Oh. My. Word!

Y’all… It’s the last day of the 3rd Annual Bake, Craft, Sew Along.  This month has absolutely flown by.

I feel truly blessed and blown away by the sheer amount of talent and deliciousness that these amazing guest posters have shared.

I hope y’all are inspired and have enjoyed this series as much as I have.

Today’s guest poster is hands down one of the most adorable people I’ve ever met.  She’s a brilliant blogger, an extremely talented photographer, a wicked cook, a new mama and one of my sweet, wonderful and awesome contributors to Food Bliss.

Caroline’s blog – Chocolate & Carrots is not to be missed – between her gorgeously photographed, delicious recipes – her sweet voice and her adorable new baby… y’all must get to know and follow her.

Don’t forget to stop by According 2 Kelly to get some Craft inspiration and Skip To My Lou for your daily does of Sewing inspiration, plus the links to the other 2 amazing giveaways we have going on!!!


Hey there! I’m Caroline from Chocolate & Carrots, a blog where I make your favorite desserts a little healthier for you, with a side of my calorie-free cutie pie, Liam! I’m so thankful and excited to be guest posting on A Southern Fairytale. I’ve been loving all of the amazing gift ideas!

Speaking of gift ideas, making a cookie mix in a jar is probably the easiest gift I’ve ever made, and not to mention a tasty one too! I experimented with a few different versions of this recipe and after eating loads of cookies (definitely a perk), even a giant mess-up cookie, I finally settled on this one.


Once you get a rhythm down, you can make lots of cookies in a jar!

I love the presentation of these gifts. The beautiful layers make it so appealing, you just need to whip them up immediately. 😀 Let’s just say the mix won’t stay in the jar for long!

See, even underneath the decorative cloth, the layers keep going.

These are the perfect ‘make ahead’ gift too. So, go ahead and get them all packed up for Christmas!

Cookie Mix in a Jar {gift}

adapted from Bakerella


  • 1 quart jar, cleaned and dry
  • 7″ diameter piece of cloth for the tops
  • Two 2 1/2″ round labels (I used Avery labels)


  • 1 cup white whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup old fashioned oats
  • 3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 3/4 cup m&ms
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar, packed
  • 1/2 cup white sugar


  1. Pack the ingredients in the 1 quart jar using a large funnel (or a piece paper rolled up to be a funnel), packing very tight in the following order:
    • flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt mixed together (pack down tight)
    • oats (pack down tight)
    • chocolate chips (don’t pack)
    • m&m’s (don’t pack)
    • brown sugar (pack down tight)
    • white sugar (pack down tight)
  2. Close the jar, placing the piece of cloth between the top and screw top of the jar.
  3. Print out your labels, the front (title) and the back (instructions) and place them on the jar.

Servings: Makes 17-18 cookies



Hey there! I’m Caroline, a wife, new mom, food blogger and photographer from South Carolina. I am OCD about having the kitchen sink clean, a major chocoholic, I have 3 younger sisters, and love modern and simple styles. I run chocolate & carrots where I primarily focus on healthier baking. I also have a sub-blog called crackers & carrots where I document everything pregnancy and baby. Connect with me on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram!


  1. Thank you for this awesome idea. I have many teacher gifts to make this year, so I think I’ll give this a try. One question: how do you go about packing the ingredients down tightly? Do you use a spoon, or some other utensil, or is there a trick to getting it all to fit?
    Thanks so much!
    Jen 🙂

    1. I used a tall skinny drinking glass that I bought at World Market, but you could also use the bottom of a champagne glass, highball glass, small spatula maybe? I also found that it left too much room if you packed all of the ingredients, that’s why you don’t pack the m&m’s or chocolate chips. 😀 Happy Holidays!

  2. I am so making this for my sister-in-law for Christmas. She never makes homemade stuff and I hope this will force her to at least try. 🙂 I’ll have to go check out the other homemade goodies! And I love that these are whole wheat. Woohoo!

    1. Hey Sara, If you click on the ‘Back’ labels to download the pdf, that contains the instructions for what wet ingredients and preparation instructions. Also, under the Equipment section, I liked to Avery’s website as to what labels I used to make these jars. I hope that helps! Happy Holidays!

  3. Colorful and Christmassy; I think its recipients will immediately put their hands on the jar. I’m just curious about the cover, is it glass or is it holed or open?

  4. I cannot print the labels. When I print them they don’t come out on the circles. Its like they are off. Not sure if its my printer or not. I have the 2 1/2 circle labels from Avery.

  5. Gave these out for Christmas and several people texted pics and said they were very flat on the pan 🙁 They were very disappointed about the way they turned out.

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