Red Mixing Bowls

I love kitchen goodies.

I L-O-V-E pretty kitchen goodies

pretty, pretty anthropologie and Williams Sonoma

I love Cherries


So, it stands to reason, that I really love today’s post.

The one where I tell y’all about a Recipe Contest that the Cherry Marketing Institute is having right now.Β  The one where 3 people are going to win $500, a set of high performance cookware in CHERRY RED and have a professional food photographer photograph their recipe.

um… why are you still here?

You should be here entering the contest or in your kitchen creating a recipe for the contest because it’s kind of awesome!! The contest is open until February 20th so — get movin’!

Now, not everyone can create an award winning recipe, so — I have another opportunity for you to win some pretty cherry red items, too.

recipe box All courtesy of the Cherry Marketing Institute.

  • that gorgeously detailed recipe box
  • a set of 4 cherry red mixing bowls
  • cherry red measuring spoon and cup set
  • 3 Williams Sonoma Spatulas in Cherry Red
  • Anthropologie Pot Holders (gorgeous)

pretty, pretty anthropologie and Williams Sonoma

When these beauties showed up on my doorstep Saturday, I did two things:Β  1) Squealed with Glee 2)Started Cooking.

Cherry Red Teaspoons

This stuff is GORGEOUS, if you look, you’ll see the bowls featured in yesterday’s Guacamole recipe.

Want to win?

Nitty Gritty:Β  This giveaway will remain open until Friday, February 11th at 10 PM CST.

Each entry must be left in a SEPARATE comment.

Mandatory Entry:

  • Do you have a favorite recipe that you use cherries in? Tell me about it

Bonus entries:

  • Enter the cherry recipe contest and come tell me what recipe you entered into the contest
  • Tweet about this contest and link the tweet url in a separate comment
  • ‘Like’ Choose Cherries on FB, tell them where you came from and then leave me a comment letting me know that you did it
Full Disclosure: I received the same goodies that I am giving away. My opinions and enthusiasm, 100% my own and as always, not for sale


    1. Oh my, as I hit post, I realized dish to use cherries in meant recipe to add them to and not container. I don’t know why I thought otherwise. I feel so silly.

  1. I made sour cherry liqueur this summer that tastes like drinking sunshine. Mmmmm good!

  2. I haven’t really cooked with cherries except cherry pie. I just love to eat cherries fresh.

  3. This is a desperate entry. Red. I need red. My kitchen accent color is red. This give away was made for ME.

    Cherry Recipe?
    Um, only cherry pie comes to mind. No, wait – I put cherries on cheesecake. πŸ™‚

    Oh and wait – I love making the beautiful, festive grown up drink:
    Cherry 7-UP (hey that’s “Cherry”!)
    cranberry juice
    Raspberry liquor (we like Chambord)
    drop in a cherry or two in the glass to make it pretty

  4. I have smoothie that I make in the summer that is cherry- banana- vanilla. I use vanilla greek yogurt, ice, a half cup milk, one frozen banana, and a whole bunch (1-2 handfuls) of pitted cherries…yum. I wish it were a bit warmer right now for this!

  5. Spread some love on the Choose Cherries FB wall.

    This is probably the most hoops I’ve jumped through for a giveaway. Can you tell I’m excited?!

    *fingers crossed*

  6. Funny enough the only cherry recipe I have that stands out is a cherry cheesecake that my mom used to make when I was a kid. It was my favorite and I always asked for it as my birthday treat. Funny enough now as an adult I don’t really love cheesecake, and it was made with canned cherry pie filling, not so yummy as an adult either! I should try to recreate the recipe and use ricotta or marscapone and real cherries!

