I remember after BlogHer last year that I was fed up with reading posts about it, and yet now, here I am. Writing about BlissDom.
But y’all, how could I not?  It was phenomenal, it defies description.  I met my very first blogger ever in the Houston airport and it was awesome, she is one of the funniest ‘giddy dorks’ that I’ve ever known and she is firmly embedded in my heart from here on out. We had a ridiculously fun time on the flight from Houston to Nashville.  In Nashville we were met at the airport by Dawn aka KaiserAlex and look how she greeted us: Dawn at the Nashville airport

How cute is that!! It was one huge girl crush, love fest, seriously y’all.

Getting to the hotel was a hysterically scrunched but fun ride. 5 chicks in an impala baby, that’s all I have to say.

There was dinner, where Simple Mom and I realized we went to High School together!

The 704 party. #704 on Twitter y’all, the 704 girls are wild, crazy and have huge hearts of gold.  It was in that room that I met her for the first time *swoon* she is everything you imagine her to be, and more.

I have to tell y’all that my roommates were 3 of the most amazing women, that I have ever met.  Deanna, Amber and Robin y’all inspire me, make me giggle and bless me beyond belief. Thank you.

There are so many stories to tell and so many moments that make my heart leap and tears spring to my eyes, both from their sweetness and their hilarity.  Sugar Jones, is everything you imagine her to be times 10. She is vibrant, hysterical, lovely, fun, sweet and larger than life.  Sugah, I heart you.

JessicaKnows: ‘When I get Nervous’ girl, you are too much all wrapped up in a bundle of adorableness.

I could just turn this whole post into a love letter to all of the women that I met at BlissDom because each of them touched me, all metaphorically except for her, Tanis actually groped me :-), I think it was because the girls looked so good in my new Maidenform bra that Jenny hooked me up with.  Jennifer I want to take you home with me, or move where you are, because you are just as sweet and funny in real life as you are on your blog, plus… you are so dang adorable!!!  Jen Lancaster is a rockstar, she is funny as hell and sweet as pie.  If you haven’t read her books, you are really missin’ out. She was a kick trash keynote speaker and a cool chick to hang out with.

Jyl and Carissa from Mom it Forward you two are what this is all about.  Changing the world, one mom at a time. Y’all are inspirational, positive and truly amazing… and, you throw a really fun party!  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to pay it forward and to meet some great ladies and sing some silly songs.  I have video.

White Trash Mom Holla Girl! You are fantastic in your pearls and boots, and you like my shoes. Seriously, BFF’s.

Moosh girlfriend, here’s to dancing on the bar at Coyote Ugly, karaoke, socks under the table, Diet Coke savior and everything else. My heart, my friendship all yours girl. You are as real as they come.

Heather what can I say? You can belt it out, work a stage and hang.  You are awesome and must move to Texas.

I learned a lesson. Stop talking to people with iphones because they tweet everything you say.  Something about feet having orgasms, hope you tweeples got a kick out of that.  The shoes, were a hit. Just check out flickr and BlissDom09 if you don’t believe me.

I think I’m going to start a whole page of my BlissDom Buddies just so I can link and write each one a note because I really need one more thing to do.

Coming home from BlissDom was both exciting and sad, I was driving and thinking about all of the amazing experiences and people that I met, I was exhausted and exhilerated and kind of dragging.. yet when I opened my car door I was leapt upon by two screaming bouncing kids and I remember where I belong.  I was dragged inside and told to close my eyes:

I opened them and saw these:

My husband knows me well.

Read a card that made me cry and then they surprised me with a MacBook! So thank you Heather for letting me play with yours, I think you must be good luck! By the way.. Heather has some of the most gorgeous shiny hair ever, she and Megan… they have hair that I would kill for. They should be hair models.

There’s so much more but I have no more time, I’m still trying to figure out this MacBook (THANK YOU NATHAN!!) My husband blesses me more than anything.

So, if you didn’t get to go to BlissDom09, you have to start planning NOW for BlissDom10 because it was fantastic.  Positive, fun, enlightening, enjoyable, hysterical, droolworthy and truly just something that left me feeling full in my heart, uplifted in my spirit and my stomach hurt from laughing.

*I know I didn’t link to everyone that I wanted to but y’all, I do have to at least pretend to be a mom, right? MWAH!


  1. I’ve been waiting for your post about Blissdom. Glad you had a blast. Can’t wait to meet you in July!

    OHmommy’s latest briliance"Knock. Knock."

  2. I was so glad to finally meet you in person Rachel! My only regret is that I didn’t come Friday and get to hang out more. Here’s to BlissDom 2010!


    p.s. your husband? ROCKS!

  3. You are the sweetest person that I know. I love that I had the opportunity to meet you at Blissdom and look forward to seeing you again in July. And your hubby surprised you with a Macbook! I thought the orchids were something but he truly went over the top. Lucky you!

    Renée aka Mekhismom’s latest brilianceBlissdom!

  4. Such a pleasure, and you know you rock already so I’ll just tell you that meeting you and having your awesomeness to depend on was srsly incredible. Salt of the Earth = you.



    To Think Is To Create’s latest brilianceSee You At The Beach

  5. I think you might have been Blissdom’s best hidden surprise. I didn’t get to sit and chat with you long but it was an absolute wonderful 30 minutes or so. What you did for Casey touched more hearts than you can ever imagine. But, had one not had the chance to sit and chat with you more later, it would have been a passing Mom It Forward occasion.

    Not that it wouldn’t have been enough..because geeez girl, there were so many good things to choose from and you chose that….but that is definitely no longer what stands out in my mind about you.

    What stands out in my mind more than that is you standing in front of me, at midnight, as I had rambled my mouth on and on and blurted out stupid crap for quite a few minutes. You were so genuine with your “you poor dear” and “oh my goodness” and I couldn’t have loved you more for it.

    I’m a big talker, I don’t think I’m near as big of a listener and I have to learn to do that better. I really do practice that at home but the excitement had taken over me and I couldn’t shut my trap. And you…you didn’t seem to mind at all.

    You just listened, nodding your head in affirmation, maybe you understood, maybe you didn’t but you made me think you did and that you felt empathy for me. For that…all the Tanis’s, Casey’s and Jen Lancasters…(because Gosh-a-moly I did love them so) you were right up there with them making me think that what I said mattered to you…when in reality….I know it was just another blogger story…but you are real, you are wonderful and you deserve goodness from every direction.

    Jerri Ann’s latest brilianceTV Boyfriends

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