie @ yahoo

  37. We love to eat together and try new foods, so we go to a culinary school’s restaurant where we can get some crazy dishes we’ve never heard of before. We like a long, long time for dinner with a few bottles of wine and just sitting and talking. Nothing fancy, just very relaxed. What a nice prize package. I am not just saying this because I know it’s a random drawing- the only frozen food we buy (like pre-made dinners) is the Bertolli ones. They are a little more expensive, but we kind of figure it’s less than going out, but more than making a meal from scratch and very tasty.
    .-= Jen @ BigBinder´s most recent blog ..Me Gusto! =-.

  38. I LOVE date nights and find them totally important to keeping the relationship going and spicy 🙂
    .-= Christina´s most recent blog ..The Joy of the Sandwich =-.

  39. Man! I hate when I get behind on my reader and miss a great contest/giveaway like this!! Oh well I”ll comment anyway….the stuff you got is amazing! Bertoli would you like to send some stuff over here to a wife who always promotes date night? lol
    I think date night is very important to a marriage and even though we don’t have kids life sometimes gets in the way. But its important to remember to focus on your marriage and a date night is a great way to do it! I hope you had a great night w/ your hubby!

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