and a giveaway!

That’s right –

Dark Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Cookies

pb & dc cookie

Nathan and I aren’t really sweets people, please try to contain your shock 🙂

We would much rather eat something savory or spicy (as I’m sure y’all have noticed, given the recipes that I post here).

There is however, one sweet combo that both Nathan and Monkey will never turn down – the combination of Peanut Butter and Chocolate.  Whether it’s cookies, cakes, cupcakes, ice cream — if it’s peanut butter and chocolate, my boys are all over it.

When I saw the White Lily Flour Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Cookie recipe in the goodie basket that I received, I knew it was the perfect recipe to test and share with y’all alongside today’s giveaway.

These cookies are super easy to make and delicious!  They are rich and fluffy and definitely peanut buttery (is peanut buttery even a word?) without being overwhelmingly stick to the roof of the mouth peanut buttery and when they’re combined with the dark chocolate dip… oooh baby :-).

PB & DC stacked

Dark Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Cookies

Delicious Peanut Butter cookies dipped in Dark Chocolate. Lightly Adapted from White Lily Flour's Recipe
Print Recipe
Prep Time:10 minutes
Cook Time:8 minutes
Total Time:18 minutes


  • 3 1/4 C White Lily All-Purpose Flour
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/4 C Crisco Butter Flavor Shortening
  • 1 C Creamy Peanut Butter I use all natural Peanut Butter
  • 1/2 C white sugar
  • 1/2 C firmly packed brown sugar I use dark brown sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla I use vanilla bean paste
  • 3/4 C sour cream

Chocolate Dip

  • 2 C dark chocolate chips
  • 1/2 to 1 Tbsp Crisco All Vegetable Shortening


  • Pre-heat oven to 375° F
  • Use a non stick baking sheet or coat a baking sheet with cooking spray
  • In a medium size bowl, whisk together: flour, baking soda and salt. Set aside
  • In a large bowl, combine: shortening, peanut butter, sugar, brown sugar, egg and vanilla - beat 2 minutes.
  • Stir in sour cream and half of the dry ingredients - blend well.
  • Add in the rest of the dry ingredients and stir until all the ingredients are mixed.
  • Roll into 2-inch balls (you can use a #2 cookie scoop for this, too) This was a lot of fun for the kids and me to do together
  • Using a long tine fork (think dinner, not salad) flatten the cookies and add a criss cross pattern to the tops.
  • Bake 8 minutes.
  • Cool for 2 minutes on the baking sheet and then remove to a wire cooling rack to finish cooling.


  • In a medium saucepan start melting the dark chocolate chips - add in 1/2 Tbsp Crisco All Vegetable Shortening - you can add more to help with the silky smoothness of the chocolate for dipping.

Dip the cookies however you'd like, the kids and I just dipped then about halfway in, scraped the bottom of the cookie against the rim of the pot to remove some excess and then lay them on wax paper to cool completely


    I prefer dark chocolate to milk or semi-sweet, there's just so much more depth and deliciousness to dark chocolate - you can use whichever you'd like, though. Same with dark brown sugar vs. light - slightly deeper molasses like flavor with the dark.
    Servings: 30 cookies
    Author: Rachel

    Now on to the giveaway – I teased y’all about it when I shared the Caramel Pecan Biscuit Bake Recipe and now it’s here.  This is a truly delicious giveaway.

    Not only will you get a basket with White Lily flour, recipes, a pastry cutter, measuring cup, White Lily bread towel and spatula


    You will also get this Cuisinart Power Advantage Plus 7-Speed Hand Mixer!


    I can’t even tell y’all how much I love this mixer:  from the digital display, to the awesome snap on storage case for all the goodies that come with it: beater’s, chef’s whisk, dough hook and even a spatula.  I love, love, love this little baby – however I have to admit, my favorite part of it is the eject button.  You know how with some mixers you push the eject button and the beaters just release and you pull them out?

    Oh no.. not with this baby.  The Cuisinart Power Advantage Plus doesn’t mess around.  It has a release trigger and when you pull the trigger – those babies SHOOT out.  I may or may not have played with this feature for 5 minutes or so – what can I say? I’m easily entertained by kitchen gadgets.

    Would you like to win this?


    Mandatory Entry: What’s your favorite treat to make for (or with) your family?

    Bonus Entry:  Tweet this giveaway and leave your tweet url in the comments

    Bonus Entry:  Check out White Lily Flour’s Recipes and tell me which one you’d most like to try

    That’s 3 entries per person! Good luck, y’all!
    This giveaway is open from Friday January 20, 2012 to Sunday January 22, 2012 at 10:00 PM CST. Once the winner has been contacted, they will have 24 hours to respond or another winner will be chosen


    This recipe and giveaway are part of a partnership with White Lily flour. I have received product compensation for my time and talents.

    This Giveaway is now closed:

    Congratulations to our winner:

    Mocha Momma


    1. Yeah, printed this one out. I like making no-bake chocolate oatmeal cookies. They are my son’s favorite. He may change that after eating one of these.

    2. When I was a wee (and very skinny) lad my nickname was “Fatboy”. “Why” is a long family story, but suffice it to say the appellation was misplaced. However. Now, as I approach my dotage, the name is far more apropos – and do you know what? You’re not helping. Not a bit. I just LOOK at the stuff you publish all the time and I get fatter. I’m just sayin’.

