As my entire iPhoto library is still being held captive in outerspace, although Carbonite is hard at work recovering the files, I’m going to share links for today’s Mouthwatering Monday instead of a new recipe. Thanks for understanding, y’all.

What do y’all have for Christmas morning? Do y’all do a giant hot breakfast? A buffet? Brunch?
We always have a huge breakfast with hot coffee and juices and milk, we sit around a beautifully decorated table and everyone fills their stomachs and their hearts.

I thought that I’d share a few delicious recipes for y’all and I’d love to hear about y’all’s Christmas morning treats, too!

7 Cheese, Ham and Hashbrown Bake

This can be made the night before, yay for convenience and cheesy and delicious.

hashbrown casserole wm

Individual Monkey Breads

individual monkey breads

Sausage and Egg Breakfast Casserole


So, what are y’all having for Christmas morning?  And, if y’all don’t celebrate Christmas… tell me YOUR favorite family breakfast!

Hopefully, I’ll have my photo library back soon and I can share what I’ve taken pictures of lately.. and trust me… some of it is crazy good!

Okay, y’all know the Moutwatering Rules —

  • link only your recipe URL
  • link back to in your post so that others can come find the MWM fun, too!
  • leave a comment here
  • Visit at least 3 others participants, trust me, you WON’T be sorry!!!  I’ve found some amazing delicious new (to me) bloggers this way!
  • Happy Monday, y’all!


  1. Yum! You always make me hungry Rachel! Especially before breakfast!
    I usually make a nice breakfast on Christmas morning, but nothing too fancy. These make ahead casseroles are perfect!
    Thanks for hosting and sharing!
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    1. You’re so welcome, April! Thanks for linking up your recipes! I can’t wait to check them out 🙂
      Hope y’all have a fabulous Christmas, too!

  2. Christmas Morning for me over here in the UK is

    Buttery Scrambled Eggs with or without smoked salmon
    Fresh hot buttery Croissants
    Fresh baked Pain au Chocolate
    Fresh Fruit
    Fresh Coffee
    Orange Juice

    This is what I’m making this year, and I can’t wait.

  3. This year we are going to a Christmas Eve brunch at our church and I’m signed up to take a breakfast casserole. So glad you’re featuring breakfasts. Going to try your 7 Cheese and Hashbrown Bake for a change. On Christmas morning we’re going to have Buttermilk Biscuits, that I linked above, crispy bacon, and fruit. I’ll set it out on the kitchen island and the family can eat as they wish. Merry Christmas!

  4. I shared the link to my Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes. This recipe is gluten free but it can also be made with “regular” flour if you don’t have issues with gluten.
    Happy Holidays and thanks for hosting!

  5. I typically make what I call an egg-bake – a breakfast casserole with cheese and eggs and sausage and peppers and whatever else I happen to think sounds yummy while I’m at the grocery store. This year, however, we’ll be out of town visiting the in-laws then trekking to visit *other* in-laws, so my brunch is out. Will have to make something special on the 26th, though!

  6. I make a Sausage Egg breakfast casserole for Christmas morning. It comes out of the fridge & straight into the oven as soon as I get up.

  7. In addition to your wonderful Christmas breakfast, I’m hoping that you and your family are able to have your photo-library recovered. Such beautiful memories captured by you should not be left lost somewhere in cyberspace.

    Best wishes for a lovely Christmas.

  8. That casserole looks delish! Is this your picture you took of the casserole you make?? I would love to know the recipe.

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