
When I posted the picture of these cupcakes on Twitter last night the response was overwhelming and several people requested the recipe so here y’all are!

Cupcakes Baked in Ice Cream Cones

We found these adorable multi-colored cones at our local HEB so that’s what we used, they’re just so fun and colorful!!

Put your cones in 2 – 9X13 baking dishes ( I had 36 cones and used about 24)

Make cake according to directions

Fill the cones about 3/4 of the way up with batter


Bake one pan at a time at 350 for about 25 minutes or until the top of the cupcake springs back when touched


Decorate them with any color, flavor or type of frosting and sprinkles that you prefer!



Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes

  • 1 box cake mix (or homemade, whatever) I used Golden Butter
  • 2 (16 oz cans) frosting (or homemade)  I bought buttercream and whipped in 4 oz cream cheese to cut the sweetness. It makes an amazingly yummy frosting that’s not too sweet for the big people and the little ones still love
  • 24 flat bottom ice cream cones
  • non-pareils and other decorative things
  • pastry bag with appropriate tips (please don’t do the snipped baggie thing, it looks like piles of poo) or batter knife for spreading
  • 2 –  9X13 dishes
  1. Prepare cake mix as directed.
  2. Place cupcakes in 9X13 dishes and fill about 3/4 with batter
  3. Bake one dish at a time for 25 minutes or until the cupcakes spring back when pressed
  4. Let cool, decorate and devour!!!

inspired by the post I did about this on Blissfully Delish

psssttt:  down here 😉  You’re totally voting for me right?  RIGHT? Please!!!


  1. ok so here’s the deal…I’ll come be your “kid” and I promise not to back talk, misbehave, or throw tantrums and in return you make me these like once a week. Is it a deal? Seriously those look amazing!

    jen’s latest brilianceMy Very Own Catholic Guilt

  2. Send some my way, will ya? My 3 year old loves cupcakes…and anything in an ice cream cone. I feel myself needing to make some very soon!

    AlyGatr’s latest brilianceUpcycling In Action

  3. I’ve been wanting to make cupcakes in ice cream cones for so long and I always forget to do it! These are just adorable!

    When you say you bought buttercream…where? Was it in a tub in the baking aisle? Like frositng in a can? Or did you get it from the bakery? I suck at making buttercream and I loooove it more than any other food. 🙂

    Karly’s latest brilianceCorn. With Bacon. Because Bacon Makes Everything Better.

  4. i recently found that they sell Gluten Free ice cream cones at my local health food store, I am so going to try this!

    fidget’s latest briliance15 weeks

  5. Oh my! What a FANTASTIC idea!! Definitely going to save this one to show off at a playdate 😉

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