Welcome to the first guest post of the 2012 Holiday Bake, Craft, Sew Along!

Today, I’m thrilled to introduce y’all to Darlene, from Fieldstone Hill Design!  Darlene is a beautiful soul and her blog reflects her wonderfully!  I’m so thrilled to have her as the initial poster for the Baking Portion of this holiday extravaganza!

Without further ado – I give y’all: Darlene and her Whole, Pure, and Natural Cinnamon Honey Butter recipe!


It is so much fun to join Rachel, Cindy and Kelly, and so many other talented ladies in the Bake, Craft, Sew Along Holiday Extravaganza. And it is especially nice to meet all of YOU!

My name is Darlene and I am the principal interior designer and owner of Fieldstone Hill Design, an eDecorating firm. I have a passion for beautiful homes, and I also have a passion for beautiful living. To me, this means we should allow pure beauty to touch all areas of our lives. Including our food.

Living with beauty, as it relates to the kitchen, means that we should eat natural foods that are pure and real. I try like crazy to comprise the majority of our diet of Whole and Natural foods. This way of living allows us to be beautiful both inside and out!

The holidays are a tricky time of year for Natural/Whole Foodies. But, pure is pure. And pure IS best. So, I want to give my family the best – even more so this time of the year! So, I crafted this recipe below as a way to bless my friends and family with a wonderful, yummy treat that is also all natural:

cinnamon honey butter

This recipe is super easy, and creates a beautiful gift. In the ingredients below, for pure and beautiful eating, I recommend using:

1. Raw Honey, organic


2. Organic, salted butter

cinnamon honey butter

To save the recipe, right click on the image above and save. Then enjoy! I hope it is a quick, easy, affordable and tasty way for you to bless your friends and family this holiday season!

cinnamon honey butter

A special thank you to Rachel, Cindy, and Kelly for hosting the amazing Bake, Craft, Sew Along Holiday Extravaganza! I am thrilled to see all of the inspiration that will kick start the best holiday season yet!

* * * * *

Darlene of Fieldstone Hill Design

Don’t forget to visit Kelly’s blog for Handmade Holiday Craft inspiration & Cindy’s blog for Handmade Sewn Gift Ideas!


  1. My computer must be having issues. It just shows the raw honey and butter and then it skips to “To save the recipe, right click on the image above and save.” So I tried saving the above picture to my computer but I’m guessing the recipe should be showing up where it says cinnamon honey butter in red letters with a line through it?

    1. Oh Amanda 🙁 I’m sorry about that.

      Yes, there’s. recipe card there. It’s showing for me. I’m currently not around my computer or I would send it to you …

    1. I am not an expert, but I would imagine that this could keep as long as regular butter does, since you are only adding ingredients that are pantry ingredients. I don’t know how long it lasts… since ours gets gobbled up FAST! However, I think you could easily make it a week ahead. I have made it up to 4 days ahead. The possible danger in waiting longer would be if the honey starts to separate, I guess {?}. That is my best guess! Good luck!

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