Tonight’s bedtime started with an argument:

“Monkey’s bed”

“Princess’ bed”

over and over again

Finally, Nathan pulled out a quarter and said; “Let’s flip a coin for it.. winner gets to choose the room, the other one gets to choose the book”

Monkey won, so it was Princess’ turn to choose the book.

She chose a book from one of our family’s favorite series.. The Berenstain Bears.  She chose this book:

As we’re reading this sweet book that deals with wanting what others have instead of being satisfied with what you have.. we get to the part where Mama Bear tells Sister and Brother to stop talking about what they don’t have and start appreciating the things they do have, to start Counting Their Blessings.  At those words I felt both of my children’s wiggly little bodies still, they calmed and they listened.

They listened as I read about the blessing of having a roof over their head to protect them from the storms, a mama and papa who love them and take care of them.

We finished the book and Monkey leaned over and laid the sweetest kiss on my cheek and Princess still hadn’t moved.

I asked her what she was thinking and she said:  “About my blessings.  You and Daddy and Monkey, I was counting my blessings”

In true Monkey fashion:  “I have bwessings too, Mama and Princess and Daddy”

And with that my heart warmed and swelled and a piece of knowledge lodged there… “we are doing something right”

Take a moment, count your blessings and remind your children too, as well.  Ask them what theirs are.. their answers might warm you more than the fire roaring in your fireplace.

I know mine did.


  1. Super sweet…I love when lessons are learned through on their terms which always makes a bigger impact.
    .-= Texasholly´s last blog ..Holly throws herself under the alternative-fuel bus… =-.

  2. Aw, my mom and dad read us the Berenstein Bears books when my brother and I were kids, but I don’t think this particular book was out yet when we were young enough to be read to. I can’t wait for our little Nate to be old enough for these books. My mom still has the dog-eared copies we were read to from, and I hope she gives them back to me for Nate’s little library.
    .-= Assertagirl´s last blog ..Babytalk. =-.

  3. I loved those books as a kid. Couldn’t get enough of them!

    Can’t wait to see you next month.
    .-= Sandy´s last blog ..Wear your Jammies! GIVEAWAY! =-.

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