  7. I’m going grocery shopping this weekend. If I can invent anything worth a darn, I’ll submit it in the contest, too.

    I have an idea…

  8. I love freezing fresh cherries and then eating them that way in the summer. It’s such a cool treat!

  9. I have only really had cherries on cheesecake. Never had any other recipes with cherries in it besides desert. Although a wine/cherry sauce for some steak sounds good. I will need to try to make a recipe for it! πŸ™‚

  10. I have never cooked with cherries, I’m embarrassed to say. It always seems so complicated–sour cherries are almost impossible to find frozen, yet everything I read says those are the only cherries worth cooking with. What’s a girl to do?

  11. I only discovered that I like cherries in the past 2 or 3 years (I know, right!). I thought I didn’t like them because I don’t like those ones that go in drinks. But then I tried Rainier cherries and *drool*. Then I moved on to Bing – also happiness. So now I look forward to cherries – except for pitting them for my kids…it slows down my cherry eating. They need to learn to do it themselves πŸ˜‰

  12. There was a cherry “coffee cake” thing that I remember my mom making when I was a kid. She, of course, made it for a church function and I got maybe 2 square inches of it but it was sooooo yummy. Then several years ago, I was visiting my sister-in-law and she was making something to take to her MOPS group. Turns out, it was pretty much the exact same “coffee cake” I remembered my mom making. I asked her for recipe, made it once myself and then never made it again. Boo on me!

    I made a cherry compote last summer from fresh cherries. We spooned it over homemade vanilla ice cream, though I admit, I ate a fair bit of it straight from the pan!

  13. I don’t have a recipe but I love a big ol bowl of cherries!

    Oh and try adding cherries to lemonade or lemonade slush…it’s awesome!

  14. I actually dislike Cherries in every form. Does that mean I’m disqualified?

    I have made some really pretty cookies with cherries on them, but I never eat cherries.

  15. YES! Its called cherry cream crumble pie oh my. My honey loves it because its not super sweet like fruit pies can be sometimes, and it doesnt have any artificial dyes, though I have no problem with that and will inhale anything…im done now.

  16. Yum! Love this!

    My recipe is called cherry delight and it is a long standing family favorite and is required at Christmas and Easter and everyone’s birthdays.

    Graham Cracker Crust, topped with a yummy mixture of cream cheese/powdered sugar/ and dream whip, topped by cherry pie filling. Easy and simple and everybody always asks for it.

  17. Cherry chocolate cake…what could be better than cherries and chocolate? Well…maybe cherries on top of cheesecake….or just plain ole cherries. Mmm!!!

  18. Well just yesterday I made some homemade granola bars. And for the fun extra ingredients I chopped up the rest of the Bliss dark chocolate and some dried cherries. So dark chocolate, dried cherry granola bars. Needless to say they are almost gone.

  19. My favorite cherry recipe is a Black Forest Trifle. I haven’t made it for years, but it might make an appearance on Valentine’s Day!

  20. Right out of the oven gooey cherry crumble…. Oh, and fresh cherry mojitos!
    Also? When my girls were little I used to dress them in these darling cherry-patterned rompers. They’re still in therapy over it.

  21. My mom always made “cherries in the snow” it was one of my favorite desserts! I just recently found her recipe for it and was so excited! Not the healthiest dessert but so nummy πŸ™‚

  22. OMG….these are so beautiful!!! I can’t wait to cook with these beauties! If they arrived at my front door, I would do just what you did! LOL Really hope I’ll win. So, back to answering your question…my favorite all time cherry recipe is a sour cherry pie. Really love that tangy flavor.

  23. Just “liked” the choose cherries page on Facebook! Hm…I really really love this giveaway, and cherries! Thank you. πŸ™‚

  24. I love dried cherries on salad! Looking forward to seeing some of the recipes that include cherries. Vi love experimenting in the kitchen!

