
To participate in the Quaker Oatmeal Create Your Day program, I was compensated for writing this post regarding my Quaker experience.  Quaker did not tell me what type of creations I should make nor did they require me to use any specific ingredients.

I love Oatmeal, heck.. I love food. If you were in the Niche Panel at Blissdom, you heard me say that.. multiple times

When I’m presented the opportunity to combine my love of food, my love of writing and my love for charity.. It’s like the trifecta of awesome. Quaker has once again thrown down the gauntlet and challenged us with the opportunity to have some fun and donate to amazing charity, Share Our Strength, by using our love of applications, social networking and food (hello.. another trifecta).

Quaker has created an application that allows you to Create Your Day.   Go to their website and create the perfect breakfast for you, for a friend, your child’s teacher, your husband.. whomever you’d like.   Using their application, answer a few questions and it creates a fun card with the ideal oatmeal to get them revved and ready for whatever lies ahead of them that day.  It then allows you to share it via email or facebook.  For every dish that you create (4 per day) through March 31, 2010… they will donate $1 up to $25,000 whoops… $25,o0o has already been donated!!! So they’ve upped the ante to $50,000.

Let’s make Quaker eat that $50,000 and up it to $75,000.

Please help me in this.  No child, no family, no person in this country should go hungry.

Please accept this challenge. Take 5 minutes out of your day, once, twice, four times a day and have some fun and help Quaker help others.

Create Your Day Experience_1266893131737

What’s your favorite way to eat Oatmeal?   The picture at the top of the post?  That’s my oatmeal:  Brown Sugar, Greek Yogurt and Walnuts with a hint of skim milk and butter.

Quaker has offered delicious and fun Create Your Day Starter Kits (Quaker Instant Oatmeal and a Place Setting) to two of my readers.  To be entered:

  1. Tell Me How You Start Your Day
  2. (Bonus) Tweet this giveaway (4 times a day) Leave in a separate comment with the tweet URL
  3. (Bonus) Use The Create Your Day app and tell me how many Days were created when you did yours. (see the hanging counter in the pic above) ****

I will pick two winners on Thursday, February 25th at 10:00 PM CST.

****When I Created my husband’s day:  28,000 days had been created.. that is $28,000 dollars for Share Our Strength.

congratulations to our winners!  Lori and Brigid


  1. I start my day usually with a gallon of coffee and making breakfast for Henrietta. (She even gets it in bed!) And yes, her first course is Quaker brown sugar and cinnamon oatmeal with a glass of pineapple juice. After that is done, she gets an egg, usually she asks for scrambled, a breakfast sausage or a couple of strips of bacon, and a slice of toast with apricot jelly.
    Then it’s all about getting her on the bedpan and, well, you know… 😉
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..HalfAsstic-Where necessary appliances, (the ones you can’t live without), come to die. =-.

  2. Soooo not savvy enough to know how to put a tweet url down here. This is all I got: a copy of the tweet!

    Create Your Day with Quaker! Give away at Southern Fairytale! http://tinyurl.com/ylqp7qb
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..HalfAsstic-Where necessary appliances, (the ones you can’t live without), come to die. =-.

  3. 28005!!!
    .-= Krissa´s last blog ..HalfAsstic-Where necessary appliances, (the ones you can’t live without), come to die. =-.

  4. Thank You for letting me know about this… as a Quaker and a lover of oatmeal… I am SO going to do this right now! oh… I start my day with COFFEE! I might not ever get to finish a cup… but nothing gets going until that liquid gold is in the cup. (no need to enter me in the contest… I have oodles of oatmeal and would love to hear about another beautiful woman receiving the gift)
    .-= JJ Lassberg´s last blog ..Recipe: Dark Chocolate Pudding =-.

  5. I just created my day. They called me an office rockstar. Woo hoo! But I like your creation better. I have never thought of putting butter in my oatmeal. Must try!

    I start my day doing this insane workout called Crossfit. So before 7am, I’ve already dry heaved 3 times from exhaustion. But the rest of the day is totally kickstarted after that. Which rules. When I get home, I have breakfast with Fury and then I take him to school. Then I go home again and get ready for work. I spend more gas before 8am than most people do in a day. Yikes, I just noticed that.
    .-= BusyDad´s last blog ..Dadvatar: The Blissdom Chronicles =-.

  6. I think my day was some kind of stoner day about relaxing, mountain air, reading a book and needing oomph. A girl can dream, yes? The counter was at 28,068 when I did mine.
    .-= Brigid Day´s last blog ..perfect day =-.

  7. Oh, and I start my day old school with slow cooking oats made with milk and a touch of cinnamon. I’m kind of vanilla that way. Ooooh, vanilla – maybe I’ll try that next.
    .-= Brigid Day´s last blog ..perfect day =-.

  8. The first that has to be done before life can happen is that both of my kids have to have a sippy cup of milk. Then we can have cereal, oatmeal or toast for breakfast.

  9. I barely start my day. Not a morning person at all. If kids weren’t waking me up, I may just start my day a few hours later! As for what we eat, well, that really depends on the day. One will eat oatmeal, but only the instant kind that isn’t very good for you. The others will eat sausage or meatballs. Sometimes it’s just toast or a bagel. Once a week we have eggs and a couple times a month we might have pancakes. I try to keep it wasy because if I get overwhelmed in the morning then the whole day is shot. The only morning consistency is a warm cup of chai for me. Now I’m off to see what kind of breakfast that website can suggest.

    .-= Chick Hatchers´s last blog ..God’s answers to prayers =-.

  10. 28101 when I was there. It suggested fruit and oatmeal. Yeah, that’s probably how I’d eat it. Now I need a nap, which was not an option in the activities listed on the Quaker site. That’s OK. I wish I were looking for something invigorating. Maybe I’ll just go and put in different answers to see what it suggests. That could be fun.

    .-= Chick Hatchers´s last blog ..God’s answers to prayers =-.

  11. I usually start my day cursing the fact that my children get up so dang early and how long until they will sleep in already and will I ever sleep again or will this lack of sleep put me in an early grave. Obviously I should not leave comments at 5:30 in the morning when the 3 yo has just woken me up.

  12. I got the caretaker oatmeal (brown sugar topped with blueberries). The # was 28,864 (I think, I though I could remember it without writing it down!).

  13. My day starts, at 5:55 a.m.,with me grabbing my stainless steel coffee mug and heading out the door to work. Since I live only 5 minutes away, the commute is a breeze. I fill my coffee mug up at the bus shop and then climb on board my school bus to start my route. Once I get off the bus and in my office, I will fix me a packet of instant oatmeal. Not as good for you as the standard cook kind, but a lot healthier than donuts! It helps keep me going until lunch, then I’m off to drive the bus again.

  14. I start my day, with the rolled oats (5 min cooking one) or steel cut Oats if I don’t have to go anywhere, and I put in some splenda, and some cinnamon, and raisins or craisins if I have any- sliced bananas are good too!

  15. I love waking up to a bowl of maple & brown sugar quaker oatmeal with a dollop of peanut butter and a few chocolate chips mixed in! Add some soy milk and pair with an enormous mug of coffee and I’m good til lunch!
    .-= Laura´s most recent blog ..Groceries =-.

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