Okay so somebody *ahemKimmylyn* *ahemJudithahem* love me and out of some obviously chocolate and/or alcohol induced hysteria nominated me for some blogger’s choice awards.
I am so excited and flattered over this that I dropped Monkey in his high chair, showered him with chocolate and cheetos (okay, 3 cheese twists and a piece of Dove Dark) to keep him happy and came to hurriedly claimed my nominations and pimp my page with my buttons.
Now, I know that since I’ve only been in existence for oh… 3 months (the blog, not me.. duh) that I have about as much chance as Frosty in a sauna. But who cares I’ll still throw my crown, hat in the ring.

I’d like you to meet my campaign manager, Monkey

My Makeup Artist, Princess

So there you have it, my fabulously priceless campaign team

My site was nominated for Hottest Mommy Blogger!

My site was nominated for Best Parenting Blog!

My site was nominated for Best Blog Design!

My site was nominated for Best Food Blog!

Cue the cheesy pleas:
Please take a moment of your time to show me some love, let me know that I’m loved, come on people, I’m not as Fabulous as Fussy, as snarkalicious as Judith, near the photographer that SAM, Nap and Lotus are, but I hold my own dagnabit, and I’m still a blogging infant. Show me some love, come on… everybody needs love sometime. Help me on my road to world domination queen of bloggyland blogging goddessdom.
Was that cheesy enough?


  1. Congrats! Getting nominated is always fun.

    I’m running for “least nominated blog ever” I think, LOL.

  2. good luck on your way up…don't forget us little people who helped you get there…LOL!! keep us posted on how it goes!

  3. I was surprised and honored to see that I have some nominations too! Like you, my blog is just a few months old.
    But, but, but I don’t have a campaign team anywhere close to being as fabulous as yours!

  4. i’m ahead of you, sister…i already voted for you!!!
    btw…i’m having a widget cut and paste malfunction on my computer…i tried getting another widget, something other than the bloggers choice badges…and my computer wouldn’t let me…at least it let me get my award from you…that was nice of mr. macappledaddy!!
    btw…that’s some make up artist you’ve got there…oy vey!!!

  5. Dude, you have a mac, SSS. Ah. I know naught about Mac’s except my Granny has one and me no likey.

    She’s something isn’t she. It’s like makeup by prostitots r us. Oh well.
    I love her and she had more fun!

  6. If that picture of you and your daughter doesn’t find a frame somewhere in your house . . . it’s so cute!


  7. Congrats!!!
    Well deserved.

    I love the makeup pictures! FAB-U-LOUS.
    Please tell me you went out on the town like that.

  8. Amy ~ honey, I went to the grocery store like that because I forgot. I remembered immediately after the first person I passed in the parking lot ran her cart into the parked car she was passing.
    I ran so fast back to my car! Thank goodness for baby wipes.

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