  25. I can’t recall ever using cherries in a recipe, so no, I don’t have a favorite recipe that includes cherries.

  26. I really donΒ΄t have a favorite cherry recipe, cause I usually eat them fresh, but IΒ΄m loving those cherry red utensiles, so cute

  27. Ummm…I don’t actually like cherries. I do love Cherry Coke – does that count? But I LOVE red. My dining room is red, and my kitchen is yellow with red accents. Red is my color. Therefore, I NEED (ha!) these goodies!!! πŸ˜‰

  28. My recipe is a throw together thing like most of my cooking, since following directions is not my strong suit. I needed something to jazzy up the grilled salmon we had the other night. It’s my 5 yo sons favorite and he will eat a pound of it if you let him. So we eat it a lot. Ok, so here goes… Man up the grille, nice & hot. Prepare the sauce: 8oz Cherry preserves (no sugar added), 4oz chili sauce, 2oz apple butter. Stir. The cherries add the tart, the chili sauce adds the kick, and the apple butter adds a clovey richness that no one expects. Slather skin-side of salmon 1.5 lb slab with olive oil, throw it on the grill (med heat), & heavily coat the top with the oh-so-tasty cherry goodness & close the grill. Leave it. Walk away from the grill. I promise the salmon with not run away from the flames. Check in 10 mins. Coat with more cherry goodness, turn off the flames, close the lid & walk away again. The salmon will finish cooking in the indirect heat. Remove from grill when it’s fleshy side is flaky. Also, the skin will be crispy & peels off easily.

    I always have left over sauce. I use it on chicken or fish or in stir-fry. Even to dip chicken tenders in. Keeps well in the frig for a month or so. Give it a try!

  29. We love my mom’s Pretzel Torte! It has a crust of crushed pretzels, sugar, and melted butter, with a filling and topping of sugar, cream cheese, whipped topping (and something else I’m forgetting), and a layer of cherry pie filling in there. It is SO GOOD!

  30. Honestly I don’t think I have any recipes that I make with cherries in them πŸ™ I love cherry salad dressings though (I have one that I should try making). I am inspired to possibly create a recipe for this contest from a childhood favorite that we bought at the store – not saying what it is so that the inspiration is not stolen πŸ™‚

  31. My family love cherry dump cake. It isn’t the most fancy dessert, but so yummy. Just a cake of cherry pie filling, dry yellow cake mix sprinkled on top, cover with dots of butter and bake! Delish.

  32. I like to chop up cherries and add them to a traditional vanilla box cake recipe. It makes a very pretty Valentine’s Day cake! The whole family loves it πŸ™‚

  33. I made this cherry pie once. OMG, it was to die for. Tart and sweet and yummmmy! Now I want some.

  34. A favorite recipe with cherries…hmmm… my favorite way to use cherries is hot fudge sundaes with cherries on top!

  35. I love to make volcano cookies. Two sugar cookies (unbaked) the one has a small hole in the center. put 2 cherries (with sauce) from a can of cherry pie filling on the whole cookie, then put the holed cookie on top and smoosh to seal. Bake and enjoy the yumminess!

  36. My favorite cherry recipe isn’t anything super special – it’s a creamy pie in a graham cracker crust with cherry filling on top. I don’t even know what it’s called -I just know that my grandmother has made it for Christmas every year of my life, so it automatically reminds me of her. Love = the best treat. πŸ™‚

  37. Cherry Fluff is a super quick and delcious not to mention pretty dessert you can take anywhere! 1 can cherry pie filling, 1 can sweet milk, 1 carton whipped topping, 1 can crushed pineapple, super drained, 1/2 cup of crushed nuts, mix together, serve in a pretty bowl! The cherries give it a pretty color!

  38. Super quick cherry cookie recipe, basic cookie recipe, add red and green chopped cherries and roll dough into a log, roll in coconut, refrigerate 2-24 hrs, slice paper thin and bake! Beautiful with the red and green cherries and delcious!

  39. I’m not entering the contest, just wanted to say that it is a great one and like you, I love pretty and different kitchen accessories. Red is such a vibrant colour and these prizes are just gorgeous!

