This is definitely not your traditional guacamole


It’s not like any guacamole I’ve ever had.

This is the recipe for the Copa Cabana Tropical Guacamole that my group came up with during the Avocado Workshop at EVO.

This is the same workshop where we worked with no power other than generators, and where the tonguegasmic Crunchy Avocado Stuffed Quinoa Fritters  were served.

There were many other  standout moments of that evening –

Power Outage

Jalapeno Cucumber Margaritas

(I am not a margarita drinker – but, y’all, I WANT this recipe)

And of course… The Too Hot Tamales



As we walked, stumbled, tripped into the Lookout Cabin after a very eventful Gondola (do you say it Gon-DOH-la or Gon-Duh-la?? tangent) ride, we were each prompted to pick a slip of paper out of a bowl.


Each slip of paper had a number on it.

After introductions, deep breaths, lots of tension relieving giggles and hugs… we were instructed to find the table with our slip’s number on it and meet our team.

The team with which we would create an amazing guacamole recipe.

In 10 minutes

In the fading light

Once the go signal was given… only 1/2 the room had a prayer at getting near the table, so my team and I just laughed and chatted and compared our varied takes on guacamole.

We eventually decided to go with what we perceived to be the non-traditional.

Given the heat of the day, and the power outages.. we decided that our theme should be getaway guac.

Our male teammate suggested we theme it around the song Copa Cabana

So he and Steph went to gather ingredients and we were off…

We had 5 minutes to combine, taste, create a background story, a name and style our guacamole…

We tossed together:

Mangoes, pineapple, banana, jalapenos, lime juice, cilantro, sour cream and tortilla chips.

Copa Cabana Guacamole

Print Recipe


  • 3 ripe medium avocados
  • 1/4 C lime juice 3 to 4 medium limes
  • 1 Tbsp chopped cilantro
  • 1/2 a jalapeno seeded and chopped
  • 1 banana chopped
  • 1/2 a mango diced
  • 1/4 C diced pineapple
  • 1 Tbsp sour cream
  • Handful of crushed tortilla chips for texture
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Mix all ingredients together
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Serve with tortilla chips
Author: Rachel


We were going for texture, flavor and something a bit unique…

There were 12 teams total and the range of flavors, stories and presentations were phenomenal.

We laughed and drooled and applauded as each representative got up to present their team’s recipe.

I think every single one of us left that workshop wishing we had a chance to taste the other teams’ guacamole and get copies of their recipes.

God Bless Foodies and Social Media 🙂

Thanks to twitter and FB and the desire for the other teams’ guac recipes…

GuacFest2012 was born

GuacFest2012 is a round-up of the recipes, the attendees memories and their takes on the evening and a general blog love fest surrounding avocados.

Over the next couple of days – there will be a sharing of recipes, photos, memories, stories and general fun all surrounding our love for avocados and guacamole and blogging and food and recipes.

I will update the links daily as more participants link up.

If you’re participating in GuacFest 2012, please leave a comment and link your recipe in the linky so we can all find each other and re-connect and share!

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  1. Miss awesomeness Rachel for coming up with Guac Fest 2012! Hopefully someone in our group will post about our Avacado Italiano; we were thinking across-the-Atlantic out of the box! What a crazy, fun night we had…right down to the pitch-black ride on the Orange Bubble! And was I the only person who gobbled up the dessert of mango and avacado slices with that light creamy sauce sprinkled with just the right bite of red chili powder?

    1. Hey Mama LeBaron!

      I didn’t come up with it, I’m just part of the group 😉 That was such an amazing night! All of the food was spectacular!


  2. gon-DOH-la!!! bwahahahaa!

    What a fun night! I LOVE guacamole and am also very thankful for foodies and social media for giving us the chance to try everyone’s creations 🙂 GuacFest2012!! woooo!

  3. You have jalapenos in yours. OH YES! I’m making this. Love the relationships and fun we’re still having and sharing after evo’12. You ladies are my kind of people. Rachel – love you.

  4. I am not Margarita drinker either, but if someone offered me the above Jalapeno Cucumber Margaritas, hmm.. i won’t hesitate to grab two of them, bwahaha.. Anyway, good luck to you and all GuacFest 2012 participants!

  5. That is awesome and I am completely heart broken that I never made it into that class. SAD!! Totally intrigued by this recipe though! Love something a little crazy 😉

  6. Wow, you learned a lot from your avocado workshop and you shared it to us. I would love to attend workshop in cooking and I am so luck that you shared what you have learned in your workshop. I would love to try this one.

  7. Since avocado is my favorite fruit, this dessert island guacamole is perfect to create. I want to create this one and thank you for sharing it. You learned many things on your avocado workshop and thank you for sharing it with us…

  8. I love avocado and this recipe is worth to try. I will share this recipe to my sister since my sister is a culinary teacher.

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