Hey y’all! I can’t believe it!!!! It’s the LAST post in the Baking edition of the Handmade Holiday Extravaganza! Oh, my goodness!!!  Well, I don’t want to say that we’ve saved the best for last but, these ladies are definitely among my favorites and they are “Our Best Bites” *wink wink*  I hope y’all’s bookmarks can stand up to all of the amazing-ness that Kelly and Cindy and I have hosted over the last couple of weeks.  Over 40 bloggers, 40+posts and gift ideas to make your holidays easier, more delicious and more beautiful.


Hey y’all! (Of course we had to start our post like that since we’re here on A Southern Fairytale!)

When it comes to holiday goodie-giving it seems like people are always looking for quick and easy ones.  This is possibly the easiest little treat you’ll come across and they taste a-maz-ing! They can be made in about 10 minutes and with only 3 ingredients.  How can you beat that?  These are great to put in cute containers for gift-giving or to snack on at holiday parties.  Kids and adults alike will gobble them right up!

Easy Pretzel Turtles

small pretzels
Rolo candies – one bag has about 55 candies
Topping options: pecan halves, peanuts, cashews, m&m’s, etc.
Optional: almond bark or white chocolate for drizzling

This is easy as can be! Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Place pretzels on a parchment lined baking sheet. I like to use parchment paper for easy handling, but you can also put them on foil, a silpat, or directly onto the cookie sheet.

Unwrap your Rolo candies and place one on top of each pretzel like a cute little hat.

Don’t they look like they’re just standing there waiting for an order? At least someone in my house stands at attention because heaven knows my children don’t!

Place pan in the oven for 3-4 minutes. Any longer is probably too long. You just want the chocolate on the outside to look glossy and melty, but they should still hold their shape.

Remove pan from oven and take a pecan and gently press it right into the center of the chocolate candy.

Keep going and be filled with joy each time you feel that gooey caramel squish out underneath your fingers. It’s one of life’s little pleasures.

Here’s where you can be creative. Use whatever nuts or candies you like on top.  I love cashews and peanuts (I used honey roasted peanuts here). And for kiddos and those who can’t eat nuts or don’t like them, M&M’s make a great little topper, or those mini Hershey’s kissables are cute too. I always throw a few of those in for color and because the kids like them. And if it’s not Christmas time, use the colorful ones- they’re adorable!

If you want to get fancy you can give them a little drizzle of almond bark or white chocolate. Just melt some in a plastic baggie and nip the corner off to drizzle. A little goes a long way; I used a half a square of almond bark for half a batch and had plenty left over.

Now definitely do yourself a favor and eat a few of these babies warm off the pan. Mmmm… Wait for the rest to cool and harden before you pack or plate them up. I pop them in the fridge because I stink at the whole patience thing.

These are so cute that I love to package them in little peep-window boxes. You can find boxes like this at craft stores like Michaels.

Or just pop them in a bowl or on a plate for a party. Either way they’ll be gone fast! And just look how fancy-schmancy they look. No one has to know you whipped them up so fast 🙂


Meet the adorable and lovely ladies from Our Best Bites

Sara Wells and Kate Jones are friends who live on opposite ends of the country, but meet up on-line to co-author the blog Our Best Bites. As mothers to young children, they aim to create family friendly meals that are as fun to make as they are to eat. Their goal is to show people that cooking great tasting food can be enjoyable, and it’s a great way to bring family and friends together. You can also find Sara and Kate on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. So cute and you are right…so easy yet they do make a perfect gift idea, especially for those who love the combination of sugar and salt all in one little snack. Who could eat just a few though! Great post and thanks to everyone for this amazing Holiday Hook Up Event. Thoroughly enjoyed it and have some great gift ideas to follow up on before December!

  2. These look delicious and would make a great gift for a neighbor, teacher, etc….I’ll bet you can’t each just one of these….LOL

  3. OHMIGOSH! That? is the most clever thing ever! I am soooo doing that and soon! Kessa was walking by and I showed her and we are making some serious plans for holiday gifts!

  4. I can’t get over how super all these ideas are! It’s always great when you ask people to contribute an item with a theme – in this case Christmas desserts – and everyone has a different offering to contribute. So unlike those potlucks where a dozen people bring meatloaf, or that same jello salad….

  5. I have had these tagged in my reader since the summer. Now that I’m finally getting around to holiday baking I’ve lost track of how many batches we have made for gift baskets. Rather than using regular pretzels, we used Rold Gold Butter Checkers. They are absolutely amazing, so quick and easy, and they’re a perfect one for the kids to help with! Thanks!

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