I adore this little lady by the name of Amanda.

Amanda has created this fun little club called the Secret Recipe Club.
It’s a fun little crapshoot.

You sign up and you get randomly assigned another blog from which to pull a recipe, make it and then re-blog it.Β  It can be easy peasy, challenging, frustrating, fun, difficult, but most of all fun πŸ™‚

I decided to sign up for the June/July challenge and I was assigned the blog: Random Acts of Food Princess Jay, as she’s known has an obvious love for all things Italian and good home cooked food — how could I not adore her? πŸ™‚Β  She ends every post with Tutti Mangia, which from google I learned roughly translates into “Each one of you eat” πŸ˜‰ Good advice, I’d say.

After a bit of scrolling, I came across a Citrus Pound Cake with Orange Sauce recipe that seemed perfect for summer.

We omitted the orange sauce, but if you have access to 12 blood oranges check out her recipe and try it! πŸ™‚

Citrus pound cake slice

Made with lemon and orange zests, eggs, buttermilk, sugar and flour, this cake just appealed to me.

I haven’t made a pound cake since before Nathan and I were married, 10 + years ago, way back in my restaurant management days.

In May, I bought a Microplane Zester, and I had yet to use it, so this was even more reason to test this recipe.

If you’ve never made a pound cake, never whipped egg whites into peak stages; I’d like to direct you towards this post on one of my favorite blogs – Baking Bites

sliced citrus pound cake
This cake is dense, moist, delicious, bursting with citrus flavor and pretty easy to make.Β  My kids loved it.




If you’re here for Mouthwatering Mondays – Welcome Back! Here are a few of my favorites from last week’s linky:



  1. Oh wow, what a lot of great recipe inspiration with both of these linkys! Your citrus pound cake looks and sounds so good. I love citrus fruit in pound cake. I’ve shared my Mom’s blueberry muffin recipe with Mouthwatering Monday. Thank you for hosting!

    1. Hope you enjoy! It’s definitely a lot of links! I hope you find some new inspiration and maybe even some yummy new blogs, maybe you’ll sign up and try it some month? πŸ™‚

    1. It was delicious! I think mine could have cooked longer, but with the oven having been turned off by a certain 4 yo…… {sigh} Both kids are having a slice for breakfast right now πŸ˜‰

  2. Eek! I linked up to the wrong linky at first! My apologies. That’s what I get for being in a hurry (and for doing this at work…!).

    That cake…mmm. I can practically taste it. It looks so dense and moist. Mouthwatering! πŸ™‚

  3. Yum!! I can’t wait to try this. I put in a citrus orchard this spring to go with the pecan grove and will have off the tree blood oranges and satsumas in a few months. Definitely using them to try this out! Thank you!!

  4. The pound cake looks delicious-and I can totally taste the orange flavoring. So I noticed, when I clicked on the egg-white link, it took me to Baking Bites {http://bakingbites.com}….not Our Best Bites {http://www.ourbestbites.com/}.

    1. ACK, thank you! Both are amongst my favorite blogs and I frequently confuse them when directing people! Thank you for letting me know that I had bungled once again πŸ˜‰

  5. The secret recipe club idea sounds like so much fun….your cake looks delish and summery

    Thank you for hosting….I am sharing today my Summer Low Calorie Potato Salad

  6. Rachel, what a wonderful job you did on this cake! I just screams summer. Thanks for your comment on our post, it was the first comment I read today and you made my day! We LOVE your corn salad and will think of you each and every time we serve it. I’m so glad to have met you!

  7. You found my weakness…pound cake. I don’t believe that I have met one that I didn’t like! This sounds scrumptious! SRC is fun! I like the entry you selected!!

  8. oooh, I LOVE pound cake and this sounds fabulous!!

    I was busy yesterday and didn’t get to link up……but I don’t see the linky? did it disappear? lol

    1. Cheryl, it apparently removed itself from my blog overnight {Sigh}

      That happened twice yesterday. Thank you for letting me know! It’s back up πŸ™‚

  9. Yum! That looks delicious. We did a similar lemon cake when I was in Italy that I need to post soon. This week was the orechiette we made though… I’m soooo wanting a blood orange cake right now though πŸ˜‰

  10. I love all things citrus and this looks evil (in a totally nice way) I need some now with my coffee…
    Thanks for sharing and will surely be checking out the rest of your great blog…

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