    3. Favorite family treat are brownies, or anything with chocolate. Would love to win this for the white lily flour alone. Have had southern family members bring me a supply when they visit. Thanks for the giveaway.

    4. My family’s favorite treat is a home made red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. It is what everyone requests for their bday cake. Mine is coming up next week and I just might make one for myself with my worn out, old, garage sale find, mixer! lol!

    5. I never thought I would be happy to have a peanut allergic person in the house but I’m pretty sure it’s the only thing keeping me from making this and gaining 20lbs this weekend. So yummy!

    6. I love brownie bites topped with vanilla cream and dipped in dark chocolate ~homemade brownies are the best because you can add whatever you enjoy inside! We also love Island cookies (choc chip cookies with toasted coconut) ~delish!

    7. I am so winning this! I have been pretty into my homemade granola bars lately. I don’t have a hand mixer and now that I am becoming quite the baker, I need one!:)

    8. We make something called Margarita Bars. We make them way too often. Even my youngest will know what ingredients we have and what we need in order to make them. He’s like a Bar Savant.

    9. OK, first off…how crazy yummy do those cookies look?!?

      My favorite treat to make…you’re not going to believe me, but I like making yellow cake + I make my own chocolate frosting. I’m SO not a baker…but it is YUMMY;P

    10. This holiday season everyone in our family clamored for peanut butter cookies with chocolate kisses. Thank you for for a new twist on this cookie!

    11. I love making funky cakes for people. Fun flavors, awesome frostings, fabukous decorations, the whole nine yards. Failing that a carrot cake recipe I got in french class. It’sthe one thing I don’t need to translate anymore.

    12. My husband’s favorite is oatmeal cookies with raisins, my son loves snickerdoodles, and I love molasses cookies.

    13. My favorite treat to make with my grandchildren is cookies of any kind because they seem to love them all. My favorite treat to make for myself is pound cake or pecan pie. My hubby’s favorite is oatmeal/raisin cookies…usually shared with the grandkids!!

    14. I checked out the recipes for White Lilly flour and I think I would love the Double Pecan Praline Bars. Now if I just knew where to buy White Lilly flour around here!

    15. Followed you comment from Midnightblue and the first post I read is a recipe on Chocolate Dipped Peanut Butter Cookies.

      *pure bliss*

      A favorite treat my family loves is Chrusciki – a Polish pastry dusted with powdered sugar. They don’t last long around the family.

    16. Cookies, pies, cakes… love experimenting with new things. Favorite treat to make has got to be that good ol’ American staple – apple pie! When it’s my turn to bring dessert to the family dinners, and I make one of these, usually have to make another one to stay home for the fam!

    17. As for the recipe to try… they all look amazing! But I think the Southern Sweet Potato Peach Pie would be interesting to try. Never had it before, but the flavors sound like an interesting mix :).

      Would love to win this giveaway!

    18. I was going to put the mocha struesel choc chip muffins because I got it from their site a year ago but it is no longer up. So the second choice is the Chicken and dumplings.

    19. Our favorite treat to make is Blackberry Cobbler and homemade vanilla bean ice cream. We have it at least twice a month in summer and usually pick blackberries ourselves and freeze them in batches to use for the cobbler.


    20. I would like to try the Bacon, Egg and Hash Brown Biscuit Bake recipe because I know it would be a big hit here.


    21. My favorite recipe to make for and with my family is Strawberry Bread. It’s a family tradition and I got the recipe from my Mother-in -law, out of a book called Cook ’em Horns. Easy and delicious! A favorite during Christmas time or whenever.

    22. I am thinking I would try the White Lilly rolls recipe and compare it to the one my husband’s grandmother used to make. She was an Oklahoma pioneer woman. 🙂

    23. I would love to try the White Lily Apple Cinnamon Bread recipe….yum…yum!! I have to win this contest first as I can’t get White Lily in CA!! I have to ship it to myself when I go home to KY!! 🙁

    24. My favorite treat to make for my family is my Aunt Rebecca’s Carrot Cake. But we love peanut butter cookies too and can’t wait to try this recipe.

    25. Quite honestly they love just simple choc chip cookies. I enjoy baking but it seems that I always come back to the ol standard.

    26. Chocolate oatmeal no bake cookies! They have peanut butter in them too. (and my boys are gluten free so I can make these because they don’t take flour) 🙂

    27. My family’s favorite treats for me to make are any type cakes or pies. About to go make an apple crisp now. I always use White Lily products. My mama always did and I always have. It is a brand I know and trust. Thanks for chance to win.

    28. The White Chocolate Cherry Torte in White Lily’s recipes looks good. Thinking it would be a great cake for Valentines.

    29. My favorite things to bake for my family are biscuits and cakes. I only use White Lily flour…always have. Thanks for chance to win.

    30. I would make cheesecake for my husband as that is his favorite dessert. It would need to be a chocolate cheesecake and then we are both in heaven!

    31. My favorite treat to make for my family? Hmmm…that’s a tough one! I make a mean cheesecake, and it’s a hit with my kids and my husband…and me! Cheesecake it is!

    32. I’m definitely going to try the Biscuit-Topped Italian Casserole recipe from Lilly White Flour. It looks amazing!

    33. Ohh I’m in the market for a new mixer, how nice to win one!! Lol keep my fingers crossed. It can make me peanut butter dipped cookies.

    Talk to me!

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