  40. I have to 2nd Kathy, I LOVE cherries on my sundaes πŸ™‚ LOVE red accessories in my kitchen, just got myself a red butter croc so would love some other red cooking gadgets to go with it! GREAT giveaway πŸ™‚

  41. Like some of the others, I prefer fresh cherries and could eat a bucket full of them! However, I do have a favorite “old” recipe that uses a bottle of cherries (juice and all) with vanilla pudding and yummy fresh and/or fruits to make a delicious, easy fruit salad. I have a black & white kitchen with red (my very favorite color) accents, so I really do NEED the red goodies!! Have a happy week!

  42. I have to go with Cherry Perserve Chicken.. Yes please, with a Cherry on Top!! πŸ™‚ Roasting a chicken with fresh cherries and cherry perserves, makes for a sweet juicy chicken that goes great with salads! YUM!!

  43. would you believe i’ve never used cherries in a recipe? i just can’t keep them around long enough to actually cook with them! LOL, yummy. love the contest πŸ™‚

  44. I don’t care for cherries too much, but LOVE them over a cheesecake! That’s about the only time I eat them, other than in fruit cocktail!

  45. I love cherries in desserts or in this pork dish I make. Its a cherry and apple stuffed pork. So yummy! Thanks

  46. Pink Fruit Salad : 1 can of cherry pie filling, 1 can of sweetened condensed milk, 1 tub of cool whip, large can of fruit cocktail, large can of pineapple chunks, a few handfuls of mini-marshmallows. mix pie filling, sweetened milk and cool whip first then add fruit and mallows! yummy in the tummy πŸ™‚

  47. It’s not a tough recipe by any means, but I add dried cherries to my oatmeal in the mornings for a sweet kick – LOVE IT. Also, love that little photo montage of the time in Michigan and how I wish we could go back!

  48. You know, besides cherry pie I’ve never cooked anything with cherries before. I do love them and I think something with cherries and quinoa might be yummy to try. I’ll have to look for some recipes.

  49. I’m not a big fan of cherries once they are cooked. I prefer them dried or right off the stem. So, my favorite recipes with them are dried and put in a cookie or trail mix and right off the stem and into a salad or on top of ice cream. πŸ™‚

  50. i make a simple yet unique cherry pie.

    sweetheart cherry pie

    1 can of cherry pie filling- sugar-free
    1 can of dark sweet cherries, drained
    2 pie crusts

    mix drained cherries with pie filling. spoon in crust as per directions on crust and decorate top with a cute design. bake as directed. the result is the tastiest 2 tone cherry pie ever. easy!

  51. I love using cherries in a loaf bread, I actually sub the cherries in my blueberry bread recipe. Very cakelike bread, that I secretly eat for breakfast! So funny I have had cherries on the brain! Thanks for sharing!

  52. Cherry dump cake–you know the basic can of cherry pie filling then top with a white cake mix and butter–oh yum- topped with vanilla ice cream when it is warm. Can’t be anything better than that and so easy!!!

  53. I just blogged about my newly found love for all things red in the kitchen. So, yes please! My favorite is actually my mom’s recipe for cherry soup. Yep, soup! It’s a Hungarian recipes using sour cherries. Growing up, we had a sour cherry tree in our back yard. Aaaand, a lot of stomach aches from, you know, eating too many πŸ˜‰ Thanks for sharing!!!!

  54. Hi!

    Just couldn’t resist NOT entering your “Cherry” Giveaway Contest! Just entered my “Cherry~luscious Salsa” recipe in the “Choose Cherries” Recipe Contest…I love all things Cherry….edible or not! Appreciate the opportunity and your blog-great stuff πŸ™‚

  55. Hi Rachael,

    Just went to Choose Cherries’ FB Page & posted… “I love Cherries and “Like”d You thanks to A Southern Fairytale Blog ;)” ~ thanks..again!

  56. I make something called a cherry cheese ring that is so yummy! my whole family loves it.

  57. I love cherries! I add them to home made yogurt with just a tiny bit of sugar by soaking pitted cherries in a tablespoon of sugar. About a cup of cherries with a pint of yogurt and yum!

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